Journal – khunter Define Yourself for Yourself
Content: No matter what is in your Journal, it becomes a reflection of who you are, who you think you are and who you want to be. Produce images and thought and allow the artwork to strengthen with ownership in your work. Make your voice heard. Reflect how you can live in the moment and tune in to your creative potential. Find out who/what inspires you and challenges you, and and honor those relationships that lead to your personal growth.
Directive: Refer to the Prompts given to you in class. Select (2) that inspire you and expand on them to create a visual diary of your thoughts and feelings.
- Create (2) Journal Pages that are 12” x 14 “ from cardboard or similar materials. Use a variety of art material. Consider manipulation of the cardboard, unusual use of other materials to create and change the surface, and multiple layering.
2. Depth in use of materials as well as your creative thought process will be important aspectof this work. Use layers, and multiple types of art materials to achieve a complex arrangement of images.
3. Rubric: Please include the following into your artwork:
Formal Concerns - Elements and Principals of Design/Composition
Elements of Design - color, value, line, shape, form, texture, and space - Formal or literal qualities
Principles of Design - balance; emphasis; harmony ; movement; pattern; proportion; rhythm; tension; unity; variety
Use of Materials/Craft
•Complexity - combining the elements of art in involved ways, to create intricate and complicated relationships
•Harmony - combining elements of art to accent their similarities
Conceptual Concerns - An idea, thought, or notion – Including and sometimes beyond formal considerations "I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else." Picasso Creativity/Originality
1. Fluency refers to the production of a great number of ideas or alternate solutions to a problem.
2. Elaboration - process of enhancing ideas by providing more detail.
3. Flexibility - a variety of possibilities or realms of thought or different points of view; many different approaches/ strategies • Critical Analysis – synthesis of the thought process
• Complexity/Depth – of thought and feeling
• Ideas – Not typical