CCRS Sacraments

Led by Father Paul and Kate Williamson

The purpose of this module is to develop participants’ understanding and appreciation of sacrament in the life of Catholics as a sign of Christ’s continuing presence with the Church.

By the end of the module students should:

  1. understand the symbolic use of word and action in everyday life;
  2. understand the relevance and purpose of the seven sacraments in the life of the individual and the Christian community;
  3. have explored the theology of initiation
  4. be able to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance

We will cover:

  • Consideration of the meaning of sacrament and investigation of the sacramental dimension of life - sign, symbol, myth, story, rituals, festivals, sacred time, place and space
  • The Paschal Mystery at the heart of the Christian understanding of Jesus as the Sacrament of God
  • Insights into the history, current practice, pastoral and ecumenical perspectives of sacraments of initiation, healing and service


As ever you will need to look at the Catechism and Vatican 2 documents (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Lumen Gentium). Hayes and Gearon has 5 chapters relating to Sacraments and the one by Martos is well worth reading. You might find both Guzie and Boff to be fairly easy reading.


Beguerie, P & Duchensneau, C (1989) How to Understand the Sacraments London: SCM Press

Boff, Leonardo (1996) Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments

Cabié, R et al (1988) The Sacraments Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press

Crichton, J (1985) Christian Celebration: The Sacraments London: Chapman

De Gidio, S (1991) Sacraments Alive Mystic, Connecticut: Twentythird Publications

Guzie, T (1981) The Book of Sacramental Basics New York: Paulist Press

Guzie, T (1974) Jesus and the Eucharist New York: Paulist Press

Hayes, M and Gearon, L (1998) Contemporary Catholic Theology: A ReaderLeominster: Gracewing

Kain, A (1993) Appreciating God's Presence Victoria: Collin Dove

Lavin, Margaret (2009) What we believe: practical theology for teachers Toronto Novalis

McBrien, Richard (1994) Catholicism

Schillebeeckx, E (Ed) (1963): Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter with God London: Sheed & Ward


(1992) This is the Night Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications


This module will be assessed by means of a 1500 word essay on a topic agreed with the tutor. There is a list of possible assignment topics on the website but you could chose one of your own once this is agreed with the tutor.

This task will be marked on a pass/fail basis and will address these criteria:

  • an understanding of signs and symbols as powerful and essential in mediating God’s presence;
  • a familiarity with, and understanding of, the RCIA as the norm for initiation into the community of the Church;
  • an understanding of the relationship of sacraments to the covenant and the Paschal mystery.
  • An ability to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance.

Sequence of sessions

Session 1Kate

Some basic ideas which from the background to understanding of Sacraments. We will look at the idea of grace; of sacramentality; of mystery; of incarnation; the Paschal Mystery as the root of all sacraments.

Session 2Father Paul

We will look at man/people as ‘meaning makers’, as beings whose lives are committed to the creation of meaning. The tools we use to achieve this are symbols and we will look closely at what these are, how we sue them and what happens when they stop working. ‘Mysterion’ and ‘Sacramentum’

Session 3Kate

We come back to the ecclesial function of sacraments: Christ the sacrament of God and the Church as the sacrament of Jesus. These ideas were of great importance to he Second Vatican Council and we will look briefly at Sacrosanctum Concilium and remind ourselves of the first two chapters of Lumen Gentium.

Then we turn to Baptism, the sacrament of initiation, to illustrate what we have discussed.

Session 4Father Paul

We turn now to Eucharist, our constant nurturing and bonding sacrament.

Having looked at Baptism and Eucharist we will consider the process of initiation and the RCIA.

Depending on time and student request we will then look at one other sacrament of some related issues of catechesis and learning.

There won’t be much history in this short module so if you feel this is important to you, you should look at one of the books which gives an overview. Have a word with Father Paul or Kate.

Assignment Suggestions

  1. Give an overview of the development of the Sacramental in the life of the Church through its history to the present day.
  1. Outline the development of the theology relating to any one of the Seven Sacraments in the history of the Church to the present day.
  1. Comment on the use and relevance of the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults as the norm for the reception of unbaptised people into the Church.
  1. Consider the sacramentality of creation, relating it to our use of signs and symbols in the administration of the Sacraments, with special reference to their integral place and effects in the Sacraments.
  1. Choose any one of the Sacraments and, having studied its Rite and experienced or witnessed its administration, explain how your understanding of the Sacrament has been affected.
  1. What is grace? Consider this with reference to the grouping of the Sacraments into:

a)Sacraments of Initiation

b)Sacraments of Healing

c)Sacraments of Service

  1. Examine in depth any one of the sacraments from any particular angle
  1. What are the important challenges to catechesis of the Sacraments today? You may wish to choose between adults and children to think about this.

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