I have checked for all records you requested. On your request with the following codes: 9-6-110 Camping in public; 9-9-404 Camping in parks; 9-2-104 Obstructing passage or assembly; and 4-2-102 Park hour restrictions---we do not have any of these statutes in our offenses. I am not sure where you got these codes from but we do not use them.

On your other request:

1) How many total citations, “move on orders,” or issuance of warnings, were issues under all city codes?—We do not track warnings. I checked all citations issued for the time frame Jan 1, 2010-Dec 31, 2014= 64, 789

a. “Move on orders” would equal these codes:

11-1-102 Loitering 756 issued 2010-117 2011-153 2012-185 2013-147 2014-154

10-1-13 Unlawful acts 6 issued 2010-3 2011-2 2013-1

2) How many total citations, etc. were issued under the city codes specified above?

a. 11-1-506 Curfew in public parks 310 issued 2010-43 2011-73 2012-114 2013-36 2014-44

11-1-406 Trespass 1,746 issued 2010-326 2011-367 2012-292 2013-368 2014-393

18-9-107 Obstructing Highway 1 issued (We do not have 10-20-060 Obstructing a roadway) 2014

3) Answered above

4) In order to find out the address or “homelessness” of the citation recipients, I would have to look at each citation, (64, 789 of them) that would be too time intensive. It can be done but it would take further research time and there would have to be a cost for this., approximately $20.00/hour, and I would estimate at least several days for this if not more.

5) See above

6) This would also involve checking on each and every citation.

7) Questions 7-10, and even 6 would be best answered through our Municipal Court.

I am sorry I cannot answer your questions any better than I have, our Records system is not set up to record the address of each recipient of a citation, so it makes it difficult to track homeless people receiving citations. This is the best I can do without having to charge for further research.

From: Cathy Helton <

Subject: RE: records release information

Date: October 21, 2015 at 3:50:34 PM MDT

To: Suzette Reed <

I have checked for all records you requested. On your request with the following codes: 9-6-110 Camping in public; 9-9-404 Camping in parks; 9-2-104 Obstructing passage or assembly; and 4-2-102 Park hour restrictions---we do not have any of these statutes in our offenses. I am not sure where you got these codes from but we do not use them.

On your other request:

1) How many total citations, “move on orders,” or issuance of warnings, were issues under all city codes?—We do not track warnings. I checked all citations issued for the time frame Jan 1, 2010-Dec 31, 2014= 64, 789

a. “Move on orders” would equal these codes:

11-1-102 Loitering 756 issued

10-1-13 Unlawful acts 6 issued

2) How many total citations, etc. were issued under the city codes specified above?

a. 11-1-506 Curfew in public parks 310 issued

11-1-406 Trespass 1,746 issued

18-9-107 Obstructing Highway 1 issued (We do not have 10-20-060 Obstructing a roadway)

3) Answered above

4) In order to find out the address or “homelessness” of the citation recipients, I would have to look at each citation, (64, 789 of them) that would be too time intensive. It can be done but it would take further research time and there would have to be a cost for this., approximately $20.00/hour, and I would estimate at least several days for this if not more.

5) See above

6) This would also involve checking on each and every citation.

7) Questions 7-10, and even 6 would be best answered through our Municipal Court.

I am sorry I cannot answer your questions any better than I have, our Records system is not set up to record the address of each recipient of a citation, so it makes it difficult to track homeless people receiving citations. This is the best I can do without having to charge for further research.

Cathy Helton

Records Manager

Pueblo Police Department


From: Mike Sexton <

Subject: RE: Park ordinance enforcement

Date: October 19, 2015 at 3:16:23 PM MDT

To: Suzette Reed <

Cc: Lee Carstensen <>, Steven Meier <>, Mike Taft <


The City of Pueblo Parks and Recreation is under Title X of the Pueblo Municipal Code. Below is the link of the ordinances our Park Rangers have authority to enforce within the City of Pueblo Park System.https://www.municode.com/library/co/pueblo/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TITXPARE

Sec. 10-1-13. Unlawful Acts cover many of the ordinances you have listed. Bottom line is that the Parks and Recreation Director has the authority to authorize and permit camping and use of the parks past regular operating hours (Sec. 10-1-2) as well as some of your other ordinances.

Sec. 10-1-18. Park Rangers detail the authority and responsibility of our Park Rangers to enforce Title X and the City of Pueblo’s Model Traffic Code.

Sec. 10-1-2. Power and Authority of Director also directs our posted park hours of 6 am to 10 pm. Those times are not specifically listed in Title X, but this section describes the Director’s authority to set park hours. Park hours and curfew is actually addressed specifically in Title XI – Police Regulations Sec. 11-1-506. - Curfews in public parks.

We track all contact through each Park Ranger’s daily log which is emailed to their supervisor and myself. These logs are saved for future reference. Individuals that have their identification checked based on the type of activity are ran through the system by contacting Police Dispatch. Other contacts, the Park Rangers will send the party on their way and ask them to vacate the park without running their identification. If a citation is written by the Park Ranger, that citation is recorded and submitted to Municipal Court for processing. I have no idea how many are still outstanding or how many individuals are still in custody for a citation. Our Park Rangers have no authority to detain or arrest. In these situations, PD is contacted for assistance and they handle the arrest of the individual, especially if they have warrants based on the identification check by the Park Ranger. All GOS issued have fine amounts on them and the issuing Ranger will note on the summons based on the infraction.

I hope I was of some assistance. Let me know if you need anything else!

Michael C. Sexton, C.P.R.P.

Assistant Director

800 Goodnight Avenue

Pueblo, Colorado 81005

