St. John Ship Arrivals 1909-1914 – Finding Aid (J. Frank)
The extraction of Halifax arrivals by George Dorscher is an invaluable aid to genealogical research. However, it is not very easy to search for families because of spelling variations and errors. Using your browser search function may find your family but you may also miss some important connections because of these spelling problems. Trying to browse manually through over 200 pages of entries may also result in missing important clues. For example, if you are searching for any Gottschalk entries, you might miss the Gottschaulk spelling which occurs in a couple of places.
This alphabetical listing of names is intended as a TOOL to be used in conjunction with the Dorscher list. It does NOT include every individual but rather only those who are the head of household or single people traveling alone or with others where a surname is shown.
It will assist you in finding alternate surname spellings which you can then use within your browser search function to find the entry and subsequent ship info on the Dorscher list. I have also browsed through the list and, where I have noted a major inconsistency, I have added a note for considering an alternate. For example, someone looking for the Filman / Fielmann family at Rosenfeld should look at the Tilman spelling in this list.
Even with a list like this, you may still miss certain spelling problems. Be sure to include variations you have already encountered in your research and consider transliteration problems with old script such as, to name just a few:
- mistaking S for L or vice versa
- T for F or vice versa
- M for N or vice versa
- P for R or vice versa
- m for n for u
- s for f
- l for t
- i for e
Adam Peter 44 Saskatoon SK
Adolf Jacob 38 Fresno CA
Alberspach Jacob 27 Winnipeg, MB
Albert Pauline 23 Edmonton AB
Anhalt Edward 19 Winnipeg, MB
Anton Rochus 20 Ventura, SK
Armenas Jonas 20 Megiscane QC
Arndt Ferdinand 18 Kirkella, SK
Arnt Johann 30 Balgonie SK
Assenbeiner Reinhold 18 Winnipeg, MB
Bachiute Victoria 24 St. Louis MO
Bachman Peter 29 Englevale ND
Bahnmuller Jakob 26 Winnipeg, MB
Bales Peter 36 Lemberg SK
Bart Johann 31 Saskatoon SK
Bauck Raiton 22 Neudorf SK
Bauck Veronica 27 Neudorf SK
Bauer Elizabeth 55 Winnipeg, MB
Baum Heinrich 25 Calgary AB
Baumgartner Andreas 34 Grayson SK
Bayer Johannes 40 Winnipeg MB
Bayer Reinhold 26 Irvine, AB
Behm Florian 27 Battleford SK
Beirbach Christine 30
Beirbach Samuel 37 Irvine, AB
Beller August 19 Herbert, SK
Belzer Bertha 23 Winnipeg, MB
Berke Edward 28 Winnipeg MB
Bischler Jacob 57 Rosthern, SK
Bittner Adolf 23 Waldheim SK
Bodt Johann 19 Winnipeg, MB
Bohler Rudolf 25 Regina, SK
