NAMI Texas Board Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Conference Call Line: 866-244-8528, passcode 835406#
NAMI Texas is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals
living with mental illness and their families.
*Advocate * Educate * Eliminate Stigma * Support affiliate growth
Attendance: Cindy Swain, John Dornheim, Hannah Fryer, Linda Cantu, Holly Doggett (staff), Greg Hansch (staff), Bill Matthews, Sherry Cusumano, Linda Denke, Mary Feree, Pam MacLeod,
Absent – Pam Cann messaged in traveling.
Draft minutes submitted for review by Cindy Swain, secretary.
5:05 p.m. President John Dornheim called the Board meeting to order after noting that quorum of 7 present
Approval of the agenda – motioned by Linda Cantu, seconded by Sherry Cusumano and approved
No conflicts of interest noted
Reviewed and approved the April 23,2016 as corrected- Bill Matthews motioned and Linda Cantu seconded.
Board Reports:
Executive Director, Holly Doggett has items to report in every area – cedes time to Greg Hansch for his formal public policy report.
1. Public Policy Director, Greg Hansch summarized activities as committee reports and legislative visits - session budget priorities not set to preview until platform is finalized according to affiliate feedback. Proposals for bill analyses are in public policy committee and NAMI Texas position statements will be forthcoming for proposed bills, if filed.
2. Policy Director, Greg Hansch, summarized media appearances with affiliates and on behalf of NAMI Texas. He has joined HHS advisory committee and other advisory committees for relevant state agencies that touch on mental health in order to make public comment and disseminate information back to affiliates.
3. A discussion of the Mental Health Advocacy Day planning activities ensued resulting in the suggestion that the Texas Coalition for Healthy Minds has grant resources for this purpose and should host this event. Mental Health America has not had time yet to plan a strategy for soliciting funding support due to the impending departure of the public policy director, Gyl Switzer.
4. A discussion of the previously agreed upon NAMI Texas Advisory Committee took place resulting in clarifying the dual purpose of providing a sounding board for NAMI Texas activities and providing a pool of potential new board members.
5:25 p.m. Financial Status (Summary) – Bill Matthews
1. Financial Report balance sheet through 4.30.16 – sent out ahead of meeting was reviewed.
2. $207,000 obligations down from last year 2.71%; total assets 249K down 1.5% at this time; this includes temporarily restricted funds of 7K which reduces our unrestricted funds but the accounts are actually in better shape than last year at this time (had 24K restricted last year). Executive Director, Holly Doggett, explained that line item 3408 shows the reimbursement for staff time on Texas Bar grant mailouts and will reduce the restricted amount by that amount. The rest of the $7,000 has been sent back to the Texas Bar Foundation. Current liabilities are down from last year by 7,000 and net income at almost $11,000 is also improved from year ago.
3. Balance sheet: line item 4342 corporate $7,000 is well over the $1,000 budgeted, but individual donations came in at half of budgeted amount. Grant funds released under budget item 9500 show zero due to delay on contract signed and will catch up next month by showing the first of two $5,000 allocations; hence, actual over budget is 90% of our goal;
4. Payroll actual expenditure is under budget by about 10% and board contributions are under expectations by $3,000 as we have received 90% below $16,000 marker expected for this time of year which should total 48K over the year, but this is not unusual and expects to be met by end of year.
5. See line item 6024 - .2 “audit” is still pending approval by audit committee-selection due end of this week and will show up as a $5-6,000 obligation in July-budget now shows as zero because it is a one-time expense
6. Line item 6028 contract services are under budget; 6015 operating expenses also under budget – managed well by ED Holly Doggett.
7. Total 57,000 spent of the budgeted amount of $63,000 in total expenses and net income is 11,000 below budgeted amount for this time.
8. Sherry Cusumano motioned and Linda Cantu seconded approval of financial reports as presented – approved unanimously.
5:40-5:55 p.m. Development/Fundraising – Linda Cantu (see report sent before meeting).
