You do not have to memorize verses or verse references unless it is explicitly stated to.

Lecture 6

These 4 Books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are rightly referred to as ‘The Gospels’).

Luke wrote his ‘gospel’ to Theophilus.

Matthew is entitled “The Book of the generation of Jesus Christ”.

The pedigrees go opposite directions (Matthew – from Abraham to Christ; Luke – from Christ to Adam).

Matt 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying

away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen

generations. (don’t need to memorize word for word, but do be very familiar with it)

Both of John’s parents were of the tribe of Levi: Zacharias and Elisabeth.

John was filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother’s womb. This helps support that a pre-born baby is a

real person.

John the Baptist was not Elijah; but he was fulfilling the 2nd part of the double prophecy that was mentioned

in the O.T.

Gabriel is never stated to be an archangel; only Michael is.

Zacharias went ‘dumb’ because he did not believe the angel’s proclamation to him.

Mary is given the declaration of ‘blessed art thou among women’. Catholics take this too far in that they make her:

Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Co-Redemptrix, of Immaculate Conception (no sin nature), the Assumption (whole

body taken to heaven upon her death).

The Holy Spirit of God ‘overshadowed’ her and conception took place.

Joseph is not Jesus’father.

Espoused = married but before coming together. He indeed was her husband at this point, (and Mary was called his

wife) even though they were only “espoused”. They were indeed married. It was custom then (and should be now) for

marriage to officially take place with an initial “espousal” period.

Joseph was considering putting away (divorcing) his wife privately; probably so no-one would find out and want to

have her stoned.

Joseph has David in his ancestry, as does Mary.

Jesus Christ’s entire presence on Earth was all coordinated by fulfilling Scripture.

“They shall call his name Emmanuel , which being interpreted is, God with us.” This is solid support for the deity of

Jesus Christ.

And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” This verse spoils the

Catholics heresy of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity.

Lecture 7

“When Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy

Ghost:”Elisabeth was Mary’s cousin; she was about 6 months pregnant when Mary conceived.

When you are filled with the Holy Ghost you might very well speak suddenly with a loud

voice the truths of God.

“And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” This shows that Mary was a sinner needing a Saviour just like

everyone else.

“John” meant ‘grace of God’.

“and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.” John lived a very sheltered life, indeed.

People have been taxed for millennia.

The often spoken of “city of David” is none other than Bethlehem. This is where David was born and grew up.

Micah 5:2 prophesies of the Saviour being born here.

It would be quite the sign to find a newborn baby wrapped in swaddling clothes (strips of cloth laid straight) and lying

in a manger (horse trough).

It doesn’t say Mary and Joseph were too poor to stay at the Inn, just that there was no room at the Inn.

Shepherds visited the newborn Jesus, not wise men or kings. It doesn’t tell the number of shepherds here.

Usually, sheep are herded to their pens at nightfall and the shepherds return to their houses. But, in the late summer

and early fall a farmer in Bible times would hire shepherds to keep their flocks in his field overnight. In this way, the

sheep's manure would fertilize his field after the harvest period (Also, the shepherds would do this in their own fields,

or in their master’s fields). Shepherds were never outside in the fields of the Judean hill country with their sheep all

night long after mid-October, for it was too cold. Thus, a December 25th birth of our Lord is again highly unlikely.

“And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.” All that were stated to be

there at the ‘manger scene’ were the shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

The shepherds were the first “soulwinners”…gospel preachers after Jesus’ birth.

Lecture 8

The Law stated to circumcise the male child 8 days after he was born.

Simeon and Anna each prophesied to Mary and Joseph about the greatness of this baby.

“Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also.” This speaks of Mary’s difficult time when her son, Jesus,

would be crucified.

There were ‘wise men’ that followed ‘His star’ to visit the baby Jesus when he was between 1 and 2 years old. It

doesn’t say how many wise men there were; they weren’t called kings; they were probably ‘astronomers’.

Herod wanted the baby Jesus dead so he orderred all male children under the age of 2 to be slaughtered in the area.

The wise men brought gifts: Gold = Jesus’ deity, kingship; Frankincense = Priest (the priestly worship of the Lord);

Myrrh = Saviour (His body was annointed with this after He died).

An angel had Jesus and his family flee to Egypt until Herod was dead. They returned to Nazareth years later.

At age 12 Jesus was found in the temple discussing deep theological truths with the doctors.

“wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?” This may show that Jesus was to officially begin ‘His

Father’s business’ once He turned age 12.

Even though He was God, He still subjected Himself to His mother and Joseph while a child (even at age 12).

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” This teaches that Jesus had to

‘mature’ physically, intellectually, and spiritually; He set the perfect example for us. He never sinned nor displeased

His Father.

Lecture 9

“And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This was John’s message that he preached.

It is important to note that John the Baptist was sent by God the Father; he had authority from God Almighty for what

he was sent to do. He was sent to preach the gospel and to baptize.

Baptism has everything to do with repentance; it truly pictures it;

“ the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.” The word ‘for’ here means ‘because of’ not ‘in order to have’.

John’s converts publicly confessed their sins prior to being baptized.

“John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins ; and he did eat locusts and wild

honey;” John looked rough but he was modestly clothed. It is possible that this honey was date honey crushed from

dates, and that the flour for his bread came from grinding the bean of the locust tree.

“to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” We become a son of God

when we believe on his name (get saved).

“many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers , who hath

warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:” This teaches that it is

important to be fairly sure that the one coming for baptism is truly repentant.

John told them what areas of sin in their life they needed to repent of.

Apparently there were baptisms prior to John’s; these were done to receive a proselyte into Judaism.

There were 3 types of baptisms mentioned here: water (referring to repentance), Holy Ghost (referring to the one-

time event on Pentecost), and fire (referring to Christ’s coming judgments).

There are 6 passages dealing directly with the baptism with the Holy Ghost. 5 are forward looking to Pentecost, and

the last one is backwards looking (to Pentecost).