Rubric for Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration Comic Book Option
Name ______Book Title ______
You will be explaining cellular respiration and photosynthesis by making a storybook or a comic strip. Begin by picking what format you want your project to be in (comic or storybook) and follow the directions provided.
I. Comic book option. Make a creative, detailed comic book about Photosynthesis and Cell respiration. It needs a front cover with the book title and your name. Every page should have pictures that are colored and include labeled and easy to understand drawings Create your comic book in comic book style (with speech bubbles, etc.). Your comic book needs to tell a plot about photosynthesis and cell respiration through speech and thought bubbles, and should be grammatically correct. Points listed are the maximum for that category You MUST include all of the words given to you in the cellular energy review sheet that you had to label on the mitochondria and chloroplast. Also be sure to include the balanced equation for each. Any time you use one of the words underline it so that it can be easily found.
Art / Drawings are creative. A lot of detail and thought have gone into the work. Every frame is at least ½ way colored.15 points / The drawings are more generic. There is some detail and a lot of thought has gone into the work. The frames are ½ colored in ¾ the number of frames
10 points / The drawings are messy and/or in pencil. Very little detail. Work looks rushed. The frames are ½ colored in ½ the number of frames.
5 points / The drawings are messy and in pencil. No detail or thought in work.
0 points
Style / Project is in the comic book style. There are thought and speech bubbles. There is a front cover with the book title and author.
5 points / Project makes a good attempt at the comic book style. The front cover with book info might be missing.
3 points / Project has some comic book elements, but might be missing bubbles or panes. Front cover is missing.
1 point / Project does not show any of the comic book elements. No front cover.
0 points
Storytelling / Story is mostly told through the speech and thought bubbles. There may be some narration.
20 points / Story uses bubbles, but relies on narration to tell the story.
14 points / Story only uses narration and action in drawing.
10 points / Story uses very little narration or story bubbles. No way to follow what is going on.
5 points
Scientific accuracy / Accurate science can be understood just be reading the comic book, outside knowledge is not necessary
20 points / Science is mostly understand through book, but outside knowledge may be necessary.
14 points / Hard to follow science or does not convey a clear sequence.
10 points / Science does not correlate with the book.
5 points
Mechanics / Few (0-3) spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes. 0-3 errors
5 points / Only 4-7 spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes.
3 points / Between 8 and 10 spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes.
1 point / More than 10 spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes.
0 points
4 frames per page on every page
5 points / 4 frames per page on most 75% of pages
3 points / 4 frames per page on 50% of pages
2 points / Incorrect frames per page
0 points
Total Points
___ / 70 / *missing parent form or rubric: minus 5 point
II. Storybook Option. The storybook must come with characters, pictures and words that explain the concepts of cellular energy (photosynthesis and cellular respiration) accurately. The final product should look like an actual book. Make a creative, detailed storybook about photosynthesis and cell respiration for a 6th grader to read. It needs a front cover with the book title your name. Every page should have pictures that are colored and include labeled and easy to understand drawings. Your storybook needs to tell the story about photosynthesis and cell respiration through characters and art, and should be grammatically correct. You MUST include all of the words given to you in the cellular energy review sheet that you had to label on the mitochondria and chloroplast. Also be sure to include the balanced equation for each. Any time you use one of the words underline it so that it can be easily found.
III. Points listed are the maximum for that category
Name ______Book Title ______
Art / Drawings are creative. A lot of detail and thought have gone into the work. Every page is at least ½ way colored.15 points / The drawings are more generic. There is some detail and a lot of thought has gone into the work. The pages are ½ colored in ¾ the number of frames
10 points / The drawings are messy and/or in pencil. Very little detail. Work looks rushed. The pages are ½ colored in ½ the number of frames.
5 points / The drawings are messy and in pencil. No detail or thought in work.
0 points
Style / Project is in the storybook style. There is a front cover with the book title and author.
5 points / Project makes a good attempt at the story book style. The front cover with book info might be missing.
3 points / Project has some storybook elements, but might be missing elements. Front cover is missing.
1 point / Project does not show any of the storybook elements. No front cover.
0 points
Storytelling / Story is well written and has a plot/character development. There may be some narration.
20 points / Story is somewhat written and has some plot/character development. 14 points / Story only uses narration and action in drawing.
10 points / Story uses very little narration or story bubbles. No way to follow what is going on.
5 points
Scientific accuracy / Accurate science can be understood just be reading the storybook, outside knowledge is not necessary
20 points / Science is mostly understand through book, but outside knowledge may be necessary.
14 points / Hard to follow science or does not convey a clear sequence.
10 points / Science does not correlate with the book.
5 points
Mechanics / Few (0-3) spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes. 0-3 errors
5 points / Only 4-7 spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes.
3 points / Between 8 and 10 spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes.
1 point / More than 10 spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes.
0 points
Artwork and explanation for all pages as directed
5 points / Artwork and explanation for most 75% of pages
3 points / Artwork per page on 50% of pages
2 points / Incorrect artwork and explanation per page
0 points
Total Points
___ / 70 / *missing parent form or rubric: minus 5 point