Welcome to PYB/S

This year the Board of Palatine Youth Baseball/Softball is providing a Participant’s Handbook. We hope you find the following pages educational and informative. The Participant’s Handbook will provide a description of PYB/S, our philosophy on youth sports, contact information, steps to take if you have a problem and directions on where to go for all your questions.

Who We Are

Palatine Youth Baseball/Softball is an affiliate of the Palatine Park District. Our organization is staffed completely by VOLUNTEERS. The volunteers provide over 1900 children, boys and girls ages 5-12, with the opportunity to participate in youth baseball and softball. These children play in over 2200 games on 29 different fields during a season. Board meetings are held the second Thursday of every month starting at 7:30 pm in the off-season and 8:30 pm during the season. Everyone is welcome to attend Board meetings. If you wish to address the Board, please contact the Secretary of PYB/S, through to be placed on the agenda. The Board is always in need of more volunteer help. Please volunteer.


PYB/S is structured to gradually introduce competition to young boys and girls as they grow and mature as players. From ages 5-8 we do not keep score or maintain standings. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals and letting children learn how much fun playing baseball and softball can be. Beginning at age 9 scoring, standings and playoffs are introduced. However, the focus throughout PYB/S is teaching fundamentals, giving all children opportunities to play key positions and most importantly letting the players enjoy the game! The Board of PYB/S recognizes that striving to win is an important, even vital part of sports as children get older. But we emphatically believe that no efforts in striving to win should be made at the expense of the athlete’s well-being, development and enjoyment. Please remember that the challenge and joy of the sport is experienced through striving to win, not through winning itself.

Conflict Resolution

Throughout PYB/S there are rules and guidelines for mangers, coaches, players and parents. These can be found in our rulebook, by-laws and code of conduct. If you feel an individual is acting in a manner that contradicts the rules or philosophy of PYB/S, please come forward. Waiting until the season is over does not allow the Board to address any problems before a family has a less than enjoyable experience. Due to the growth of our program the Board asks that you follow these steps in addressing a situation:

  1. Approach your manager or coach with your concern. Best results are achieved in a non-confrontational manner and without the child present.
  2. If you are uncomfortable with step 1 or are not satisfied with their response contact your league Commissioner.
  3. If still not satisfied, the Vice-President of Boys and the Vice-President of Girls will address any problems or concerns.
  4. Finally, you may contact any member of the Executive Board.

Please remember that we are all volunteers taking time out of our business and family time. We are all willing to assist in anyway. We only ask that we all communicate as adults and treat each other with mutual respect.


Our website is the place to find all the information you need to get the most out of your baseball or softball experience.

At you will find:

  • Names and e-mail links to all Board members.
  • PYB/S by-laws.
  • PYB/S Rulebook.
  • PYB/S Code-of-Conduct
  • Calendar of important events like registration, rating day, picture day, directions to fields, travel program information and much more.
  • Once the season is underway each league has their own page. Here you can find scores, standings or highlights and information specific to that league. If you would like to help design the content of your league’s page please contact our Webmaster through


PYB/S does everything to keep the cost of participating in our program affordable to everyone in our community. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors we are able to do this. If you or your business are in a position to be a sponsor please do so. We have different levels of sponsorship. Please contact the Board member in charge of sponsors through


As you can see a program with over 1900 players run completely by volunteers needs a lot of help. Please make some time to give to your child and your community by volunteering. Only through the continued efforts of all our players, parents, managers and coaches can PYB/S continue to provide the excellent program we have all come to expect.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great season!