Operating Experience Committee (OEC) Conference Call Minutes

March 11, 2008

The following personnel sent e-mails saying that they participated in the March 11conference call. If the list is incomplete or inaccurate, please notify Jeannie Boyle at .

Adachi, John / Chicago Office / Chicago Operations Office
Alp, Asu / Argonne Site Office / Argonne National Laboratory
Blount, Patricia / LANL / Los Alamos National Securities
Boyle, Eugenia / DOE HQ / HSS
Bradley, Joanne Schutt / Oak Ridge - ORNL / Bechtel-Jacobs
Brown, Richard / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
Burnett, Doris / NTS / NSTec
Cassingham, Bertha / CBFO/ WIPP / TRU Solutions
Chimah, Paul / ServiceCenter / ServiceCenter
Cochran, Teresa J. / Oak Ridge - ORNL / UT-Battelle/ ORNL
Cole, Matt / DOE HQ / SC
Collier, Linda / LANL / Los Alamos National Security
Cooper, William / SR / Savannah River Operations Office
Drago, Joe / Chicago Office / Chicago Operations Office
Du Bose, Rick / DOE HQ / FE PSO
Forshey, Cathy / PPPO / Theta Pro2Serve Mgmt Co
Freeman, Jeff / LLNL / LawrenceLivermore National Security
Hauptman, Steve / Stanford Site Office (SSO) / Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory
Haynes, Rick / PSO / Pantex Site office
Hicks, Clyde / Kansas City Plant (KCP) / Honeywell
Hutto, Rod / SR / EM's M&O Contractor (Washington Group)
Lauterbach, Paul / NETL / Albany, Fairbanks, Morgantown, Pittsburgh, & Tulsa
Lopez-Cardona, Emma / DOE HQ / EM
Lowry, Dennis / SPR / DynMcDermott
McVey, Jim / PPPO / Swift & Staley (SST)
Miller, Ron / INL / BBWI/AMWTF
Oldham, Steven / Oak Ridge / ORO
Ordaz, John / DOE HQ / NA PSO
Padilla-Vigil, Yolanda / SNL / Sandia National Labs. (SNL)
Pearson, John / Oak Ridge / ORAU
Polanish, Carolyn / Brookhaven Site Office / BHSO
Rizzi, Tom / Stanford Site Office (SSO) / SSO
Roggenkamp, Ken / KSO / Kansas City Site Office
Rotella, Tom / DOE HQ / NA PSO
Selman, Chuck / Savannah River / Wackenhut Services, Inc
Sheehan, Kathy / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
Shidal, Suzanne / PPPO / Paducah Remediation Services (PRS)
Staffo, Gary / DOE HQ / EE
Stanberry, Tom / PPPO / Swift & Staley (SST)
Sterling, Michael / ORO / Parallax
Strizak, Carolyn / Oak Ridge - ORNL / UT-Battelle/ ORNL
Sullivan, Sally / YuccaMountain Project / Bechtel/SAIC
Taylor, Karen / Pantex / BXWT
Tripodes, Jim / LLNL / LawrenceLivermore National Security
Whitney, Gerry / RL / Fluor Hanford Inc.
Wilhelm, Don / Stanford Site Office (SSO) / SSO

The next scheduled conference call is April 8, 2008, 11 a.m. EST, and the call-in number is (301) 903-9198. Note: To save time at the next membership meeting, everyone is asked to e-mail their name and their company name or government organization to Jeannie Boyle at the beginning of the conference call to make the roll call and welcome process less time consuming. Eugenia Boyle, DOE HS-32, E-Mail: , phone number (301) 903-3393.

Action Items

  1. Send Jeannie Boyle an e-mail to state that you were on this call and with information about whether you are a Designated Operating Experience (OPEX) Coordinator or an Associate Member of the Operating Experience Committee (OEC).
  2. Include in that e-mail whether you will or will not attend the OEC working meeting at Oak Ridge on Monday, March 24.
  3. Indicate your program’s Operations, Site, or Project Office i.e., Argonne Site Office (ASO), Brookhaven Site Office (BHSO), Livermore Site Office (LSO), Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (PNSO), etc.
  4. Copy your Program Office OPEX Coordinator on your e-mail.

Soon Jeannie will stop using the Society for Effective Lessons Learned Sharing (SELLS) Server to send e-mails so send your information soon or you will no longer receive the information.. Jeannie has established Outlook contact lists of Designated OPEX Coordinators as well as Associate Members to communicate meeting announcements/ minutes, and other communication.


