Contact Manager: / Network & Operations Manager
Approved by: / IISC (NZ) Branch Manager
Date: / April 2015
Job Title: / Network Controller
Reports to: / Network Control Manager
Location: / Wellington
Business Unit: / Network and Operations, International Infrastructure Services Company Ltd ( for services to Wellington Electricity)
Employment Type: / Individual Employment Agreement
- REMUNERATION (details to be completed by Human Resources)
PayRange: / TBA
Date last evaluated: / TBA
Evaluated by: / TBA
The Wellington Electricity requires network assets to have a high degree of availability on a 24/7 basis to meet the needs of the business, its customers, theregulated environment and to provide a safe network to the public, staff and contractors.
The role of the Network Controller is to be a key part of the Wellington Electricity business that maintains the standards and practices and consistently employing the systems for managing real time asset performance. This includes the availability for service or removal from service of equipment in a competent manner that complies with electrical safety practices and management procedures.
The role will assist the business by co-ordinating with field service contractors who are authorised to apply to the Network Controllerthrough arelease process to access assets and the subsequent process for return of assets. The Network Controller will be competent in administering these processes in both planned and unplanned situations and demonstrate the capability to minimise the disruption of supply and provide a safe network environment for the contractor, staff or general public.
The role of the Network Controller will also require capability in managing an up-to-date and current representation of the connectedness and service map of the network as well as assets unavailable for service or being under a permit for work prior to being returned for service.
The role of the Network Controller will also be to demonstrate capability in the control and information support tools (SCADA, Load Management, TCS) and co-ordination with Retailer call centres, Contractor dispatch centres and the business managers and or staff of Wellington Electricity.
The role requires the Network Controller to engage with cross functional support to the other business areas of Wellington Electricity particularly in Capital and Connection services and Asset and Planning areas as well as other business areas from time to time..
The role requires work on a roster basis that makes provision for shift and non-shift activities including roster relief. The roster pattern will change from time to time.
Key Result Area /
- Clearly describes the major area of responsibility or activity, which is the focus of performance in this role. For example – “Manage Group”. Rank each KRA from 1 to 5 in order of importance and quantity of time spent on each.
Key Responsibilities /
- Are the key accountabilities / functions performed under each KRA. They describe what is to be achieved for each KRA (are not written as individual tasks), there usually three to four Key Responsibilities per Key Result Area.
Key Result Area (KRA) / Key Responsibilities (krs)
1. Planned and Unplanned Operational Management of the electricity network /
- Develop and implement HV switching schedules for both planned work and unplanned outages to the Company’s operational standards.
- Undertake switching operations on the sub-transmission and distribution HV networks as required in a safe manner following the Company’s operational standards including the issue and cancellation ofappropriate Permits and Reclose Block Agreements.
- Ensure that access to the Network is managed safely and compliant with all policies, processes, standards and procedures.
- Coordinate both LV and HV switching of the Network that manages supply security and reduces risk of loss of supply.
- Effective communication with field operational staff is an important requirement to ensure both planned work and unplanned outages are effectively managed.
- Provide timely information, advice and direction to internal personnel, external operational personnel and other key stakeholders as appropriate.
- Review, systematic analysis and approval of requests for access to the network (planned or unplanned) undertaken consistently and accurately.
- Maintain the SCADA database and regularly update the fault and outage data/information, sets
- Update the SCADA Network HV diagrams to ensure a real-time representation of the network is available.
- Update the user interface systems to reflect Network configuration changes e.g. customer and internal CAPEX projects or reactive maintenance.
- Assist in the planning and commissioning of new equipment onto the Network.
- Assist the Network and Operations Teams with project planning, asset planning, network development, load forecasting, and operational contingency evaluations and all other actions as required.
- Compile and analyse records of events for both planned and unplanned outages to recommend improvements to the efficiency of distribution network.
- Contribute to the development and continuous improvement in the operation, and planning of the network and underlying control room procedures.
- Assisting other business teams with business development as required.
- Provide Wellington Electricity with full compliance with all regulatory requirements.
2. Customer notification of planned outages /
- Utilise business information systems to provide accurate and timely customer outage notification details.