Bohn Joseph 56 Qu'Appelle, SK
Bonetsky Ottilia 46 Morse SK
Bosmeier Philip 22 Stathcona AB
Brandt Anna 27 Winnipeg, MB
Brant Wilhelm 37 Yorkton, SK
Brauer Friedrich 47 Guernsey SK
Brils Franz 52 Govan, SK
Buckler Gustav 40 Winnipeg MB
Busch Augusta 39 Hubbard SK
Cap Jacob 22 Winnipeg, MB
Causauer George 25 Winnipeg, MB
Dalinger Gottfried 38 Winnipeg, MB
Dalmer Edward 32 Edmonton, AB
Dargewicz Johanna 60 Swift Curent SK
Dehring Adolf 39 Yellow Grass SK
Dei Hulda 24 Spruce Grove AB
Derk Alexander 27 Calgary AB
Detke Albert 54 Crosby ND
Dichau August 22 Winnipeg, MB
Dick Wilhelm 32 Rosthern SK
Diebert Alexander 28 St. John, NB
Dilleman Heinrich 28 Winnipeg MB
Dostman Jakob 27 Rosthern, SK
Drath Anna 35 Lanigan SK
Driesner David 28 Bruderheim AB
Dulder Mathilda 25 Otterburn MB
Eberhardt Gustav 20 Strathcona, AB
Eberhardt Heinrich 40 Yorkton SK
Eichenfelder? Conrad 49 Yorkton, SK
Eirich Philipp 25 Colfax, WA
Elder Ignatz 38 Hebron, ND
Engle Leo 25 Edmonton AB
Erhard Heinrich 26 Winnipeg, MB
Erhardt Insannsi? 19 Winnipeg MB
Etner Karl 36 Winnipeg, MB
Fanuck Edward 25 Irvine, AB
Fege Friedrich 22 Winnipeg, MB
Felski Lidia 19 Winnipeg, MB
Fenner Gustav 27 Edmonton AB
Fiks Genovefa 33 Estevan, SK
Fischer August 31 Irvine, AB
Fix Anton 34 Estevan, SK
Fiz Wilhelm 44 Edmonton AB
Flesk Andreas 21 Irvine, AB
Franz Adela 10
Franz Michael Montmarte SK
Frecher Friedrich 18 Winnipeg, MB
Freitag – see Fritage
Frey Gottlieb 22 St. John NB
Friedrich Ida 17 Winnipeg, MB
Fries Flora 25 Saskatoon SK
Fries George 40 Saskatoon SK
Fries Martin 28 Saskatoon SK
Fritage Adolf 30 Winnipeg, MB
Fritz Joseph 25 Zelma SK
Frolich Tekla 21 Toronto ON
Gallerow Johann 23 Winnipeg MB
Gazkoni Anna 50 Garry, IN
Gebhard Carl 19 Neudorf, SK
Gehler Martha 17 Spruce Grove AB
Gehlert Daniel 35 Spruce Grove AB
Gehlert Samuel 28 Spruce Grove AB
Gering Alisa 17 Almena WI
Gering Christine 58 Irvine, AB
Gering Emmanuel 38 Irvine, AB
Germstour Emil 27 Strathcona, AB
Gesell Michael 18 Lemberg SK
Getz Adam 22 Winnipeg MB
Giesbrecht Abraham 75 Gretna MB
Giesbrecht Jacob 23 Gretna MB
Giese Julia 24 Spruce Grove AB
Giese Michael 49 Spruce Grove AB
Gleiban Robert 18 Strathcona, AB
Gotkelig Friedrich 40 Regina SK
Grach Reinhard 19 Calgary AB
Grasluik (?) Adam 46 Rosthern SK
Graumann Albert 23 Grande Pointe, MB
Grossman Gustav 28 Winnipeg, MB
Gruenwald Herman 32 Camrose AB
Halz Adolf 15 Winnipeg MB
Hammel Edward 32 Irvine, AB
Hartman Karl 18 Winnipeg, MB
Hauk Christine 44 Winnipeg MB
Hauser Emilie 32 Crosby ND
Hecker Edward 27 Winnipeg MB
Heckert Emilie 18 Green Lake WI
Hein Daniel 27 Leduc AB
Hein Julianna 44 Jensen SK
Heinman Gustav 32 Lanigan, SK
Heller Andreas 27 Irvine, AB
