Compiled by Lindsay Bramall.
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(Volume I, No. 1, 1996 to Volume XI, No. 1, 2006)
100-day clocks by New MasterV372
1885 International Inventions ExhibitionX37-10
1885 International Inventions ExhibitionX48
1888-1902. The torsion clock situation in this periodX419-22
400-day clock collectingVII416-21
400-day clock escapement adjustingX29-16
400-day clock forkX310-12
400-day clock Look-a-likes.VIII15,6
400-day clock museum, Mainhardt, GermanyXII7-13
400-day clock repairsIX121-24
400-day clock running duration trialVIII126
400-day clock running history over 43 yearsVIII226-27
400-day clock service and repair.V4Supplement
400-day clock, “running in”.IV4120
400-day clock, the smallestVIII412-14
400-day striking clock patentsX219-21
400-Day striking clock problemsX113-18
400-day Table StrikerVII49-13
43 years of running records for a Schatz clockVIII226-27
4-ball pendulum first made.V4100
50 years of the Horolovar Repair GuideX110-13
500-day sub-midget clockI234,35
507 model from Gustav BeckerX216-18
A. C. Becken by Kern & LinkVI237,38
Acorn pendulum, Kienzle miniature clockII115-18
Adjustable bottom block, BadischeII47
Adjustable pallets in Schatz miniVI238
Adjusting 400-day 4 ball and disc pendulums for time keepingIII258,59
Adjusting hands on 400-day clocksX49-12
Adjusting suspension spring sizeIX3,427
Adjusting the 400-day clock escapementX29-16
Adjusting your suspension forkIV259
Akribie clock by Badische UhrenfabrikIX3,46-11
Altitude effect on Atmos bellowsVII422-23
Anchor pin adjustment, Kundo miniatureII411
Anchor pin and fork relationshipI49-11
Anchor pin depthing and fork tinesI14,5
Anchor pin, Kienzle miniature.V499,100
Angel columned JUF clock c1906-8X118,19
Anniversary Clock book, by Peter Wotton.IV371
Anniversary clock by Bowler and Burdick Co.II49
Anniversary clock, Bowler and BurdickI34,5
Anniversary clocks, Bowler and Burdick 1906 catalog.IV4Supplement
Anniversary clocks, Bowler and Burdick.IV497
Ansonia “candlestick” Terry pat. 1852 ClockVI121-24
Ansonia 400-day wall clockII25
Ansonia movement torsion clock, Libra VIVIII318-21
Ansonia torsion clock to Terry patent 1852VI121-24
Ansonia torsion pendulum clockIII16
Anton Harder experimental 400 day clock, Graham escapementI37-10
Anton Harder, US patent no. 269052II29
Art deco style Atmos I clockIV248-49
Art Moderne model LG4, Atmos.V4105,106
Assembling the 400-day clockIII4115-119
Atmos 526 repair tips.IV4115,116
Atmos 88 and Atlantis model clocksIII380,81
Atmos Art Moderne model LG4.V4105,106
Atmos beat rate, suspension spring and pendulum.V118-20
Atmos bellows and altitude effectVII422-23
Atmos bellows testing and replacementIII381-83
Atmos by J L ReutterIX3,411-16
Atmos caliber 519 clockIII118,19
Atmos calibre 528/1 square dialIII250,51
Atmos clock careIII4120-123
Atmos clock datingII383
Atmos clock datingIV118
Atmos clock engraved “Bee”, “Fish”, “Caravelle”, and “Chinese” motifs.IV381,82
Atmos clock fork overbankingIII119
Atmos clock hintsII315,16
Atmos clock information on InternetIII251,52
Atmos clock replacement suspension spring.IV382
Atmos clock runs fast ?VII422
Atmos clock serial number enquiryIII119,20
Atmos clock setting with a Timetrax 350IV118,19
Atmos clock storyII419,20
Atmos clock with engraved panels.IV381,82
Atmos clock, model PO 1.V117
Atmos clock, placing in beatIV250
Atmos clocks, basic informationIX214-16
Atmos clocks. What makes them run?V251,52
