Human GrowthDevelopment Lesson 12: Assignment

For this assignment worksheet, enter responses to the questions as completely and concisely as possible, using good grammar and correct spelling. Then, complete the gifted plan evaluation.

Note: Points will be awarded for worksheet answers that are logical and clear, and that use proper grammar and correct spelling.

Part 1 – Questions from the Readings

  1. Consider the reading selection, “The History of Gifted and Talented Education,” the article you chose to read on educating the gifted, the PowerPoint presentation on VA gifted education that you viewed, and your review of the NAGC’s PreK-12 standards and identification of areas to work on in the next year. Use two or three paragraphs to describe how those reading selections and activities impacted your view of educating the gifted in this country and how you plan to meet the challenge of educating gifted students through the areas you have identified for improvement in your professional practice.
  1. You were to read several lists from the web on the characteristics of gifted students and produce a three-column chart with the behavioral, learning, and creative characteristics of gifted students. In the space below, reproduce that chart:

(continue to Part 2, next page)
Part 2 – Gifted Plan Evaluation

Evaluate your school division’s plan by locating the plan and looking for these components:

  • Statement of philosophy.
  • Statement of program goals and objectives.
  • Identification procedures (K – 12), in at least one of the four defined areas of giftedness.
  • Procedures for notifying parents of the need for more information and for obtaining permission prior to placement.
  • Policy for notification of a change in placement or exit from a program.
  • Assurances regarding student record maintenance procedures for identifying and evaluating student outcomes.
  • Procedure for matching service options (instructional approaches, settings, and staffing) to student needs.
  • Procedures for the selection and training of personnel.
  • Procedures for evaluating the program.
  • Also, take note of the number and availability of staff members responsible for the education of the gifted in your school and district. (This may or may not be in the plan itself; provide your opinion of the adequacy of this resource).
  • After analyzing each component, provide a one-paragraph final analysis of the plan based on its strengths and weaknesses.

Rate each component on the following scale of one to five, and provide a one- or two-sentence justification for each rating (note: if you use a "1," provide an explanation):

1 = I do not feel qualified to rate this component

2 = Woefully inadequate

3 = Lacking in some aspects

4 = Adequate, but how this component impacts me is not clear

5 = Very thorough, and how this component impacts me is clear

If you are currently not teaching or your school or district does not have a plan for gifted education, evaluate a plan at one of these links:

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