Hergert Pauline 19 Colfax, WA
Herman Albertina 29 Crosby ND
Herman Lidia 19 Lanigan, SK
Hermann Heinrich 23 Winnipeg MB
Hermann Johann 52 Irvine AB
Hirschson Eva 25 Winnipeg, MB
Hock Konrad 47 Walsh, AB
Hofert Ludwig 19 Montreal QC
Hoffart Rochus 24 Estevan SK
Hoffman George 22 Morse, SK
Hoffman Michael 50 Laird SK
Holderbein Wilhelm 34 Morse, SK
Holz Rudolf 17 Winnipeg mB
Holzwart Ludwig 42 Jensen SK
Hoppe August 18 Gerald SK
Horn Gottfried 28 Elmwood, MB
Horst David Winnipeg MB
Huber Maria 21 Humbolt, SK
Huklmintter Johann 43 Irvine, AB
I (?) Natalie 19 Aberdeen SD
Issamann Edward 40 Winnipeg, MB
Jabisch Julianna 24 Jensen SK
Jablonski Filip 32 Sydney NS
Jacob George 28 Fresno CA
Jakobowsky Edward 45 Drake SK
Jakubowski Anton 33 Grayson SK
Janke Christian 55 Walsh, AB
Janz Fredrick 60 Saginaw MI
Jebill Justinus 22 Prince Albert SK
Jerke David 22 Calgary, AB
Jese Friedrich 25 Irvine, AB
Johedler Ludwig 23 Winnipeg, MB
Kahn Helena 55 Turtle Lake, ND
Kaiser Jacob 28 Winnipeg MB
Kapp – see Cap
Karch David 39 Calgary AB
Kasper Rudolf 22 Emerson MB
Kaufman Benjamin 38 Los Angeles CA
Kautzman Johann 20 Estevan SK
Kebernik Emelie 55 Winnipeg MB
Keckus Heinrich 27 Montreal QC
Kehl Adam 25 Winnipeg, MB
Kelan Ernestina 44 Mordan, MB
Keller Peter 19 Calgary AB
Keller Susanna 23 Duval SK
Kempe August 25 Winnipeg MB
Kenepe Edward 40 Strathcona, AB
Kering Louise 33 Winnipeg MB
Kern Charlotte 17 Saginaw MI
Kimbal Jacob 31 Portland, OR
Kindert Heinrich 21 Irvine, AB
Kirshner Karl ? Walsh AB
Kisler Johann 23 Kulm, ND
Kissern Justina 34 Biggar SK
Klarer Christian 26 Balgonie, SK
Klatt Friedrich 32 St. John NB
Klein Johann 30 Calgary AB
Kleppert Friedrich 35 Bellingham WA
Klimke Gustav 38 Winnipeg MB
Klug Heinrich 42 Saskatoon SK
Knodel Karl 24 Yorkton Sk
Koch Heinrich 48 Lincoln, NE
Koch Maria 21 Winnipeg, MB
Kohauka Jacob 22 Fernie BC
Kohler Jacob 77 Winnipeg MB
Kolz Adolfine 43 Winnipeg, MB
Konig Pauline 24 Kulm, ND
Kosman Heinrich 22 Yorkton Sk
Kowalski Martin 34 Winnipeg MB
Kozohar Joseph 48 Montreal, QC
Krause Jacob 27
Krell Peter 52 Lockwood SK
Kreska Katherine 33 Winnipeg MB
Krueger Julianna 19 Spruce Grove AB
Kryenbrink Wilhelm 17 Regina, SK
Kublik August 30 Winnipeg, MB
Kujab Gottlieb 49 Bruderheim AB
Kunkel Emilia 26 Crosby ND
Kupper Margaret 63 Balgonie SK
Kupski Julius 19 Winnipeg MB
Kurtz Mateas 24 Berwick, PA
Kus Gottfried 45 Kirkella, SK
Kuschaus Henrich 50 Winnipeg, MB
Kusz Maria 17 Wakaw SK
Kuzner Daniel 40 Viscount SK
Laiss Anna 45 Antler, SK
Lang Jacob 34 Winnipeg SK
Laphia Katherine 55 Calgary, AB
Laturnus Ekaterina 44 Davin, SK
Laufer Heintz 30 Ottawa, ON
Laukowicz Alena 30 Swift Curent SK
Lecherhouf Anna 30 Prince Albert SK
Leetz Andreas 14 Calgary AB
