WWII Home Front Jackdaws Questions

After reading and analyzing the primary and secondary sources based on the home front during WWII, answer these questions with your partner.

  1. Based upon the National Munitions Company Strike Packet:
  2. What were the issues presented by the Union?
  3. What were the findings of the panel?
  4. During a time of war, do you think it was right or okay for the workers to strike? Why or why not?
  1. According to the Front Page, San Francisco Call Bulletin of August 5, 1945:
  2. What items were no longer being rationed?
  3. What items were going to continue to be rationed?
  4. Why would this particular date cause the end to some rationing?
  1. According to Case Study, Bendix Aviation and Prejudice in the Workplace:
  2. What types of prejudice existed on the home front during WWII?
  3. The Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) was in charge of bringing about social justice during the war years. Why were they unable to stop prejudice in employment?
  1. According to the War Production Board advertisement:
  2. What was one thing a house wife could do to help the war effort when she cooked?
  3. How exactly did this activity help the war effort?
  1. According to the Excerpts from Citizen’s Defense Manuel:
  2. In the case of an air raid warning, if a person were at home, where was the safest place to go?
  3. What were 2 things a person should NOT do during an air raid warning?
  4. How would a person know that an air raid warning was happening?
  1. According to the selections from the broad sheets:
  2. List and describe 3 jobs that a female could find to help out during the war effort.
  3. In what ways could a youth help the war effort?
  4. If a man was not accepted into the armed services, what were some of the ways he could help the war effort at home?
  5. Besides jobs, list and describe at least 3 activities a person could undertake in order to help defeat the enemies during WWII.

Writing Assignment on “Swing Shift”

You are a film critic who has just seen the movie “Swing Shift” and you now need to write a one page review of the film. Your review must include the following:

  1. At least one paragraph that summarizes the plot of the film and describes who the main characters were. 25 pts
  1. At least one paragraph that shows 4 ways the film was an accurate portrayal of WWII based upon the answers to your Jackdaws questions. 25 pts
  1. At least 2 suggestions for how this film could be made more accurate based upon the answers to your Jackdaws questions. 25 pts
  1. Your overall opinion of the film. Out of 5 stars, how many would you give it and why? 25 pts