Dollar 8
Cindy Brooks Dollar
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Department of Sociology
2014 North Carolina State University, Ph.D. Sociology
[entered 2009] Dissertation: Gendered Power Disparity: Testing the Sex Ratio Thesis, 1970-2000
Chair: Charles Tittle; Members: Patricia McCall, Sinikka Elliott, Anna Manzoni
Comprehensive Exams: Crime, Deviance and Social Control; Inequalities: Race, Class, and Gender
2001 University of North Carolina-Greensboro, M.A., Sociology
Thesis: Spousal Homicide Trial Outcomes: A Socio-Legal Analysis
Chair: John Humphrey; Members: Saundra Westervelt, David Mitchell
1999 University of North Carolina-Greensboro, B.A., Sociology
Magna Cum Laude
Sociology of Deviance, Crime, and Social Control; Criminological Theory;
Sex-Gender Inequalities; Race-Ethnic Inequalities
2014 - Present University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Assistant Professor
2009 - 2014 North Carolina State University, Lecturer
2003 - 2012 University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Adjunct Instructor
2003 - 2009 Socio-Legal Consultant, Legal Case Manager
Conducted focus groups, located and interviewed pre-trial witnesses, conducted post-trial juror interviews, examined case files for breaches in state and federal laws
2001 - 2003 RTI International, Survey Specialist
1998 - 2001 University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Research Assistant
Hendrix, Joshua and Cindy Brooks Dollar. 2017. “American Slaughterhouses and the Need for
Speed: An Examination of the Meatpacking-Methamphetamine Hypothesis” Organization & Environment 30(2) 1-19.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks, Patricia McCall, Kenneth Land, and Joshua Fink*. 2017 “Age Structure
and Neighborhood Homicide: A Test and Elaboration of the Differential Institutional Engagement Hypothesis.” Homicide Studies 21(3): 1-24.
(Peer-Reviewed Publications, continued)
Dollar, Cindy Brooks. 2017. “Does the Use of Binary Indicators Reify Difference and
Inequality?” Women’s Studies International Forum 61(2): 9–13.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks. 2017. “Sex Ratios, Single Motherhood, and Gendered Structural
Relations: Examining Female-Headed Families across Racial-Ethnic Populations.” Sociological Focus 50(3): 1-16.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks. 2015. “Sex Ratio Effects on Marital Formation and Dissolution, 1980-2000.”
Sociological Inquiry 85(4): 556-575.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks and Joshua Hendrix. 2015. “The Importance of Romantic and Work Relations
on Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use Among Adults.” Sociological Spectrum 35(5): 465-481.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks and Bradley Ray. 2015. “The Practice of Reintegrative Shaming in Mental
Health Court.” Criminal Justice Policy Review, Special Issue on Restorative Justice and Community Corrections 26(1): 29-44.
Ray, Bradley and Cindy Brooks Dollar. 2014. “Exploring Stigmatization and Stigma Management in
Mental Health Court: Assessing Modified Labeling Theory in a New Context.” Sociological Forum 29(3): 720-735.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks. 2014. “Conceptual Remixing in Criminology: Tracing Durkheim and Marx’s
Influence on Etiological Theories of Crime.” Sociology Compass 8(10): 1157-1166.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks. 2014. “Racial Threat Theory: Assessing the Evidence, Requesting Redesign.”
Journal of Criminology
Ray, Bradley and Cindy Brooks Dollar. 2013. “Examining Mental Health Court Completion: A Focal
Concerns Perspective.” The Sociological Quarterly 54(4): 647-699.
Dollar, Cindy Brooks and Bradley Ray. 2013. “Adult Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use: An
Examination of Bond Theory.” Deviant Behavior 34(11): 932-949.
McCall, Patricia L., Kenneth C. Land, Cindy Brooks Dollar, Karen F. Parker. 2013. “The Age
Structure-Crime Rate Relationship: Solving a Long-Standing Puzzle.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 29(2): 167-190.
Anderson, Alecia D., Andrea N. Hunt, Rachel E. Powell, Cindy Brooks Dollar. 2013. “Student
Perceptions of Teaching Transparency.” The Journal of Effective Teaching 13(2): 38-47.
Ray, Bradley, Cindy Brooks Dollar and Kelly Thames. 2011. “Mental Health Courts as Reintegrative
Shaming.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 34: 49-55.
Manuscripts Under Review: (*graduate student)
Dollar, Cindy Brooks. “Are Family Courts Therapeutically Just?”