- Interface with retailers, other distributors, transmission service providers & other service agencies as required.
- Liaise with Service Providers to Wellington Electricity regarding planned work.
- Coordination with the scheduling of planned outages and managing reliability impacts.
3. Electrical Network – Monitoring and Security (Planned and Unplanned) /
- Implement contingency plans to effectively control network and supply risks during network emergencies.
- Maintain network performance levels within predetermined network design criteria including load flows, plant capacity, and rating capability.
- Inputs data accurately into network information databases, correctly record Network constraints and ‘at risk’ assets into appropriate business information systemsto alert timely corrective actions to be undertaken.
- Produce clear and concise operational reportswhich include root cause fault information into the SCADA outage management system and weekly reliability report analysis of all fault data.
- Contribute to investigations of Network control/operating incidents including making recommendations, review all reports for the learning’s and opportunities to improve operating policies and practice, and all follow up and close out assigned actions.
- Assist the Network and Operations Teams with base data for further network studies.
4. Business Integration /
- Coordinate with Contracts & Operations team with maintenance planning.
- Coordinate with the CAPEX and Connections teams with the operational timing of project workto make efficient use of access to the network.
- Coordinate asset release for Vegetation management in association with other network access requirements
- Conduct Operational field visits as required to maintain understanding of field equipment and assist the QSE team with field compliance audits as required.
- Contribute towards the delivery of the Business Continuity Plans including representation to the Major Event Team as required.
- Willingly assisting other business units as required.
Describe how this role’s performance impacts upon business results
- Maximising network availability and performance, providing timely and appropriate response to network events, processing Operational Requests and writing Switching Sequences to provide safe and reliable switching and access to the network to ensure contractor safety, and effective control of reliability indices (SAIDI and SAIFI)
- Inputting information into SCADA, outage management and reportingtools to maintain the network record integrity, and network status for call centre customer information.
- This role is responsible for ensuring systems for network access provides a safe working and public environmentwhich minimisespotential damage to plant, interruption to supply and work is completed in an efficient manner to contribute to the business and customer service targets.
- Contributing towards the performance and delivery of the Network and Operations Team
Operating Budget / $ 0 / Revenue Budget / $ 0
Capital Budget / $ 0 / Employees (FTE’s) / Nil
Number of Direct Reports / Nil
- Meeting tight operational timeframes for producing accurate Switching Sequences from an Operational Request Form.
- Responding to a diversity of roles to perform during situations involving unplanned outages and major events.
- Implementing the businesses key contingency plans in the event of major plant outage.
- Not all Network equipment is telemetered on SCADA and Network Controllers have to make key operational decisions based on limited information and general information form the field staff, emergency services and members of the public.
- Communicating effectively to ensure all parties are clear of actions required and recording these accurately.
- Organisation of daily tasks in an environment of constantly changing priorities.
- Electrical trade or technical background.
- Preferred - Bachelor of Technology (Electrical), New Zealand Certificate Network Operating Level 4 or equivalent tertiary based qualification.
- Define the specialised training required to perform this role:
- SCADA Training
- Operational systems, procedures and standards training
- General PC skills.
- Customer service skills – an ability to manager relationships under pressure
- Define the work experience required to perform this job.
- Minimum of 5 years experience working on HV electrical network in a technical role.
- Previous work experience on the electrical Sub transmission & distribution network and appreciation of SCADA and Outage Management Systems
- Demonstrate proven ability to manage unplanned outages and restoration of supply to the network
- Demonstrate proven ability to analyse network data to develop/write process improvements/reports
- Very good working knowledge of the configuration, equipment, operational limits of electrical sub transmission & distribution network.
- Good knowledge of the business HV Operating Standards, procedures, practices and outage planning.
- A good understanding of business systems including, but not limited too, SCADA (including TCS and OMS)
- Excellent communication skills at peer and all levels throughout the business
- A proven ability to remain calm under pressure and effectively manage stress
List the policies, procedures, systems, precedents or other employees (both internal & external) available to provide direction/guidance/information to assist the role in meeting the KR’s.
