Tessellations- Step by Step with Paint

8  Open Paint

o  Go to the Start button>Programs>Accessories>Paint

8  Select your favorite color from the pallet on the bottom of the window

8  Select the rectangle tool and highlight the bottom choice under the tools

8  Hold the shift key down and draw a square on the “canvas”

8  Select the free-form select tool and the bottom, opaque tool

o  Start at the left top edge and draw something down to the left bottom edge continuing around to link up with the starting point outside of the square

o  A rectangle appears around the drawing

o  Click and drag the rectangle in front (to the right) of the square

o  Match it up as perfectly as you can, do not leave any white spaces

o  Release the mouse when it is positioned where you want it

8  Repeat the process but go from top to bottom or bottom to top

o  It is extremely important to place the “cut-out” EXACTLY above or below the original cut

8  Use the pencil, line, or paint brush tool to decorate your figure

8  Highlight the select tool

o  Draw a rectangle around your object

o  Copy and paste

o  Move your new figure away from the first one

8  Select the Fill With Color tool (paint bucket)

o  Choose another color from the pallet

o  Fill the background color with the new color

8  Open Microsoft Word

8  Go back to the Paint program

o  Choose the select tool

o  Highlight one of the figures

o  Copy and paste to the Word document

o  Repeat with the other figure

SAVE both documents to your teacher’s folder with your name!!!!

8  With the select tool, highlight one of the figures and move it all the way to the left

8  With the select tool, highlight the other figure and move it against the first one

8  Copy and paste the figures from the Word document and continue alternating them to form your tessellation. Fill up the ENTIRE area with your figures.