Atmos coil spring problemIV250-51
Atmos du millenaire (of the millennium). IV4114,115
Atmos first prototype, Jean-Leon Reutter.IV4116
Atmos I Model c1935, ReutterVI246,47
Atmos I series movementsIII252,53
Atmos I, art deco style clockIV248-49
Atmos I, Model RB1III4119,120
Atmos II clocksIV117-18
Atmos in art deco wooden case. V250,51
Atmos Jubilee modelV378
Atmos mainspring winding.IV416,117
Atmos Mysterieuse - 2003, 75th anniversary modelX14-9
Atmos parts procurement: Part 1: Current situationVI248,49
Atmos parts, finding.V4106,107
Atmos regulation with TimeTrax® 350.IV383
Atmos Regulator 2002, Calibre 580.VIII18-10
Atmos Reutter clock, checking it out.X424-26
Atmos suspension springs material.V118
Atmos timing and lubrication. Part 1. Manual TimingVI118
Atmos timing and lubrication. Part 2: Electronic timingVI247,48
Atmos timing and lubrication. Part 3. LubricationVI379-80
Atmos with a dome.V117
Atmos, for Gruen, c.1955VI378,79
Atmos, Reutter model PX1, c.1931VI117,18
Badische ( Lunar ) 30-day clockIII124-26
Badische clocksIII240-42
Badische suspension block and moreII47,8
Badische Uhrenfabrik clockII17
Badische Uhrenfabrik forkII318
Badische Uhrenfabrik wall clock Akribie.IX3,46-11
Badische, Kienzle and Huber 400-day clocksVIII312-15
Ball pendulum ballsII420,21
Barrel hook and teeth repairIX121-23
Barrel on third wheel, SchatzI24
Barrel on third wheel, SchatzI35,6,7
Barrel repair. Hook and teeth damagedIX121-23
Barrel stump slotIII4106
Barrel stumpII316,17
Barrel teeth replacementII421,22
Barrels in Nisshindo 400-day clocksIV126
Base for a 400-day clock. Spinning a new brass base.X430-35
Base, brass. Spinning a new base.X430-35
Bases for Haller clocks, brass platedVIII322
Basic 400-day tipsIV247-48
Bauer, J. Christian escapementIII115-17
Bauer, J. Christian. Patent DRP 84582X421
Beat adjusting suspension bracket on Gustav Becker clocks (R.G. No.8).IV379
Beat setting for Atmos clockIV250
Beat setting of 400-day clocks.IV4107-111
Beat setting on a fixed saddle clockX226-27
Beat setting on a Junghans clock.V387
Bechtel, J.B. & Co.III113
Becken (Kundo) clock pendulum problemIII121-23
Becken 400-day clocksIII240
Becken Co. by Kern & LinkVI237,38
Becker model 507X216-18
Becker, Gustav, column finial designI16
Becker, Gustav, suspension springs and moreII312-15
Becker, Gustav, wall clockI416
Bee engraved panels on Atmos clock.IV381,82
Bellows testing and replacement in Atmos clocksIII381-83
Benetfink, London retailer advertisementIII4107
Bermuda Carriage, Schatz.V498,99
Bernbrock, John, custom clock caseIII250
Bimetallic pendulum, J.J. MeisterII210,11
Blueing of steel hands. ( Steel in general ).IV391,92
Borgfeldt, George, & Co. backplateIII111
Borgfeldt, George, 400-day clockII16
Bowler & Burdick Anniversary clockI34,5
Bowler & Burdick clocksII216
Bowler & BurdickIII113
Bowler & Burdick, Anniversary clockI49
Bowler and Burdick Co. 1906 catalog.IV4Supplement
Bowler and Burdick Co. clocks.IV497
Brass bases. Spinning a new base.X430-35
Brass case waxing vs lacquering.IV373
Brass plated Haller clock basesVIII322
Brass, brushed finish corroded, restorationVI125
Brass-cased Jahresuhrenfabrik clockIII19
Brushed brass finish, corroded, refinishingVI125
Busse. M. “chaff cutter” escapement patent DRP 31890X420
Calendar clock, J. LinkI320 -24
Calibre 580 Atmos regulator, 2002.VIII18-10
Candlestick clock by Ansonia, Terry pat. 1852VI121-24
Capital replacement on an onyx regulator case.IV373,74
