There is a Time for Everything

In the book of Ecclesiastes says, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecc. 3:1 NIV), I couldn’t agree more. We need to embrace every season in our lives; I know by experience that this is not as easy as it sounds. When I got married, I came to a different country so I couldn’t work because of the legal status I had. My plans were right away to continue my education; I tried to enroll in a University to get a masters degree. I had so many of my own plans but as things and opportunities unfold I realized none of my plans would be able to be fulfilled at that season in my life. Instead of embracing what was coming I sat, complain and grumble about my situation.

Talking to a dear friend, she reminded me of this verse and said that I needed to enjoy being a housewife. Since at that time I was pregnant with my first child I also had to get ready for the given blessing of our first born. I was not thrilled to move out of the state we were living, for the second time in two years and start a new life again but I decided to finally embrace the season. If I was to be a housewife then I was going to be the best one. I started to watch cooking shows and experimenting with my cooking and baking, reading a lot about managing a home and learning how to be a better wife. I can’t say that I have mastered every area but definitely I am enjoying every part of it with its ups and downs.

Recently, I read a quote that says

“A vision without a task is but a dream

A task without a vision is drudgery

A task with a vision is the hope of the world” – Inscription on a church in England, 1730

As I read I realized how every day I have to remember to keep my vision, and be diligent and faithful in what I do. Proverbs 22:29 says (KJV) “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men”. I am so pleased when people compliment my cooking and baking. As some friends tell their picky kids, “You should try that, Mrs. Varghese made it so you’ll like it for sure!” and see that the child do try my food and decides she likes those foods after all. Or listen to my friends say that I can turn anything into a gourmet dish. It is a reward and encouragement to know that at this season in my life I am not enrolled in a University or working outside home but I am learning to impact the lives of my kids and those around me by deciding to embrace where I am right now.

My husband says that he loves that I am always willing to learn either from books, mentors or the situations I encounter. I believe it is a blessing from God. I was so blessed to be introduced to the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson Education and to learn that I don’t need to be enrolled in a school to continue a superb education and now I have the opportunity to share that with those around me.

At this moment, I live in Long Island and with the recent Hurricane that strike our area, it can be fearful at times of what other seasons might come to our lives but as I ponder upon the word of God; I am so grateful of the peace my family has by trusting that God is sovereign. It is sad to see those that lost everything and I hope to give some comfort and help as we are able.

I want to pass onto my children to do whatever they do with passion, diligence and enthusiasm and if they have that willingness to learn and the humble heart to search, then everything will be easier and faster to accomplish in their lives. If they are stubborn and prideful then the road is going to be full of bigger obstacles.

So I beseech you to embrace the season that you are facing now and decide to enjoy every bit of it.