AP Statistics Syllabus

Course Objective:

This course is based on the College Board Advanced Placement Statistics course. The students study four broad conceptual themes: 1. Exploring data: Observing patterns and departures from patterns 2. Planning a study: Deciding what and how to measure 3. Anticipating patterns: Producing models using probability and simulation 4. Statistical inference: Confirming models.

Students will be introduced to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will also learn how to use a graphing calculator and read computer data to perform statistical analysis. Students will prepare to take the Advanced Placement examination in statistics.

Primary Text:

·  Daniel Yates, David Moore and George McCabe. The Practice Of Statistics: TI-83 Graphing Calculator Enhanced. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2000

Additional Resources: Worksheets from Duane Hinders, Michelle Hipke , Josh Tabor and Dan Teague


·  All students will need a TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84, or TI-89 graphing calculator in class, at home, and on the AP Exam.

·  Students will be required to use statistical software Intro. to Jump to create computer-generated graphs and to analyze data.

Required Materials:

·  Text

·  Notebook

·  Graphing calculator (see above)

·  Pencil, eraser, colored pens or pencils

·  A positive attitude!


·  Tests and quizzes are worth 60% of your grade: Each six weeks have 2-3 tests. Each test is comprised of a multiple-choice section and a free response section.There will be occasional quizzes plus various other class assignments and Semester exams.

·  Projects: There is a major project each semester, which counts as a test grade.

·  Homework is worth 15% of your grade.

·  Semester exams are cumulative and count 20% of the semester average.

·  Class participation, being on task, having your required materials, asking and answering questions, is worth 5% of your grade.

Please note that following the syllabus are sample worksheets and the chapter packets cover sheets that each student compiles after each unit.


Note the following assignments will be broken down into numbered assignments. How they are broken down depends on our pacing, which will vary depending on the topic. Also, please note that assignments will be modified depending on class needs during the year.

Course Outline:

Topics / Book Assignments / Assessments
Chapters 1
Graphical Displays
·  Random Variable definition
·  Types of variables
·  Description of graphs (center, spread, shape, unusual features [gaps, clusters, outliers, etc.])
·  Bar graphs
·  Segmented bar graphs
·  Pie graphs
·  Stemplot
·  Back-to-back stemplots
·  Dotplot
·  Histograms
·  Cumulative relative frequency plot (Ogive)
·  Scatterplots
·  Time plots / Read: pp. 1-25 & pp. 30-48
Homework: 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.14,17, 1.19,1.26,1.27,1.29,1.30,1.32, 1.49
·  Sexual Discrimination Activity (Tabor)
·  Special Assignment 1A (Support material from The Practice of Statistics: Yates, Moore, McCabe)
·  Chapter 1 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Aprroximately 10 days / Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Exploring Data
·  Measures of center
·  Measures of spread
·  Outliers
·  Modified boxplots
·  Parallel boxplots
·  Z-scores
·  Empirical rule / Read: pp. 64-79, 83-101
Homework: 2.2-4,6,7,20-26,28,29,39,41,46
·  Free Response '05 #1
·  Chapter 2 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Aprroximately 13 days / Chapter 2 Test
Chapter 3
·  Examining relationships
·  Interpreting scatter plots and outliers
·  Correlation
·  Least Squares Regression line
·  Facts about LSRL
·  Residual Plots and Influential outliers / Read: pp. 106-122, 128-135, 137-165
Homework: 3.1,2,5,7-9, 20-22, 24,25,28,33,34,36-38,41,50,52,58
·  Age Residual Activity (Yates, Moore, McCabe)
·  Pickles Will Kill You (Hinders)
·  Free Response '05 #3
·  Chapter 3 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Internet Activity: explore various aspects of regression using the following applets:
·  http://www.stat.uiuc.edu/~stat100/java/GCApplet/GCAppletFrame.html
·  http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~lane/stat_sim/reg_by_eye/index.html
·  http://www.stat.sc.edu/~west/javahtml/Regression.html
Aprroximately 14 days / Chapter 3 Test
Chapter 4
More on Two-Variable Data
·  Exponential data and log rules
·  Power data
·  Interpreting correlation and regression
·  Relations in Categorical data
·  Simpson's Paradox / Read: pp. 176-197, 190-214
Homework: 4.2,14,39,41,46,47,49
·  Comparing r squared (Teague)
·  Gypsy Moth Problem (Tabor)
·  Butcher Problem (Hinders)
·  Planet Problem (Tabor)
·  Cherry Blossom (Teague)
·  Free Response '04B #1
·  Chapter 4 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Aprroximately 13 days / Chapter 4 Test
Chapter 5
Sampling & Experimental Design
·  Census
·  Population
·  Sample
·  Voluntary response sample
·  Confounded variables
·  Sampling methods: SRS, stratified, systematic, cluster, multi-stage sampling
·  Sources of bias in samples
·  Probability sample
·  Completely randomize experiment
·  Randomized block experiment
·  Blind, double blind,
·  Matched pairs experiment
·  Observational studies
·  Principles of experiment design: randomization, replication & control,
·  Sources of bias in experiments: confounding, placebo effect, blinding
·  Statistically significant
·  Simulations / Read: pp. 245-261, 265-284, 286-300
Homework: 5.1,3,4,8-12,14,16,19,21,22,31-33,36,54,55,59
·  Gettysburg Address (Tabor)
·  River Exercise (Tabor)
·  Dentist-Scope of Inference (Tabor)
·  Cereal Toy Simulation (Tabor)
·  Cherry Blossom (Teague)
·  Articles: Polling's Dirty Little Secret, Holocaust Denial, Emily's Experiment
·  Free Response '06 #5
·  Chapter 5 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Aprroximately 15 days / Chapter 5 Test
Design Experiment Project
Chapter 6
Population of interest & generalizing of results
·  Probability rules for addition & multiplication
·  Complements
·  Mutually exclusive events
·  Independent vs. disjoint events
·  Conditional probability
·  Contingency tables / Read: pp. 310-316, 317-337, 341-359
Homework: 6.6,12,15,18,24,33
·  Probability Proficiency
·  Titanic-Conditional Probability (Tabor)
·  Multistage (Hinders)
·  Multistage (Tabor)
·  Chapter 6 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Aprroximately 7 days / Chapter 6 Test
Chapter 7
Discrete distributions
·  Random Variables
·  Expected Value
·  Means & standard deviations of random variables
·  Transformations, sums and differences
·  Law of large numbers / Read: pp. 366-380
Homework: 7.2-5,13,14,19,22,23,28,31-33
·  Keno (Tabor)
·  Chapter 7 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
Aprroximately 7 days / Chapter 7 Test
Chapter 8
·  Probability distributions
·  Binomial distributions
·  Geometric distributions
·  Cumulative distribution functions
·  Mean & standard deviation of the above distributions / Read: 414-432, 434-453
Homework: 8.1-4,6-9,11,12,15,16,19,22,27,29
·  Chapter 8 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  Review packet: Chapters 1-8 (Hipke)
Aprroximately 8 days / Chapter 8 Test
1st Semester Exam