Caravelle engraved panels on Atmos clock.IV381,82
Care of your AtmosIII4120-123
Cases, gilt, cleaning.V4112,113
Cases, wood. Make your own.V114-16
Century clock by J.W.HileIX111-15
Century Clock. J.W. HileII4Supplement
Charles Terwilliger and the Horolovar Repair GuideX110-13
Chemical blueing of steel hands. ( Steel in general ).IV391,92
Chinese engraved panels on Atmos clock.IV381,82
Chrome plated Jahresuhrenfabrik clockIII388-90
Chromium-did you know about?VII423
Cleaning brass parts, tumbling machineIV233
Cleaning gilt cases.V4112,113
Click cut-out from front plate, Kern & LinkVI237,38
Clock (Wall model) won’t run. Finally fixed!!!V376,77
Clock bases for Haller clocks, brass platedVIII322
Clock case design / various movements?IV372,73
Clock won’t run, possible causes.IV384-86
Clock won’t run. What’s wrong?V253-56
Coehler, Henry, Co. Inc.IV4107
Coil spring problem in Atmos clocksIV250-51
Collecting 400-day clocksVII416-21
Column finial design, Gustav BeckerI16
Converting rear wind to front wind in a standard movement.V127,28
Corkscrewed suspension springIII384,85
Corroded brushed brass refinishingVI125
Counting wheel teethIX110
Cracked plastic verge in Haller 400-day clockIV120-22
Criteria for “What Clock is That? “I210
Crystal cased 400-day clocksVI369
Crystal regulator case, replacement onyx capital.IV373,74
C-shaped upper suspension block, Huber patentIV373
Danish electric clock, TelavoxVI19-11
Dating Atmos clocksIII383
Dating Atmos clocksIV118
Dating Harder clocksVIII212-20
De Gruyter 400-day striking clocksX412-18
De Gruyter Clock Manufacturing CoX37-10
De Gruyter German patent 29348X219-21
De Gruyter UK patent 3724X219-21
De GruyterII213-17
De GruyterIII115
De Gruyter’s patentIII113
De. Pat projectVI239-42
De. Pat project, update 2003VIII122-23
Definition of Torsion Pendulum clockI33
Depthing anchor pin and fork tinesI14,5
Detent escapement wall striking clockIX3,416,17
Deutsche Patent ProjectVI239-42
Dial fixing pins in tight placesVI124,25
Dial restoration.VIII14,5
Diamond dial Kern 400-day clockII320-22
Diamond dial on Schatz Model 49VI239
Disc pendulum adjusting rod breakage and repairI46,7
Disc pendulum developmentII212-17
Disc pendulum mix up. “ The Prodigal Pendulum “II411
Disc pendulum weight clearance correction washersIII392
Disc pendulum weight modificationIII4104-106
Disc pendulum, Franz VosselerI45,6
Disc pendulum, HarderII212,13
Disc pendulum, make one.VIII426-29
Disc pendulumsI311-14
Disc pendulums. When made??V373
DIY suspension guardII110,11
Dome with hole in top, Schatz standard size clock.V110,11
Dome, glass mirroredVI16
Domes, glass, suppliersIII369
Domes, Old vs NewVI111,12
DRGM and movement numbersIII239
DRGM datesII410
DRGM numbers and yearIII242-44
DRGM numbersIII112
DRGM numbersIV14
DRP numbersIII112
Duration trial of 400-day clocksVIII126
Earthquake damage repairs to Schatz miniVI119,20
Eccentric disc ( button ) replacementVII413-16
Eccentric nut on 400-day clocksIII127
Electric circuit diagram for Tiffany Never-WindIX118
Electric Danish clock, TelavoxVI19-11
Electric rewind 400-day clocks.V237
Electric rewind torsion pendulum clock, Heinrich RabeIV234
Electric torsion pendulum clock, Tiffany Never-Wind Style 1100.IV4121-125
Electric torsion pendulum clocks, Hanauer Elektrische UhrenfabrikIV234
Electric torsion regulator, Hanauer Elektrische UhrenfabrikVI373
Electronic timing of Atmos clocksVI247,48
Elgin/Haller’s German Time Bomb ClockIX3,423,24
