Council Meeting October 9, 2017

City Hall Council Chambers:

ROLL CALL: The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Travis Schwerdtfager presiding. Councilmembers present: Jack D. Crispin, Jr., Lisa S. Feldkamp, Elijah Keever, Melodee Larsen, and Louis Zsuzsics, Jr. Officials present: Attorney Daniel D. Metz and Clerk Heather N. Simms. Also present: Superintendent Jesse C. Meyer.

VISITORS: Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Bob White, Kris Heinze, Kelly Larson, John Grace, Kathy Robertson, Christen Robinson and Konnie Budreau.

AGENDA AMENDMENTS: Business District Signage was removed from the agenda, presenter Carla Errebo wanted to reschedule for next month.

MINUTES: Upon motion by Feldkamp, seconded by Crispin, Minutes of the September 11, 2017, regular meeting were approved as written.

PAYROLL VOUCHER: Payroll Voucher No. 17-09, for September wages and salaries in the amount of $54,997.87, was presented. A motion by Crispin, seconded by Zsuzsics, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in September totaled $86,768.24, and unpaid invoices received to date totaled $94,235.37. Upon motion by Zsuzsics, seconded by Larsen, all invoices, in the amount of $181,003.61, were approved for payment. Keever abstained.

DELINQ. ACCNTS: The Governing Body reviewed a list of thirteen (13) delinquent utility accounts totaling $3,385.39.

USD298 DIGITAL LED SIGN: USD 298 Superintendent Kathy Robertson updated the Governing Body regarding the Digital LED Sign for which the city had written a letter of support. She said USD298 had been selected along with two other projects by the Kansas Sampler Foundation to be sponsored. Robertson explained USD298 would need to submit a short video and that is placed on a crowd funding platform that is worldwide. The campaign runs for three months and people can donate. Robertson is hoping for 100% funding for the project, as it would benefit the community as a whole. USD298 will know where the funding stands by the end of February in 2018.

SHEPPARD LOT AGREEMENT: John Grace was present on behalf of his company, Kansas Senior Living, Inc., and reported that his company had approved and he was ready to sign and move forward with the Development Agreement between the City and his company as Developer of the senior living Green House campus within Block 1, Lots 1 through 8 in Sheppard’s Addition of the city. The Agreement had been previously provided to the Mayor and Council for review and the final version with agreement exhibits attached was included in Mayor and Council Member packets for this meeting. John Grace proceeded to sign the Agreement and present it to the City through Clerk Simms who placed it before the Mayor and Council for official action on behalf of the City. After questions and discussion with Grace and Attorney Metz, Crispin moved to approve and sign the Development Agreement with Kansas Senior Living, Inc. Motion seconded by Keever and, after further discussion, carried by unanimous vote. A recordable Memorandum of Development Agreement pertaining to the rights and obligations of the City and Developer relating to the Sheppard Addition lots involved was then signed before a notary public by John Grace and thereafter presented to the Mayor and Council. Crispin moved to approve and sign the Memorandum, seconded by Keever and, after discussion, unanimously carried and signed on behalf of the City before a notary public.

HEALTH INSURANCE: Clerk Simms reported that the BlueCross BlueShield health insurance renewal had a 4.31% increase for the PremierSG Choice Plan annual premium and dental had decreased by 3.66%. After discussion,

Crispin moved to accept the proposal for BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas’s PremierSG Choice Plan, effective December 1, 2017. Motion seconded by Zsuzsics, Feldkamp abstained carried.

TRANSFER FUNDS: Upon motion by Feldkamp, seconded by Larsen, the transfer of $30,000.00 from the Water Fund, $125,000.00 from the Electric Fund, $15,000.00 from the Sewer Fund and $2,000.00 from the Solid Waste Fund, to the City’s General Fund, was approved.

Council Meeting Minutes – October 9, 2017 – Page 2

DEMOLITION BIDS: Mayor Schwerdtfager opened the sealed bids for the demolition of the 2nd Street property and hauling off of inside and demolition debris. Bids were received from two local contractors; Rodney Larsen Construction $4825 and Krueger Backhoe $4300. After discussion, Keever moved to accept Krueger Backhoe’s bid of $4300 for the demolition and hauling off of debris at 217 S 2nd. The contractor will have 30 days to complete the removal. The time will begin when City gives notice to contractor,

seconded by Crispin. The motion carried with Councilmember Larsen abstaining from the vote.

NUISANCES: The Governing Body reviewed a list of nuisance properties. Attorney Metz reported that the property on east South Street was reported as being sold. After discussion, the Governing Body agreed to allow until the next meeting for the sale of the property. If the sale doesn’t transpire, the city will proceed with immediate demolition according to the abatement process.

The Governing Body requested Attorney Metz to make contact with the attorney representing the owner of the property on Rodman Street and inform that the city is planning demolition as soon as this week.

Attorney Metz was instructed to have an Abatement Resolution prepared for next meeting for the property located on the corner of School and 3rd Street.

RV PARK: Clerk Simms reported the RV Park fees collected since the completion in April 2014 has paid off the light fund expenses incurred with the construction. Simms said the general fund expenses were less than $800 from being reimbursed due to this last pipeline project tenants.

GO BONDS: Clerk Simms explained that the Power Plant Project was nearing completion and she planned to zero out the project fund as the auditors requested. Simms agreed to follow up with Mike Schmaderer with Mid-States Energy Works, Inc. to determine if all the engine expenses have been billed, prior to making a prepayment on the bonds.

TRANSFORMER: Superintendent Meyer reported that Solomon Corporation inspected the city’s main tie transformer and they have determined the problem goes back to the raccoon incident a few years prior. The problem was missed with the initial inspection, therefore Solomon Corporation has agreed to only bill for parts and no labor.

VEHICLES: Councilmember Feldkamp questioned if the public officer could address some of the inoperable vehicles in town.

POOL REPORT: Councilmember Keever requested the final pool financials for the next council meeting.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, Crispin moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Feldkamp, carried. Council adjourned at 9:19 p.m.

/s/ Heather N. Simms

City Clerk