Chapter 9 Sampling Distributions ()
·  Mean & standard deviation formulas
·  Central Limit Theorem
·  Parameter versus statistic
·  Simulate sampling distributions
·  Law of large numbers / Read: pp. 454-469, 481-497
Homework: 9.1-6,8-10,15-19,26,28,30-33,35
Internet Activity – investigate the Central Limit Theorem using www.ruf.rice.edu/~lane/stat_sim/sampling_dist/index.html
·  Chapter 9 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  To be determined
Aprroximately 9 days / Chapter 9 Test
Chapter 10
Confidence Intervals for means (one sample & matched pairs)
·  Critical values
·  Choosing sample size
·  Margin of error
·  Properties of confidence intervals
·  Calculation & interpretation of confidence intervals for means
·  Significance tests
·  Null hypothesis
·  Alternative hypothesis
·  Two sided hypothesis
·  Choosing a level of significance
·  Test statistic
·  P-value
·  Z-test
·  Type I and type II errors
·  Power / Read: pp. 504-527, 531-556, 567-577
Homework: 10.1-3,5,6,9,13-15,17,26-29,31,35,37,39,41,44,58,59,61,66,67,69,71,80,81
·  Chapter 10 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  To be determined
Aprroximately 10 days / Chapter 10 Test
Chapter 11
Inference for Distributions
·  Inference for the mean of a population
·  Standard error
·  One sample t statistic
·  T distribution
·  Degrees of freedom
·  Matched pairs t procedures
·  Robustness
·  Two sample procedures
·  Interpretation of results / Read: pp. 586-613
Homework: 11.1-7,11-13,15,17,19,20,31-33,37,40,41,43,44,58,64
·  Power Applet Activity – investigate the effects of sample size, alpha, and difference between null & alternative means on power using
·  Chapter 11 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  To be determined
Aprroximately 13 days / Chapter 11 Test
Chapter 12
Inference for Populations
·  Inference for a population proportion
·  Assumptions for inference for population proportions
·  Large sample inference for a population proportion
·  Choosing the sample size
·  Sample size for desired margin of error
·  Comparing two proportions
·  Significance test for comparing two proportions / Read: pp. 658-675, 678-694
Homework: 12.1-4,6,7,9,10,17,20-24
·  Chapter 12 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  To be determined
Aprroximately 7 days / Chapter 12 Test
Chapter 13
Inference for Tables: Chi-Square Procedures
·  Test for goodness of fit
·  Chi-square statistic
·  Degrees of freedom
·  Chi-square distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom
·  Two-way tables
·  Expected counts confidence intervals / Read: pp. 700-716
Homework: 13.1-3,8-10,13-16,19,21,28,37
·  Chapter 13 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  To be determined
Aprroximately 5 days / Test on Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Inference for Regression
·  Assumptions for regression inference
·  Standard error about the least-squares line
·  Confidence interval for regression slope
·  Significance tests for regression slope / Read: pp. 752-767, 769-772, 774-781
Homework: 14.1,2,4,6,8,9
·  Chapter 14 summary (Adapted from Hipke)
·  To be determined
Aprroximately 5 days / Test on Chapter 14
Review and Practice / Practice exams
Aprroximately 15 days / AP Exam, Final exam

