It is time to reinvest in early childhood
Mister Prime minister,
Ministerof Family,
I write to you as a[parent (grand-parent orother)of a child attending a CPE or a home daycare service / manager of a CPE/BC, educator orhome daycare service provider / etc.] to ask youspecificallyto use your influence for the well-being of children, their families and the whole Quebec society. Indeed, the government must reinvest in CPE and come back to a universal daycare fee.
Several scientific studiesaround the world, such as those ofRichard Tremblay from the Université de Montréal (Nobel ofCriminology 2016), of Janet Currie from the Universityof Princeton, and of James Heckman from the Universityof Chicago (Nobel of Economy 2000),has clearly demonstrated that we must build high quality educative services for early childhood.It benefits the whole society on short, middle and long terms. However, over the last few years, the government has chosen tocut significantly, at the expense of the quality of services to the young children.Besides, with the Family Tax, it incited many parents to move to non-subsidized commercialdaycares, where in most cases, quality isnot there.
Yet, with more than2,4billion dollars in surplus, the government has the room of manœuvre to reinvest in early childhood.To addressthe most urgent needs of the population, we must reinvestin theCPEand build on quality services, which make all the difference for children.
Moreover, to ensure equality of chances and social justice, we must come back to a universal daycare fee.Indeed, the modulation based on familyincomeisunfair, because parents, already struggling, have to pay three times: through the progressive taxes, through the daily fee, and again through a surprise billadded to their taxes at the end of the year.
[Insert atestimony about your reality (impact of the cuts on your childand/oryour daycare service, impact of the modulation on your family, etc.)]
This is why I ask you toreinvest, at last,in theCPEand focus on quality.
Thank you for giving this matter your consideration.Please accept, Mister, Madam [INSERT THE NAME OF THE MNA], the assurance of my highest consideration.