Currently there are 30 people whohave stated that they are attending the Operating Experience Committee meeting in Oak Ridge, which will be held on March 24, 2008, during the week of theEFCOG ISM/QA Working Group Meeting, March 25-27, 2008. Seven others may also be attending.

A steering/executive committee will be established with members from Headquarters, the Field Offices, and the contractors. Anyone who wants to participate on the steering/executive committee or other Task Teams as established should send an e-mail to Jeannie. The new OEC will need volunteers. Everyone was encouraged to discuss with their managers to see how they can best support the OEC.

Planning for the Operating Experience Committee Meeting, which will be held coincidental with the ISM meeting in Idaho during the week of August25,is on the agenda for theOak Ridge meeting. Personnel who may not be attending the March 24 meeting are requested to send their ideas for the August OEC Meeting as soon as possible.

New requirements contained in Order 210.2, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program, and a plan for accomplishing those requirements will also be discussed at the Oak Ridgemeeting. Linda Collier volunteered to lead that discussion.

Jerry Whitney will demonstrate the lessons learned system/software being developed at PNNL/Fluor Hanford. Fluor modified the system that PNNL had developed.

A discussionon the expectations and needs for the DOE LL databasewill be conducted. The good features of the existing system will be identified and needed improvements will be discussed. There are lessons learned needs by other DOE programs and this will be a time to begin capturing those needs in order to create a system that will satisfy multiple needs.

Tom D’Agostino has presented his expectations for the NNSA implementation of DOE Order 210.2 by letter to the field offices. Patricia Blount suggested that John Ordaz, NNSA HQ, discuss these expectations so that personnel understand the NNSA vision and expectations.

Jeannie asked if the Criteria Review Approach Document (CRADS) for Environmental Management had been completed and could be a starting place for the establishment of CRADS to be used by all assessment groups in their review of sites/contractors and the implementation status of O 210.2.

Dennis Lowry, SPRO, indicated that the volume ofoperating experience documents and lessons learned is high. Dennis did not consider some of the documents to be true lessons learned. At the meeting in Oak Ridge, consideration will be given to writing a better definition of a lesson. Rick Haines at Pantex had a similar concern with the type of items that were included in the lessons learned program. Rick did not believe that a lessons learned was applicable when personnel did not follow a procedure. Linda Collier stated that perhaps this was more of a need to address a human performance improvement. A suggestion was made to have a screening committee review lessons before they are published to reduce the volume of lessons learned.

Dennis also said that after screening and sending out operating experiences/lessons learned, he had no way of proving who opened the documents and if they were used. Several other people discussed their processes for screening and disseminating LL. Rod Hutto, Savannah River Site, stated he has a staff of 1 ½ people who screen 3,000 documents a year, send them out, documents the process in a database and believes his program to be very strong. HS-64 also approvalof Rod’s program. Rod believes the effort that they expend to review lessons is valuable. For example, a recent lesson was about a defectiveToyota forklift door. Rod sent it to his personnel who use forklifts and they inspected all the doors, assuring that they did not have the same problem. Rod does not see it as a negative that he reviews so many documents to implement the OPEX/LL program. Rod has agreed to present on his program at the Fall OEC Meeting.

There was also discussion about setting up a separate meeting for the federal OPEX Coordinators to discuss their role in the OPEX program. Carolyn Polanish and Victoria Niemann had both suggested this way to share ideas and a path forward for federal implementation of O. 210. 2.

Teresa Cochran discussed the logistics at Oak Ridge. She has requested a list of attendees from Jeannie. This list will be provided to the ORNLVisitorsCenter. Personnel with a DOE badge can enter with the badge and photo identification. If personnel do not have a DOE badge, then must provide their name, affiliation, social security, birth date and contact number. Everyone must remove their TLD.

There is a parking lot across from the ConferenceCenter. The phone number there is (865) 574-7199 and the e-mail is X10Visit@ ORNL.Gov.

When you check in at the visitor’s center you will be issued a proxy card which can be used for the conference room which is above the cafeteria. The room is very large.

Jeannie Boyle stated that she must brief the Defense Board and wanted to discuss the contents of the briefing with Environmental Management and NNSA.

Next conference call is scheduled for April 8, 2008; phone number (301) 903-9198.

Doris Burnet

(702) 295-5580

National Security Technologies