AP Statistics First Semester Project: Response Bias (Josh Tabor)

The Project: You will design and conduct an experiment to investigate the effects of response bias in surveys. You may choose the topic for your surveys, but you must design your experiment so that it can answer at least one of the following questions:

·  Can the wording of a question create response bias?

·  Do the characteristics of the interviewer create response bias?

·  Does anonymity change the responses to sensitive questions?

·  Does manipulating the answer choices change the response?

Proposal: The proposal will be worth 20% of the grade, so don’t treat it casually. If the proposal isn’t approved the first time, you will need to resubmit it for a reduced grade. You must attach the original proposal to any resubmissions.

In your proposal, you should:

·  Describe your topic and state which type of bias you are investigating

·  Describe how you will obtain your subjects (minimum sample size is 50). This must be practical!! Note: your population does not need to be from Carlmont High School nor should you interrupt any classes.

·  Describe what your questions will be and how they will be asked, including how you will incorporate direct control, blocking (if any), and randomization. Convince me that this is a good experiment!

Four Paragraphs: These four paragraphs, in addition to your project title and question, should be included on your poster (clearly labeled):

A. Introduction: What form of response bias were you investigating? Why did you

choose the topic you chose for the survey?

B. Methodology: Describe how you conducted your experiment and why you think your

design was effective. Note: This section should be very similar to your proposal.

C. Results: Present the data in both tables and graphs in such a way that conclusions can

be easily made. Make sure to label the graphs/tables clearly and consistently.

D. Conclusions: What conclusions can be drawn from your experiment? Be specific.

Did you encounter any problems during your project? Would you do anything

different if you were to repeat your experiment? What did you learn from this


E. Your original proposal

Poster: The poster should completely summarize your project, yet be simple enough to be understood by a freshman. Be sure to include some pictures of your data collection in progress. Do not make it heavy--I want to hang them up!

Oral Presentation: Both members need to participate equally. Your poster should be used as a visual aid. Approximately 5 minutes. Be prepared for questions.

Due dates:

·  Proposal: December 1, 2006

·  Poster, and Oral Presentation: December 11, 2006

·  Note: All work is due at the beginning of the period, even if you are absent. Significant points will be deducted for late work (20% per day)


·  The project must be done in pairs. You will turn in one project per pair.

·  The project will be worth a test grade

·  The four paragraphs must be typed (single spaced 12 point font) and graphs should be computer generated. (If needed, borrow JMP-Intro from Ms. Pearlman).

Examples of Successful Projects:

“Cartoons”, by Sean Wu and Brian Hartzheim

1. “Do you watch cartoons?” (90% yes)

2. “Do you still watch cartoons?” (60% yes)

“Milk vs. Orange Juice”, by Angela Chen and Sharon Lai

1. “Which do you prefer, milk or orange juice, as a breakfast drink?” (milk: 14%)

2. “Milk contains high levels of vitamin D and calcium. Do you prefer milk or orange juice as a breakfast drink?” (milk: 64%)

“Cheating”, by Wilson Kurniawidjaja, Oliver Lee, and Charlene Wang

1. “Do you cheat in class?” (anonymous: 47% would)

2. “Do you cheat in class?” (not anonymous: 15% would)

“Make-Up”, by Caryn Suryamega and Trisha Tsuno

(all questions asked to males)

1. “Do you find females who wear makeup attractive?” (wearing makeup: 75% yes)

2. “Do you find females who wear makeup attractive?” (without wearing makeup: 30% yes)

“Time Online”, by Yale Lee and Helen Theung

1. “On average, how many hours do you spend online each week: 0-5, 6-10, 11-16, 17-25, 26- 35, or more?”

2. “On average, how many hours do you spend online each week: 0-5, 6-10, 11-16, or more?”

-For this question, the students anticipated that subjects would be embarrassed to put “more”.

In the first question, 50% answered over 17 hours, but in the second question, 0% did.

(Josh Tabor)

Opening Activity: The Sexual Discrimination Problem (Josh Tabor)

Recently, a certain company had to fire 10 employees because of the sluggish economy. Of these 10 employees, 5 were women. However only of the company's employees were women. This discrepancy has led the women who were fired to file a sexual