Elinvar alloyIX3,418-22
Enamelling the pillars and base of a 400-day clockVIII120-22
Engraved Perspex Atmos clock.IV381,82
Escape wheel repairIX123-24
Escapement adjusting in the 400-day clockX29-16
Escapement flutter in Haller clockII318,19
Escapement flutterIII385-88
Escapement fluttering in a GBVI381-83
Exhibition of torsion clocks, St Louis, October 2003IX26-13
Farcot, Emile, statue torsion clockIV234
Fast running Atmos?VII422
Finger print prevention on movement partsIII4129
Finial tab attachment to Gustav Becker clocks.IV378,79
Fish engraved panels on Atmos clock.IV381,82
Fitting a new mainspring to its arborIII259,60
Fixed saddle clock, get it back into beatX226-27
Flutter in the escapementIII385-88
Fluttering escapement in a GBVI381-83
Forestville anniversary clocks.V241
Fork and anchor pin relationshipI49-11
Fork fitting to the anchor pinX222
Fork overbanking in an Atmos clockIII119
Fork positioning and adjustmentX310-12
Fork positioningI28
Fork tines and anchor pin depthingI14,5
Fork, Badische UhrenfabrikII318
Fortuna Co.I37
Four (400) hundred day clock term originIII113
Four ball pendulums by Gustav Becker. IV377,78,90
Four hundred (400) day clock assemblyIII4115-119
Four hundred (400) day clock information on the InternetIII251,52
Four hundred day clock basic tipsIV247-48
Four hundred day clock shippingIV242
Franz Vosseler miniature disc pendulumI45,6
French cased 400-day clocksVI369
French influence on 400-day clocksIII377-79
French patents for torsion pendulum clocksIV234
Friction in 400-day clocksVI242-46
Front wind conversion of a standard rear wind movement.V127,28
G.W. & Cie clocksIII378
G.W. & Cie wall clockI416
G.W. & CieI38
Gebruder Staiger clockIII4108,109
German movements in Grivolas clocksVI370-72
German patent 29348, De GruyterX219-21
German Patents & Torsion Pendulum Clocks, Part 1, 1877-1945VIII123
German Time Bomb – Haller/Elgin torsion clock look-a-likeIX3,423,24
German time bomb, Haller clockVI119
German Time Bomb. The Haller “ 400-day” clockV379-82
Getting a fixed saddle clock back into beatX226-27
Gilt cases, cleaning.V4112,113
Glass dome for Kaiser Universe clockIII369
Glass dome stops the clockIII4124,125
Glass dome suppliersIII369
Glass dome, mirroredVI16
Glass domed Atmos, model PO 1.V117
Graham escapement, Anton Harder experimental clockI37-10
Grivolas & Cie 400-day clockIII377
Grivolas 1910 catalogue – part translation.VIII110-13
Grivolas clock movements and back-platesVI4110-118
Grivolas clock picture galleryVI4105-109
Grivolas clock serial numbersVI499-105
Grivolas clock suspension, fork, anchor, and pendulum design notes.VIII110-13
Grivolas clocks with German movementsVI370-72
Grivolas patentsVI4102
Grivolas Story. Part 1. His “German” clocksVI383-89
Grivolas suspension bracketVI497-99
Grivolas temperature compensating pendulum and suspension spring.VIII112-13
Grivolas, Claude, 1910 Pendule de 400 Jours catalogueVI3Supplement
Gruen Atmos c.1955 clockVI378,79
Guards, suspension spring, useful or useless?VIII422-23
Guillaume, Charles EdouardIX3,418-22
Gustav Becker 4 ball pendulum, Model 1.IV377,78
Gustav Becker 4 ball pendulum, Model 2.IV377,78,90
Gustav Becker beat adjusting suspension bracket ( R.G. No.8 ).IV379
Gustav Becker clock innovations and features.IV375-81
Gustav Becker clocks by Junghans.IV386-91
Gustav Becker clocks with cylinder escapement.V112
Gustav Becker clocks with lantern pinions.IV379,80
Gustav Becker column finial designI16
