Welcome to Mrs. Epstein’s Super

Second Grade Class

Welcome back. I am very excited to be backand am looking forward

to working with your child this year. Here is a quick look at some important

information that is needed to ensure we have a SUPER Year.

Monday Memo

Every Monday your child will come home with a Monday Memo. (It will be a different color each week.) This will be filled with important information. On this page, you will find all of the skills, homework assignments, vocabulary, spelling words, and test dates for the week. You will also find an “Upcoming Events” section to keep you informed of important dates to add to your calendar. My contact information can be found on this page, as well.

Parent/Teacher Communication

I believe the parent/teacher relationship is one of the most important components to a successful school year. I also feel that communication between the teacher and parent is essential. I will check your child’s behavior chart daily. Please use the comment section on the behavior sheet to jot down quicknotes or changes in transportation. You may call to set up a conference when you have a question or concern that you feel is too important for a note or an e-mail. My home phone number will be at the top of the Monday Memo. If there is a matter that cannot wait until the following day, I don’t mind receiving phone calls at home.

“Take Home” Folder

Each night your child will bring home a “Take Home” Folder. This folder containsa daily behavior chart, Monday Memo and the homework for that evening. This folder will also have a “home” and “school” side. You may keep all school work that is sent to you in the “home” side. Place papers that are to be returned to me in the “school” side. Check this folder every day. Please encourage your child to be responsible for his/her own folder.

Homework Policy

I believe homework is important because it is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experiences in school. I give homework because it is useful in reinforcing the second grade curriculum, preparing students for upcoming tests, and helping students reinforce positive study habits.

I assign homework Monday through Thursday. Each night amath page will be given and should be returned daily. Spelling homework will be assigned on Monday and will be due on Friday. Homework is only to be completed on words that are missed on the pretest. Reading and tests will be given on Fridays. Spelling tests will be given at the end of each unit. I will give sufficient notice to study for all tests.

If homework is not turned in regularly, I will notify you on the daily behavior sheet and ask that parents begin signing completed homework each night. I do understand there may be extenuating circumstances and on rare occasions homework may not be completed. If this is the case, please send a note with your child and the homework may be completed the following day.

I ask that parents make homework a priority at home, provide the necessary supplies and a quiet environment, set a daily homework time, provide praise and support, help their child if necessary, but in no case do the homework for their child. Please review your child’s class work as part of your daily homework routine. This is a great way to make sure your child is prepared for weekly assessments.

Grading Policy - GRADES 2-3

A grade A, B, C, D or F shall be assigned in math, reading, language, science and social studies for each of the four quarter grading periods for all students.

Only letter grades shall be recorded in the grade book.

A - Excellent. The student has consistently demonstrated excellent performance.

B - High Quality Work. The student’s performance is in upper range of the satisfactory category.

C - Satisfactory. The student is performing in a satisfactory manner.

D - Needs Improvement. The student’s performance is below satisfactory according to second grade standards.

F - Unsatisfactory Work. The student is not progressing according to standards.

Parents and teachers need to have a conference when a student‘s grade average is a “D” or “F”.

Assessment notations shall be recorded in the class record book as letter grades.

(A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) A “.5" shall be rounded up in all cases with the exception of any average less than 1.0. Any average less than 1.0 shall receive an “F”.

The St. Tammany Parish numerical scale shall be used to determine letter grades:

A = 92-100

B = 83-91

C = 74-82

D = 65-73

F = 64 and below

Conduct and Work Habits Grades will be as follows:

O - Outstanding

S - Satisfactory Progress

N - Needs Improvement

U - Unsatisfactory Progress

V.I.P Folder

Once a week a V.I.P.(Very Important Papers) folder comes home. The folder consists of graded papers and your child’s behavior chart from the previous week. Please return all the graded papers in the signed folder the following day with all wrong answers corrected. We all make mistakes. It is important for the students to learn from them.

The students will also receive stickers on this chart as a reward for making good choices during the week.

Weekly Behavior Chart

Your child’s behavior chart will consist of an area to mark their daily bone color and a comment section. This will be on the back of the Monday Memo. I believe you should know exactly what your child’s inappropriate or exceptional behavior is in order to speak with your child about making good choices. Therefore, I write down a short description of the action when a change is made on the behavior chart. Please sign and return this chart daily.

Class Rules

  1. Raise your hand before speaking.
  2. Respect others.
  3. Work quietly.
  4. Keep your hands to yourself.
  5. Follow Directions.

We will go over these rules and procedures in class. Please review these with your child at home as well.

I am looking forward to a SUPER year!