Dollar, Cindy Brooks, Bradley Ray, Mary Kay Hudson, and Brittney Hood* “Changes in Procedural Justice
Over Time and Problem-Solving Court Outcomes”
Research in Progress:
Dollar, Cindy Brooks and Joshua Hendrix. “Drug Use as Self-Medication? Anti-Anxiety Prescription Misuse
among Adult Women”
Dollar, Cindy Brooks, Karen Parker and Ellen Donnelly. “The Jobs, Poverty, Social Isolation
Nexus with Neighborhood Crime.”
2017 “Drug Use as Self-Medication: An Investigation of Anti-Anxiety “Misuse” Among Adult Women” to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Are Family Courts Therapeutically Just?” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada
2016 “Jobs or Poverty? The Jobs, Poverty, Social Isolation Nexus with Neighborhood Crime.”
presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“Drug Use as Self-Medication? An Investigation of Tranquilizer Misuse among Adult Women” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Seattle, Washington.
2015 “Observations of Family Court” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society
of Criminology, Washington, D.C.
“Sex Ratio Effects on Marital Fertility, 1970-2000” presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana
2014 “The Importance of Romantic and Work Relations on Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use among Adults” presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina
2013 “The Effects of Differential Institutional Engagement on Neighborhood Homicide,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia
“Shame Management among Mental Health Court Participants,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, New York
2012 “Differential Degrees of Institutional Engagement and the Direction of the Age Structure-
Homicide Relationship,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Chicago, Illinois
“Success Stories and “Superstars” in North Carolina’s First Mental Health Court,” presented at the annual North Carolina Criminal Justice Association, Raleigh, NC
2011 “Disparities in Mental Health Court,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C.
(Professional Presentations, continued)
2011 “Examining Mental Health Court Decision Making,” presented at the annual meeting of
Society for the Study of Social Problems, Las Vegas, Nevada
“The Relationship of the Young Adult Age Structure to a City's Homicide Rate” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, California
2010 “Mental Health Courts as Reintegrative Shaming” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Atlanta, GA
1999 “Spousal Homicide: A Regional Analysis” presented at the annual meeting of American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada
1999 “Familial Homicide: A Socio-Legal Context” presented at the annual meeting of International
Family Violence Conference University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
“Therapeutic Justice and Family Court”
New Faculty Internal Grant 2016-2017 ($5,000), University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Principal Investigator
“Habitats of Crime”
North Carolina State University, Departmental Research Award 2012-2013
Research Assistant under the direction of William R. Smith
“Coercion in Bangladesh and Ukraine”
North Carolina State University, Departmental Research Award 2012
Research Assistant and Data Analyst under the direction of Charles R. Tittle
“Urbanness and Urbanism: A Fresh Look Using Non-Western Data”
North Carolina State University, Departmental Research Award 2012
Research Assistant and Data Analyst under the direction of Charles R. Tittle
“Collective Reflectiveness and Homicide Rates”
North Carolina State University, Departmental Research Award 2011
Research Assistant and Data Analyst under the direction of Charles R. Tittle and Patricia L. McCall
“Convicted Innocents: Legal and Social Predictors of At-Risk Cases”
University of North Carolina-Greensboro, Internal Faculty Grant 2000
Research Assistant under the direction of Saundra D. Westervelt
“Community Policing and Attitudes about Crime and Public Safety”
University of North Carolina & Governor’s Crime Commission, Center for Urban & Regional Studies
Interviewer under the direction of John A. Humphrey
“Therapeutic Justice and Family Court”
Faculty First Summer Scholarship Support Award 2015 ($5,000)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Principal Investigator
“Judicial Decision-making, Therapeutic Justice, and Families: Observations of a Family Court”
New Faculty Internal Grant 2014-2015 ($5,000)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Principal Investigator
Introduction to Sociology (traditional and distance learning)
Current Social Problems (traditional and distance learning)
Sociology of Deviant Behavior (traditional and distance learning)
Introduction to Data Analysis
Criminal Justice
Drugs & U.S. Society
Criminology Seminar (graduate-level)
Advanced Data Analysis (graduate-level)
Social Control Seminar (graduate-level)
Racialization and Gendering of Athletic Bodies (graduate-level independent study)
School-level Racial Composition and Health (Honor’s undergraduate-level independent study)
Candace Bernard and Robert Glickman Dean’s Professorship, 2017
Stanford Lyman Scholarship, 2013 [Nominated but not awarded]
Dissertation Completion Grant, NCSU, 2013 [Nominated but not awarded]
Recipient of David and Marlene Pratto Scholarship in Sociology, UNC-Greensboro 1999
Recipient of Undergraduate Research Assistantship Award, UNC-Greensboro 1998-1999
Alpha Kappa Delta, Sociology Honor Society, 1998-1999
2017 Panel Organizer and Presider. “Racialization and Gendering in Crime, Deviance and Social Control.’” High Point University, North Carolina Sociological Association (NCSA) annual meeting.