Gustav Becker company. A brief history.X318-19
Gustav Becker cylinder escapement clockX420
Gustav Becker disc pendulums.V242-50
Gustav Becker finial tab attachmentIV378,79
Gustav Becker Freiburg Works serial numbering guideX315-22
Gustav Becker logosX315
Gustav Becker model 507X216-18
Gustav Becker Model 508 clockIV388-91
Gustav Becker pallet inspection holes.IV378
Gustav Becker serial numbering sources and systemsX319-22
Gustav Becker serial numberingIV243-44
Gustav Becker suspension guards.IV375,76
Gustav Becker suspension springs and moreII312-15
Gustav Becker torsion clock chronologyX316-18
Gustav Becker wall clockI416
Gustav Becker with lantern pinions.IV386-91
Gustav Becker’s first torsion clockX319
Gutenbacher clocksVIII321
H year–going clockX420
Haas 4-glass with spinning top pendulum III256-58
Haas, Phillipp or Hauck, Ph ?IV111-15
Haller “400-day” clock. The German Time Bomb.V379-82
Haller clock bases, brass plated VIII322
Haller clock servicingI414
Haller clock, the German Time BombVI119
Haller escapement flutterII318,19
Haller mainspring windingII317,18
Haller plastic verge crack repairIV120-22
Haller problemsII311,12
Haller skeleton clockVI119
Haller, Thomas wall clockI416
Haller/ Elgin’s German Time Bomb clockIX3,423,24
Hanauer Elektrische Uhrenfabrik electric torsion regulatorVI373
Hanauer Elektrische UhrenfabrikX420-21
Hanauer Elektrische Uhrenfabrik, electric torsion pendulum clocksIV234
Hand washer turningIV126,27
Hands on 400-day clock, adjustingX49-12
Hands on Kaiser “World” clockII412,13
Harder clock datingVIII212-20
Harder clocks researchIV238-39
Harder disc pendulumII212,13
Harder Ransen bei SteinauI38
Harder verge escapement wall clock – Part 1.VIII117-20
Harder verge escapement wall clock – Part 2VIII29-12
Harder, Anton, experimental 400-day clock, Graham escapementI37-10
Harder, Anton, US patent no. 269052II29
Harder’s patent 400-day clock, Silver medalX37-10
Harder’s patent 400-day clock, Silver medalX48
Hauck, Ph or Haas, Phillipp?IV 111-15
Hayenga, L.H. “Bert“, inventor of Torsion Beat Calibrator.IV4112-114
HECO movement in “Louvre” clock.V4109-112
Helmet shaped brass dome clock case, R.G. no. 46.IV372,73
Henn clock runs too fastIX 116-18
Henn has 7.5 beats not 8!IX116-18
Henn, Edgar, miniature clock suspension springIII377
Henry Coehler Co. Inc.IV4107
Herr 400-day clock restorationVIII417-22
Heymann, OscarII16
Hile, J.W., Century ClockII4Supplement
Hile, J.W., Century clockIX111-15
Hile, John W., torsion pendulum wall clockII415-18
Hile, John, 30-hour torsion pendulum clockV118-20
History of Schatz 1881-1981I1Supplement
Hole bushing in 400 day clocksIII253-55
Homemade toolsI411-14
Hook holes, mainspringI44
Horolovar Company visit, 2003VIII415-17
Horolovar Repair Guide 50th AnniversaryX110-13
Horolovar Repair Guide No.10.IV244-45
How many teeth ( in a wheel )IX110
How to count wheel teethIX110
Huber patent licensees.IV373
Huber patented “C” upper suspension blockIV373
Huber patented tubular suspension guardIV373
Huber Uhren (Badische) clockIII241-42
Huber Uhren clock with Kienzle pendulumIII370,71
Huber, Andreas, suspension bracketIII4108
Huber, Andreas. Manufacture of 400-day clocksX421-22
Huber, Badische and Kienzle 400-day clocksVIII312-15
Identifying and dating JUF clocks, 1888-1902X419-23
Impulse. When does it occur?II38
Interchangeable Schatz partsII217
Internet site for Atmos and 400-day clock informationIII251,52
Invar alloyIX3,418-22