1. Network for good is hovering at 4-5 donations monthly. New administrative assistant has entered donors into electronic system and we need to keep up communication with donors to increase base. We get revenue from membership and need to promote this, especially from companies that contribute by payroll deductions. Linda Cantu and Linda Denke are working on a case of support (case statement) of 1-3 pages in length.
2. All directors are urged to do something for mental health month.
3. Linda has tapped a Pharma rep in Austin area to take on advisory committee and tap her network. As requested sent elevator speech and new board member resource link (from Mary’s board orientation packet). Also will create one page legislative report and a job description for advisory board. Bill has asked for past board and current or past donors to be considered for advisory board.
Conference Committee Report-Linda Cantu and Holly Doggett
1. Now have placed all proposals for presentations in drop box for review.
2. Link for conference registration due to go live next week.
3. Keynote to share strategic plan for new HHSC services, SOC working better for families, and how legislation changes how the system works. Holly will send keynote speaker confirmations. Sonja Gaines will speak on the current state agency projects related to mental health. Andy Keller will speak on accomplishments and current interests of Meadows Foundation. John Dornheimwill forward email from Sherry Cusumano to use for confirmation and logistics as well as sending details on keynote presentation. Linda Cantu will forward form for conference sponsors and exhibiters to all directors.
6:32 p.m. MarComm – Mary Ferree
Election committee – Have interest for regions 6 and 7 and two have responded. Bill Matthews is running again for his position and Tyler in 6 has someone interested. NAMI Austin, Denton, and Kaufman (David Stein – Holly has visited with him) have interest in at large positions. That will leave one at large position. See report sent prior to meeting. Board recruitment packet is complete and available in electronic or hard copy format.
6:11 p.m. Education Committee
Cindy Swain – June 2 meeting with Southwest Key, reviewing Ed Director job description.
6:13 Affiliate Outreach – Holly Doggett reported on Standards of Excellence and responses from affiliate surveys which has been returned by two thirds of the current affiliates. Conference committee will ensure conference offerings align with expressed needs. Holly tabled with Corpus Christi affiliate and is working with them in training collaboration. NAMI Homefront facilitator training is pending place and date. Went to Waco board meeting last week and reaching out to others who have not yet extended invitation. Holly also reports it important to provide the trainings and not charge affiliates for training if they can pay travel expenses, Stacy and Holly are creating proposal for SOE targets for the state prior to NAMI National’s deadlines coming out. Holly wants the board to decide on whether we want to extend assistance for affiliates who want to continue or picking a date that limits future applications for SOE. More to come after July national conference as board wants more information about national guidelines. While Texas is one of the leaders for the SOE, we have several who have started process and need to tie up loose ends. Holly offered to work with Stacy to create and distribute a report two weeks prior to June meeting to describe where we are and what resources are needed to move forward.
6:37 Strategic Planning update. Last training session is next week. Holly has sent out revised notes on April work. Holly suggested we review and approve at next face to face meeting.
New Business:
Based on a review of performance and accomplishments, John Dornheim and Linda Cantu proposed an annual salary increase for Policy Director to be started on the July anniversary of hiring. Discussion of all factors coming to bear on this decision ensued.
Cindy Swain motioned the board approve an annual salary increase, Bill Matthews seconded, and all approved.
Sherry Cusumano motioned and Mary Feree seconded to adjourn.
7 p.m. Adjourned
Submitted by Cindy Swain Board Secretary 5.20.16; approved with corrections 7.23.16.
Action / Responsible Party / Date Due / Date Completed1. Send exhibiter information / Linda Cantu / Before June 15 meeting / May 19
2. Explanation of where we are on affiliate SOE / Holly Doggett / Two weeks before June 15 meeting
3. Public Policy committee position proposals / Greg Hansch / ASAP after review
4. Send names to Linda Cantu for advisory board / All BOD / ASAP
5. Dates for NAMI Homefront, etc., trainings. / Holly Doggett / Next meeting June 15
6. Review strategic planning notes and be ready to revise/approve next meeting / All BOD / June 15 meeting
7. Case of support outreach letter / Linda Cantu and Linda Denke / ASAP