Lehnke August 22 Leduc, AB
Leichrob Peter 49 Gretna MB
Leidhold Karl 38 Bowdel, SD
Leinweber Peter 20 Calgary AB
Leitler Ferdinand 26 Winnipeg, MB
Leopold Julius 29 Winnipeg, MB
Letz Fredrich 50 Calgary, AB
Lex Anna 40 Yorkton, SK
Liechert Edward 23 Neudorf SK
Limko (?) Johannes 25 Morden MB
Loecker Gottfried 42 Winnipeg, MB
Lohnert Conrad 24 Calgary AB
Luft Marie 19
Lutz Jacob 25 Medicine Hat, AB
Maian Wilhelm 30 Bruderheim AB
Maier Johann 50 Balgonie SK
Majanz Lydia 19 Bruderheim AB
Manke Adolf 20 Giroux MB
Marks Johann 58 Neilsville WI
Martel Ferdinand 40 Yorkton Sk
Martin Emil 22 Edmonton, AB
Masch Rosina 24 Maried (?) SD
Maskowski Florentina 22 Rosenfeld, MB
Mayer Dominik 29 Sedley, SK
Meger Jacob 22 Winnipeg MB
Merher Carl 59 Balgonie SK
Michal Vincenz 43 Bienfait SK
Michel George 29 Strathmore AB
Michel Peter 31 Strathmore AB
Miller Dominik 25 Saskatoon SK
Miller Kataryna 53 Saskatoon SK
Miron Alexander 29
Moher Johann 51 Maried (?) SD
Momer David 57 Morden MB
Morash Heinrich 19 Calgary AB
Moser Jacob 50 Irvine, AB
Muhn Gustav 44 Winkler MB
Muller Elizabeth 18 Stoney Plain, AB
Muller Heinrich 24 Monteal QC
Muller Johann 52 Earl Grey, SK
Muller Otto 33 Maple Creek, SK
Neidenmeyer Robert 20 Chicago, IL
Neig Katherine 63 Medicine Hat AB
Neumann Heinrich 32 Yellow Grass SK
Nlitz Anna 26 Milwaukee, WI
Nold Joachim 26 Winnipeg MB
Norenberg Christof 39 Steinbach, MB
Nowak Andreas 27 Cumberland BC
Nulit (?) Michael 52 Saskatoon SK
Orloff Alexander 32 Winnipeg MB
Paul Heinrich 36 Delta CO
Peil (?) Amalia 23
Pelzer Nathaniel 17 Lemberg SK
Pepil Julius 20 St. Joseph MI
Petersohn Phillip 25 McLusky ND
Plotzky Michael 26 Irvine, AB
Pohl Gustav 28 Winnipeg MB
Polsfut Rudolf 19 Max, ND
Ponts Gottlieb 47 Balgonie SK
Pretzer Peter 24 Regina SK
Prikschat Franz 22 Montreal QC
Prill Julianna 19 Botha AB
Propp Johann 40 Winnipeg MB
Pudel Wilhelm 30 Herbert SK
Rablitz Herman 20 Ellerslie AB
Rapke Gottfried 25 Winnipeg, MB
Ratke Gottfried 19 Winnipeg, MB
Ratz Albertine 16 Minnesota
Rau Anna 52 Prince Albert SK
Rau Magdalena 29 Prince Albert SK
Recke Wilhelm 26 Bassano AB
Reicher David 25 Winnipeg MB
Reichert Jakob 39 New Windsor, CO
Reichert Susanna 30 Yorkton SK
Rein Peter 39 Prince Albert SK
Renke Friedrich 19 Irvine, AB
Rheinlander Gottlieb 42 Regina, SK
Richter August 22 Winnipeg, MB
Rickelhauph Katherine 26 McGregor MI
Riel Jan 50 Winnipeg MB
Rinas Julius 22 St. Paul, MN
Rirchus Samuel 45 Winnipeg, MB
Ritter Gottlieb 25 Spruce Grove AB
Roh Elizabeth 43 Winnipeg MB
Rohrig Jacob 40
Rosenfelder Jacob 41 Irvine, AB
Rosenthal George 48 Montreal QC
Rosentneter Adolf 38 Winnipeg MB
Roth Karl 45 Claresholm Ab
Rudel Elizabeth 30 Prince Albert SK