J. Link & Co. Neuchatel 400-day clock.V124-26
J. Link 400-day calendar clockI320-24
Jaeger-Lecoultre contact address and numbersIII384
Jahres-Uhr 1910 catalogVII1&2Supplement
Jahresuhren-fabrik 1910 Catalogue clock.V19
Jahresuhren-fabrik clock (Repair Guide No 46) various movements?IV372,73
Jahresuhren-fabrik 1905/1910 catalogueIII372-76
Jahresuhren-fabrik 1910 catalogueVII1&2Supplement
Jahresuhren-fabrik 24-hour dial Louvre 400 day clockII219-22
Jahresuhren-fabrik 30-day clockII14,5
Jahresuhren-fabrik 400-day striking clockII413-15
Jahresuhren-fabrik 400-day striking clockVII49-13
Jahresuhren-fabrik back plate researchII14
Jahresuhren-fabrik brass cased clockIII19
Jahresuhren-fabrik chrome plated clockIII388-90
Jahresuhren-fabrik clock dating, 1888-1902X419-23
Jahresuhren-fabrik clock from ChinaII424,25
Jahresuhren-fabrik clock, R.G. no. 46.IV372,73
Jahresuhren-fabrik clocks researchIV238-39
Jahresuhren-fabrik Model. 197, 1910 catalogueIV255-59
Jahresuhren-fabrik pendulum identification and dating, 1880-1902X422-23
Jahresuhren-fabrik round plate movementsVIII36-11
Jahresuhren-fabrik striking 400-day clocksXII14-20
Jahresuhren-fabrik trademarks and logosVII1&24-6
Jahresuhren-fabrik wall clocksI416-20
Japanese 100-day and 400-day clocks by NisshindoV372
Japanese 400-day clock mainspring barrelsXI120-21
Japanese 60-day torsion pendulum clockIV122-26
Jehlin patent DRP 2437X419-20
John Hile 30-hour torsion pendulum clockV118-20
John W. Hile torsion pendulum wall clockII415-18
JUF 400-day striking clockVII49-13
JUF clock c1906-8 with angel columnsX118,19
JUF clock dating, 1888-1902X419-23
JUF pendulum identification and dating, 1880-1902X422-23
JUF round plate movement clocksVIII36-11
JUF stiking 400-day clocksXII14-20
Junghans clock beat settingV387
Junghans production of Gustav Becker clocks.IV386-91
Junghans, Gebruber. Patent DRP 31922X420
Kaiser “World “ clockII111,12
Kaiser “World “ clock, heavy handsII412,13
Kaiser Universe counter weightIII4128,129
Kaiser Universe glass domeIII369
Keeping scratches off small partsIII4128
Kern & Link with click cut-out in front plateVI237,38
Kern & Sohne “Louvre” model.V4109-112
Kern & Sohne datingVI113-16
Kern & Sohne pin pallet escapementII422,23
Kern & Sohne, wooden base clock, for Forestville Clock Co.VIII23,4
Kern diamond dial 400-day clockII320-22
Kern electric rewound 400-day clock.V237
Kern won’t run, possible causes.IV384-86
Keys, long shank, for Louvre model 400-day clocksIV392
Kienzle “ Louvre” model, 1928.V4109-112
Kienzle “army colored” clock base.V241,42
Kienzle 4-glass cased clock from EnglandIII4106-108
Kienzle clock in R.G no. 46 style case.IV372,73
Kienzle made Urania clockIII18,9
Kienzle mercury pendulumII39,10
Kienzle midget clockII29
Kienzle miniature anchor pin.V499,100
Kienzle miniature clock with acorn pendulumII115-18
Kienzle pendulum II17,8
Kienzle pendulum heightIII368
Kienzle, Badische and Huber 400-day clocksVIII312-15
Klaus, Keith, custom made torsion clocksXII11-13
Koh, William, smallest 400-day clockVIII412-14
Kohler, W. Patent DRP 57492X421
Kohler, Wilhelm, escapementIII115-17
Kuehl, George, & Co.III113
Kundo (Becken) clock pendulum problemIII121-23
Kundo 400-day clock for S.E.G MattarII38,9
Kundo 400-day clock from ChinaIII4125-128
Kundo 400-day clock loose pendulum rating discII4123,124
Kundo clock datingIII4108-114
Kundo electric rewound 400-day clockV237
Kundo midget clockI317,18
Kundo miniature anchor pin adjustmentII411