- Business Standards, procedures and policies for operational control of the electricity distribution network
- SCADA system is available to assist in writing Switching Sequences
- Electricity Operating Standards, Operating Procedures and SCADA Quick Reference Guided and training documentation are available to provide guidance /precedence
- Other planning & Network Control Room staff.
- Network and Operations Teams and other business functions.
- Field Service Providers.
- All normal or emergency switching operations are directed from the Network Control Room. Safety regulations and operating procedures are available, however, in many instances there is a requirement to interpret and apply them to a variety of situations.
Competency Name / Level / Performance Standard
- Planning & Implementing
- Has a strong focus on implementing business standards, policies and procedures to achieve consistent outcomes.
- Has a strong focus on safety
- Develops and implements clear, logical, step by step plans which identify what needs to happen and by when.
- Builds contingencies and safeguards to protect existing plans.
- Adapts plans effectively to deal with external changes.
- Clearly prioritises and schedules multiple, interrelated tasks.
- Works cooperatively and collaboratively with others
- Works calmly under pressure
- Electrical Network – Monitoring & Security
- Implements appropriate contingency plans and risk management measures during network emergencies.
- Ensures network performs within network design criteria during planned outages.
- Responds to SCADA alarms, events and status changes in accordance with company operating procedures.
- Responds to load flows and effects on plant and carries out appropriate load control and other steps to manage assets within network design criteria, business strategy and market offers in a timely manner.
- Provides accurate, clear, appropriate advice and direction to internal personnel, external operating authorities and major customers to protect company assets and provide safe access.
- Inputs data accurately into system information databases and meets operational timeframes.
- Produces clear and concise operational reports.
- Reports network events to management in accordance with requirements.
- Electrical Network – Systems Switching
- Executes business procedures accurately and in a timely manner
- Conducts switching with no human error.
- Safely carry out switching in accordance with Wellington Electricity requirements and in a timely and effective manner.
- Communicates and manages risk by giving appropriate directions to field personnel in accordance with good operational practices, procedures and guidelines.
- Minimises minutes off supply for unplanned outages.
- Provides safe access and timely supply restoration.
- Identifies problems and develops solutions to rectify problems on the electrical network.
- Communication
- Demonstrates clear and accurate written and oral communication skills
- Is able to obtain mutual understanding and commitment to an agreed direction between two or more parties who may have different interests.
- Works cooperatively and collaboratively with others
- Computer Use
- Use computer hardware and software packages to assist in day to day business activities.
- Use information from both company, external and business unit databases that enable the company to undertake it’s business activities in a timely and accurate manner to ensure database integrity.
All Employees are required to display these six key values and behaviours in working towards both their Corporate and individual targets
Works Safely /
- Never compromises health and safety in the mistaken belief that other requirements are more important. Performs work in accordance with health and safety responsibilities, policies, procedures and standards.
Delivers Customer Satisfaction /
- Provides prompt and efficient customer service and is always focused on achieving internal and external customer satisfaction.
Safeguards Our Environment and Community /
- Recognises the importance of being environmentally responsible and performs work in accordance with environmental responsibilities, policies, procedures and standards.
Strives For Excellence /
- Continually looks at new ways to improve individual, team and business performance and actively supports change. Makes suggestions for improvement and is prepared to adapt to new ideas to improve products and services, work processes and procedures and financial performance.
Takes Personal Responsibility /
- Accepts responsibility for own actions and behaviours and ensures work performed meets agreed performance levels, policies, procedures & standards. Acts in an ethical, fair and responsible manner
Cultivates Team Spirit /
- Trusts and respects each other’s opinions, ideas and contributions. Supports team members and pro-actively participates in and contributes towards the achievement of team goals.
In addition to the above, all employees in a leadership or specialist management role are required to displaythese three key leadership values and behaviours:
Manages Business Results /
- Drives individual and team performance to achieve business results. Manages performance gaps, delegates tasks, rewards success and actively resolves individual and team performance issues.
Empowers Others /
- Instils commitment and motivation in individuals and the team. Able to align employee values and behaviours to company vision and values and is seen as a role model for the company. Empowers and provides clear direction to others and clearly leads by example
Manages Talent /
- Develops team capability and actively supports employee development. Coaches and counsels individuals to manage their career and personal development.
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