Myland Community Council

Planning & Development Policy Committee

Minutes of the Myland Community Council Planning & Development Policy Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 9th November 2016, 7.15 pm @ 101 Nayland Road, Mile End Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN

Present: Cllr John Stewart (Chair)

Cllr Jean Dickinson

Cllr Pete Hewitt

The Clerk

There were no members of the public present.

114-16/17 Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr John Dickson.

115-16/17 Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

116-16/17 Have Your Say

There were no members of the public present.

117-16/17 Chairman’s Announcements and Correspondence

The Chair asked members to note the “Positivity Statement” that had started appearing at the bottom of Planning Decision Notices.

118-16/17 Minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2016 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

The minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickinson (Unanimous)

119-16/17 Update of progress of resolutions made at the last meeting

There were no updates.

120-16/17 Monitoring

There was no report.

121-16/17 Planning matters for review

There were no planning matters for review.

122-16/17 Planning, Licensing & Highways Applications/Appeals - To make recommendations, including requests for Section 106 money where applicable, on applications received

162393 – 29 Peto Avenue, Colchester CO4 5WG – Glass conservatory attached to rear of building – Received 22nd September 2016

It was resolved to support the application.

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

162406 – 80 Nayland Road, Colchester, CO4 5EW – Erect a pvcu conservatory to front of property – Received 24th September 2016

It was resolved to support the application.

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

162607 - Equity House, 2 Bergholt Road, Colchester, CO4 5EY - Change of Use of Office Building B1(a) to 67 Self Contained Apartments(C3 Use) and the erection of additional floor and alterations to the buildings external appearance – Received 24th October 2016

It was resolved to object to the application.

1.  The plans do not offer enough amenity space and therefore do not meet the CBC minimum policy.

2.  The addition of a third floor will cause overshadowing, overlooking and impact the privacy of houses abutting the site from Three Crowns Road and Bergholt Road. It will also affect the public visual impact in the surrounding area.

3.  There is no Social housing contribution.

4.  There is concern regarding air quality. The area around North Station has a high pollution level. There is no mention of air quality in any document – this is something that should be considered and mitigated.

5.  This land was designated employment land – how is the loss of employment going to be mitigated?

If permission is granted then the following condition (included in previous decision 152267) should be applied to this application:

·  Should the mural by Henry Collins and Joyce Pallot not be reused within the building, the applicant shall, before removal of the piece, consult and agree in writing with Colchester Borough Council's Historic Buildings and Areas Officer to determine the method for best removing the mural, and with Colchester and Ipswich Museum Service regarding recording, storage and potential display of the mural. The mural will then be removed in accordance with the details agreed.

Reason: To ensure the safety and continued enjoyment of this nationally and locally significant undesignated heritage asset.

Proposed: Cllr Stewart Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

162399 – Land south of Cambian Fairview, Boxted Road, Colchester Essex – Full application for the erection of 32 no. dwellings with associated garages/car ports and parking spaces, estate roads, acoustic fence, detention basin, local area of play and landscaped amenity space – Received 23rd September 2016

It was resolved to object to the application.

Concerned about the houses backing onto the A12:

·  Noise pollution – the sound attenuation measures proposed seem to be inadequate. There is no bund and the fence is only 3m high this will offer no protection to the first floor levels of the houses. There should be a landscape buffer between the development and the A12.

·  Air Quality – there is absolutely no mention of air quality in any document, notably the Planning Statement incorporating Design and Access Statement. What measures are to be taken to address this issue?

If this application is approved the following condition should be applied as per the previous approved application (111091):

·  Prior to the commencement of development details to secure the extension of the existing PROW (FP231) to connect to the adjacent major development site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of sustainable development

If this application is approved the relevant Community Facilities contributions should be made as per the CBC SPD.

It should be noted that the information provided in the response from Essex County Council, Economic Growth and Development, dated 19th October is incorrect. It states “The closest primary school to this development is St John’s CE Primary” this is wrong. There are at least five primary schools closer to the development: Camulos Academy, Myland Community Primary School, Queen Boudica Primary School, Brinkley Grove Primary and Highwoods Community Primary. In the future there will also be a primary school at Chesterwell which will be the closest of all.

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

162405 – 170 Mile End Road, Colchester CO4 5DY – Drop kerb – Received 24 September 2016

It was resolved to comment on the application.

The only potential issue is that the photo confirms that currently a replacement tree is due to be planted where the original (with others in Mile End Road) has been removed. This issue needs to be resolved before permission is granted.

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickinson (Unanimous)

162534 – 30 Prior Way, Colchester CO4 5DQ – Single storey rear extension. Pitched roof construction. Rendered façade. – Received 4th October 2016

It was resolved to support the application.

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickinson (Unanimous)

162451 – 63 Mile End Road, Colchester CO4 5BU – Proposed single storey ground floor extension, with part 2 storey and loft conversion with rear dormer – Received 13th October 2016

It was resolved to comment on the application.

MCC has reservations regarding this application and believes the massing of the proposal inappropriate for the site

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

162742 – 6 Marcus Close, Colchester CO4 5GT – Erection of single storey rear conservatory extension – Received 28th October 2016

It was resolved to support the application.

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

123-16/17 To receive copies of Planning/Appeal Decisions

Copies of the following Planning/Appeal Decisions were received.

162288 – 52 Weetmans Drive, Colchester CO4 9EA – Single storey rear extension – Permission granted, 3 conditions, 20th October 2016

162189 – Former Severalls Hospital Site, Severalls Hospital, Boxted Road, Colchester, CO4 5HG – Provision of three sections of footpath – Permission granted, 4 conditions, 12th October 2016

161593 – Land at Mile End Road, Colchester – Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval of 121272 – Permission granted, 9 conditions, 5th October 2016

162255 – Church Farm House, Church Farm Way, Colchester CO4 5JJ – Erection of a detached garage & log store – Permission granted, 4 conditions, 14th October 2016

162141 – 2 Littlecotes, Colchester CO4 5EL – Replacement of white pvcu conservatory with garden room – Permission granted, 3 conditions, 14th October 2016

162217 – 23 Squirrels Field, Mile End, Colchester, CO4 5YA – Proposed 2 storey rear extension with part single storey side and new front porch - Permission granted, 3 conditions, 24th October 2016

162305 – 82 Turner Road, Colchester, CO4 5JY – Proposed 2 storey rear extension – Permission refused, 25th October 2016

162386 – Land adjacent to 1 Church Farm Way, Colchester CO4 5JJ - Variation of condition 2 (Drawings) of planning permission 150287 (Erection of 1 x 4 bedroom house - resubmission of application no. 146192)– Permission granted, 25th October 2016

162299 – 8 Worsdell Way, Colchester CO4 5WQ – Erection of single storey rear extension with some internal revisions – Permission granted, 3 conditions, 3rd November 2016

124-16/17 Date of next meeting – 7th December 2016, 7.15pm @ 101 Nayland Road

The meeting closed at 8.16pm.

Councillor John Stewart ……………………………………………………….. Chairman

List of abbreviations / Cllr – Councillor / NGUAE – North Growth Urban Area Extension
CBC – Colchester Borough Council / NP – Neighbourhood Plan
CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy / NEPP – North Essex Parking Partnership
ECC – Essex County Council / PRoW – Public Right of Way
LHP – Local Highways Panel / S106 – Section 106 of Town & Country Planning Act ‘90
LP – Local Plan / SPD – Supplementary Planning Document
MCC – Myland Community Council