Kundo miniature clock pendulumIII120,21
Kundo miniature minute hand washerIII255,56
Kundo questionsIII110
Kundo serial number datingVIII113-17
Kundo, c.1928, with green trimming, i.e. columns, pendulum balls.V257-59
Kundo. A brief history.V257,58
Kundo-Staiger company mergeIII4109
Kundo-Staiger, formerly Kundo.V242
Lacquering vs waxing of brass.IV373
Lantern pinions in Gustav Becker clock.IV386-91
Lantern pinions on Gustav Becker clocks.IV379,80
Lantern pinions.V4101-105
LeCoultre calibre 30” A movementIII253
LeRoy et Cie 400-day clockII210,11
Letting down mainspringsI318,19
LG4 model Atmos, Art Moderne.V4105,106
Libra VI, an Ansonia movement torsion clockVIII318-21
Lighthouse clock by G.L.ThiebleIV234
Link, J. & Co. Neuchatel 400-day clock.V124-26
Link, J. 400-day calendar clockI320 -24
Long shank keys for Louvre model 400-day clocksIV392
Look-a-like 400-day clocks.VIII15,6
Louvre 24-hour dial Jahresuhrenfabrik 400-day clockII219-22
Louvre model 400-day clock long shank keysIV392
Lubricant for mainsprings. Slick 50 tm.II418
Lubricating your clockIV115-17
Luria and Son.II16
Lyre or medusa disc pendulumX118,19
Made in West GermanyV373-75
Mademoiselle by SchatzII47
Mainhardt Museum, GermanyXI17-13
Mainspring barrel stumpII316,17
Mainspring barrels in Nisshindo Master 400-day clocksXI120-21
Mainspring fitting to its arborIII259,60
Mainspring fitting with needle nose pliers.V111
Mainspring formulaII28
Mainspring hook holesI44
Mainspring let downI318,19
Mainspring lubricant, T-PLUS with TeflonI315
Mainspring lubricant. Slick 50 tm.II418
Mainspring removal toolIV4128
Mainspring replacement in 400-day clocksIII253-55
Mainspring servicingI314 -16
Mainspring sizingI47-9
Mainspring strength measurementVI116,17
Mainspring winder, make your ownVIII220-25
Mainspring winding, Atmos clocks.IV4116,117
Mainspring winding, Haller clockII317,18
Mainspring, correct set upI28,9
Make a disc pendulumVIII426-29
Make your own mainspring winderVIII220-25
Making your own wood cases for 400-day clocks.V114-16
Manual timing of Atmos clocksVI118
Manufacture of 400-day clocks by HuberX421-22
Master 400-day clock mainspring barrelsXI120-21
Master standard 70 clock from Japan won’t run!V253-56
Mattar, S.E.G., clockII38
Measuring mainspring strengthVI116,17
Medusa or lyre disc pendulumX118,19
Mein Schatz won’t run. Faults and repairs.V122,23
Meister, J.J. bimetallic pendulumII210,11
Membership directory 1999, Chapter # 168IV2Supplement
Mercury motor Atmos, checking it outX424-26
Mercury pendulum, KienzleII39,10
Metal spinning. A new brass base for a 400-day clock.X430-35
Metric conversionsIII19
Metric measurement systemII114,15
Millenaire model, Atmos clock.IV4114,115
Minute hand washer for Kundo miniatureIII255,56
Mirrored glass domeVI16
Movement faults which prevent operation, Schatz example.V122,23
Movement gear mesh problemII211,12
Movement numbers and DRGMIII239
Movement oilingI15
Mysterieuse by Atmos, 75th Anniversary model 2003X14-9
National Silver Co.II1 6
Needle nose pliers for mainspring fitting.V111
Neuchatel style 400-day clock by J. Link & Co.V124-26
Never-Wind, Tiffany, Style 1100 electric torsion pendulum clock.IV4121-125
Never-Wind, Tiffany, suspension spring.IV4103-106
Never-Wind, Tiffany, suspension springs.IV4125-128
New Master 100 day clocksV372
Ni-Span C alloyIX3,418-22
Nisshindo 400-day clock barrelsIV126
Nisshindo Clock CompanyV372
Nisshindo mainspring barrelsXII20-21
Non-Horolovar suspension springs.V121