Character Project- Romiette and Julio
- You will be completing a final project having to do with a character from the book. This assignment can be done individually or with a partner. You will be completing TWO mini-projects to earn full credit for the project.
Select ONE character from the novel, Romiette and Julio, and ONE person in real life.
This person could be you, a family member, a friend, or even someone famous.
You are completing a character study or profile.
- Choose a means by which to produce the character study.
Voki- Many students will use the Web 2.0 application to make Avatars called Voki which can be found on Sign up for an account and start creating. Your character profiles must represent the character from the book and the person you are profiling. They can be symbolic; for example, you might choose to make Julio into a bear and give your mom blue hair. Each choice must make sense and you will be asked to defend your ideas. .
Collage or Little Book- Other students who do not choose to use the technology may make a collage or a Little Book for the character profile. You may use magazines, newspapers, words, or pictures to make your collage.
You may also do one Voki Avatar and one collage.
- The two character profiles are due on Friday, May 14. You will present your characters in class for an oral presentation. Don’t worry. You just need to stand up, tell us about your character and person, and show us your work.
- Grading Criteria: Content, Organization, Style and Language Usage and Timeliness
The Voki avatars or character collages/Little Books should be polished and professional, and demonstrate a thorough effort.
All words and pictures should demonstrate understanding and insight into the character.
Your oral presentation of your characters/people should offer insight into who they are, supported by specific examples or quotations from the novel and in the case of your second choice, real life.
The two min-projects are each worth 50 points for a total of 100.
You will have some time in class to plan and produce your work.
This project meets the English Language Arts Standard: ELA10LSV1 Participates in verbal/written interactions.