2016 Panel Organizer and Presider “Examining Underexamined Problem-Solving Courts,”
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, Louisiana
2016 Roundtable Discussant-Presider “Sexual Violence” annual meeting of the American Society
of Criminology, New Orleans, Louisiana
2016 Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall, Speaker Series, UNC at Greensboro
Topic: “What Does Sociology Have to Do with Me and My Life?”
2014 Harriet Elliot Lecture Series, UNC at Greensboro
Topic: “Fighting Inequality and Creating Social Justice in our Changing World”
(Invited Presentations and Panels, continued)
2012 Panel Discussant-Presider “School and Extra-Curricular Inequalities, Delinquency, and Discipline,” annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois
2011 Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society, Annual Luncheon, UNC at Greensboro
Topic: “Using Sociology in Everyday Life”
Thesis Committees
Committee Chair
MacKenzie Green, In progress
Topic: Chained Reactions: The Shackles of Slavery on the Black Family and Relationships
Jerry Brand, In progress
Title: Police Brutality as an extension of White Supremacy: Post Slavery Social Control of Blacks
Mary John, In progress
Title: Lone Survivor: Linking Institutionalized Racial Adversity, Lived Experiences, and Mental Health Conditions among African Americans
LaToya Dixon, In progress (co-chair)
Topic: Linking the Trap of Loyalty to Black Women’s Victimization
Jon Tostoe, Completed 2017
Title: Socioeconomic Factors and Crime across Large, Urban Neighborhoods
Kristen Bethune, Competed May 2016
Title: A Perfect Storm? Using a Feminized Routine Activity Framework to Analyze the Factors that Contribute to Female Undergraduate Sexual Assault
Committee Member
Tiffany Merritt, Completed 2017. Title: Financial Compensation for Death Row Exonerees
Allison McMillan, Competed June 2016. Title: Family, Friends, Finance. An Analysis of Income and Attachment in Friendships and Marriage.
Caley Cassell, Completed May 2015. Title: “Shifts in the Promotion of Thin Beauty Ideals and Racial Minorities in Seventeen Magazine From 1955 Until 2014”
Internship Committees
Committee Member
Jordan McIntosh, Completed May 2016
Topic: Explanations of Child Sexual Abuse. Internship Site: Internet Crimes Against Children Unit, Alamance County Sheriff’s Department, NC
Adam Hively, Honors Student, BA in progress.
Research Advisor: Racial Composition and Healthy Schools: Examining Health Education and Physical Activity across Elementary Schools
Tyrell Spencer, BA Completed May 2016.
Research Advisor: Incarceration and Marital Status: Differences by Race
Peer Reviewer
Social Problems; Social Science Research; Law and Society Review; Sociological Inquiry; Homicide Studies; Crime, Law and Social Change; Criminal Justice & Behavior; Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health; Criminal Justice Policy Review; Population Research and Policy Review; Journal of Criminal Justice; European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science; Journal of Basic and Applied Research International; Perspectives on Deviance and Social Control (Sage Publishing textbook 2015, 2017); Applied Analytical Methods Survival Guide (Kendall Hunt Publishing textbook 2017)
Service to the Discipline (Sociology and Criminology)
2016 Thematic Panel Developer and Presider, American Society of Criminology (ASC)
2015-2018 Executive Committee, North Carolina Sociological Association (NCSA)
2011-2013 Membership Committee Member, American Sociology Association (ASA) Crime,
Law and Deviance Section
Service to College
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2016-Present Pre-law Advising Committee, Member, College of Arts and Sciences
1998-2001 SACS Student Representative, SACS Steering Committee
Service to Department
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2016-Present Assessment Committee, Sole member
2016-Present Committee for Teaching Evaluations, Chair
2016 Search Committee for Criminology Faculty, Member
2016 Workload Committee, Member
2014-2017 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Member
2014-2016 Senior Lecturer Mentor and Lecturer Advisor
2015-2016 Course Schedule Committee, Member
1999-2001 Faculty-Student Liaison
Service to Department
North Carolina State University
2013 Moodle Instructional Designer
2011-2013 Graduate Student Organizer for Crime, Deviance and Social Control
Research Symposiums
Service to Community
2016-Present Benevolence Farm, Advisory Member to Programming
2015-2016 Benevolence Farm, Programming Committee Member
2017 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training and Certification, Living Path of an Enlightened Yogi
2016 UNCG University Teaching & Learning Commons, Funded Summer Course, “Online
Learning Incubator Course Project” (TIO Grant received for participation, $1000.00)
2014 UNC Odum Institute, 6-week Short Course, “Applied Spatial Analysis using R” (New
Faculty Research Development Funds, $250)
Study for the Society of Social Problems
American Society of Criminology
Southern Sociological Society
North Carolina Sociological Association
Available Upon Request