Ruhart George 19 Monteal
Samuel Philip 36 Spruce Grove AB
Sarbel Karl 17 Calgary,AB
Sars Friedrich 21 Milwaukee WI
Sauder Johann 45 Winnipeg, MB
Schagel Heinrich 28 Wetaskewin AB
Scheffer Anton 35 Sedley SK
Scheifel Katherine 51
Scheirman Philip 40 Calgary AB
Schell Adam 22 Delta, CO
Schellert Adolf 18 Strathcona, AB
Scherle Anna 44 Southey SK
Schielke Rudolf 26 Winnipeg, MB
Schiffer Adam 24 Lloyminster SK
Schilke Martha 36 Govan, SK
Schiller Olga 14 Springside SK
Schiller Pauline 30 Winnipeg MB
Schilling Johann 33 Irvine, AB
Schindel Rudolf 22 Yorkton, SK
Schindler Eduard 26 Winnipeg MB
Schlepp Julius 18 Benton Harbor MI
Schloss Johanna 22 Harvey ND
Schmidt Daniel 21 Lemberg, SK
Schmidt David 16 Winnipeg MB
Schmidt Julianna 38 Almena WI
Schmidt Wilhelmina 18 Winnipeg MB
Schneider Emilia 38 Saginaw MI
Schneider Heinrich 42
Schneider Ignatz 42 Anamoose, ND
Schneider Johann 41 Lemberg SK
Schneider Nicolaus 50 Winnipeg mB
Schneidmuller Conrad 40 Calgary AB
Schon Emil 22 Edmonton, AB
Schonfisch Christian 19 Edmonton, AB
Schonknecht Rudolf 23 Leduc AB
Schre_ice David 26
Schultz August 25 Yellow Grass, SK
Schulz August 19 Winnipeg mB
Schulz Reinhold 20 Max, ND
Schwann Adolf 22 Yorkton, SK
Schwarz Alex 27 Morse, SK
Schweinker Anna 21 Battleford SK
Schyirt August 20 Winnipeg, MB
Sebindel (?) Heinrich 25 Rush Lake SK
Seibel George 32 Morse, SK
Seitz Johann 46 Irvine, AB
Seiwert Reinhold 26 Olds, AB
Serditz Heinrich 16 Bethune, SK
Shultz Julianna 24 Rush Lake SK
Shultz Wilhelm 17 Winnipeg, MB
Siefried Faustina 50 Medicine Hat, AB
Sirzle Konrad 24 Walsh, AB
Smalz Edward 26 Rosthern
Sostag Julius 21 Winnipeg, MB
Sperla Valentine 46 Balgonie SK
Springer Friedrich 25 Irvine AB
Stady Conrad 36 Stoney Plain, AB
Stakman David 17 New Windsor, CO
Stefan Adolf 16 Winnipeg MB
Streikel Jakob 28 New Windsor, CO
Strickel Jacob 30 Irvine, AB
Strickel Joachim 35 Irvine, AB
Strom Bertha 45 Cleveland OH
Strom Johann 20 Quill Lake SK
Struch Adolf 30 Estevan SK
Stuber Andreas 48 Irvine, AB
Teske Friedrich 31 Maple Creek, SK
Thude Amelia 18 Chicago, IL
Tiegold Ludwig 21 Strathcona, AB
Tifenbach Peter 25 Regina, SK
Tillelmerir Amalie 42 Whitemouth MB
Tippe Adam 55 Winnipeg, MB
Tippe Michael 38 Winnipeg, MB
Tobler Andreas 47 Maple Creek, SK
Toscher Rudolf 20 Edmonton, AB
Treleuberg Martin 26 Ellerslie AB
Trotno (?) Katherine 19 Winnipeg MB
Ulacher Karl 35 Saskatoon SK
Ulmer Gottlieb 19 Yorkton Sk
Untersehr Maria 62 Irvine, AB
Urlacher Eva 92 Saskatoon SK
Urlacher Joseph 38 Saskatoon SK
Urlacher – see also Ulacher
Volk Martin 21 St. John NB
Volkau Leonhard 57 Humboldt SK
Vulder Johann 25 Grenfeld, MB
Wagner David 25 Calgary AB
Wagner Filipp 21 Winnipeg, MB