Sample theme B:Going on a school exchange[1]
Sample activities or tasks: Complete a mock online enquiry form for an exchange; role-play a Skype call in target language (TL); conversation with family about how the exchange is going; research and use information about the exchange destination; role-play interactions with host family; role-play school and classroom interactions in TL country; write a blog about the exchange; write an email to host family in TL country; prepare a presentation on cultural differences between home country and TL country…STRAND / ELEMENT / LEARNING OUTCOMES
(From the Specification for Junior Cycle MFL) / COMPETENCES
(Informed by the CEFR) / SAMPLE EXPONENTS
competence / Listening / 1.2 Recognise frequently used words and phrases related to areas of immediate relevance and experience, including the language of routine classroom interactions
1.3 Identify specific information in texts related to familiar topics such as announcements, conversations, simple news items / Students can understand the main point in announcements
Students can understand (and give) simple instructions / We will collect you at the station
Set the table please
Sit down
Open the door
Mobile phones are not allowed
Meet outside the school at 8am
The school will be closed
Reading / 1.7 Identify specific information in a range of texts dealing with familiar topics
1.8 Source and use authentic texts to explore topics of relevancethrough a range of media / Students can search for and find specific information in everyday material
Students can understand regulations when expressed in simple language
Students can isolate the information required from a brochure or website / Host family
Pocket money
Daily, weekly, monthly
Emergency contact number
If you need assistance
Travel documents
Internet search
It is forbidden to…
Email address
Spoken production / 1.10 Convey simple descriptions, presentations or announcements on familiar topics / Students can give a simple presentation or description using simple phrases / It is a big city/ town
The weather is usually
There are Y people in the host family
We will arrive in X on (date)
We will be there for Y days
Spoken interaction / 1.12 Use simple polite formsin formal and informal situations such as greetings, thanks, introductions and respond appropriately
1.15 Take part in routine classroom interactions such as pair and group work, asking questions, language games and activities, asking for help and repetition where necessary / Students can engage in routine social interactions and ask for repetition or clarification to aid understanding
Students can make and respond to suggestions
Students can agree and disagree with others
Students can manage simple and routine exchanges in the classroom / My name is…
I come from …
I am an exchange student
I will be here for a month
Can you speak a little slower?
I’m sorry I don’t understand.
How do you say?
What does X mean?
Excuse me could you help me
It is your turn.
Can I ask you….?
May I go first?
I agree/ disagree
In my opinion
How will you get there?
What time is lunch at?
Writing / 1.20 Write short descriptions of past, present and future events, activities and personal experiences as well as imaginative texts
1.22 Produce and edit texts and interact with othersin writing using appropriate digital technologies / Students can write short simple blog entries
Students can send short simple emails and text messages to convey important information
Students can write short simple emails expressing thanks
Students can use the past and future tenses
Students can describe events in the past / Blog entry
Click here
I will go
I went
See you later
There is a meeting after school
I will be late home this evening
I will get the last train
I missed the bus
Thank you
I really enjoyed my stay
I really improved my (TL)
I would like to go on/I like going on this trip because…
Language awareness / Comparing the target language with other languages they know
Reflecting on how they learn language / 2.5 Compare grammar and vocabulary of the target language with that of other languages they know, making connections and distinctions as appropriate
2.7 Monitor and assess their own learning, using feedback they receive to reflect on what they need to improve and set goals for improvement / Students can identify similarities and differences in language structure
Students can set and monitor individual learning goals / Nouns are either masculine or feminine or plural
I noticed that…..
The word for X sounds like the same word in language Y
My goal is ….
At the end of the exchange I hope that I …..
I find this difficult because …
I enjoyed working on this because…
Socio-cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness / Learning about relevant facts / 3.2 Discover and use facts and figures related to the target country/countries such as statistical data, festivals, inventions, famous people / Students can research and use basic facts about the country/countries of the TL / [2]The population of X is…
Y & Z are famous people from country X
The most popular (TL) singer/band is…
To celebrate…
Comparing their culture with that of the country/countries related to the target language / 3.9 Appreciate how cultural differences influence social relations, such as in greetings and eating together / Students can appreciate cultural and social differences / In X country people greet each other by …2
Shaking hands
The school day in X is…
In X country the main meal is at Y time
[1]In this sample theme, the CEFR competences are mainly at A2 level.
[2]This could be in the target language and based on information from engaging with learning outcome 3.2 from the socio-cultural strand.