Name ______English I

Teacher ______Fall 2011

Period ______Community

Date ______

Community 5/6Revolution Storybook (Phase 1)

The final product for this assignment is a children’s storybook and presentation to the community AND an individual, typed MLA OUTLINE.


  1. Choose a group of 4. CHOOSE CAREFULLY!
  2. Choose one of either the French or American revolutions to use for your children’s story.
  3. Utilize the major short story elements (character types, characterization, conflict, plot, point of view, setting, suspense) that you want to use and focus onincluding them in your children’s story.
  4. Analyze both the revolution story requirements and short story elements and begin to combine them into a plan for your storybook. FILL OUT THE PROVIDED WORKSHEET AS YOU PLAN, INDIVIDUALLY (each of you will need this handout to complete phase 2 of this project).
  5. Make sure you are using CORRECT GRAMMAR and language in a clear and simple way so that a 10yr old child could read and enjoy it.
  6. Make sure your book is bound in some way and has a visually appealing cover and appropriate title.
  7. Your book must include a brief Introduction that describes the conditions prior to the revolution that occurred, 6 major events of the revolution that your group chooses, and a brief conclusion that explains how the events of the revolution contributed tothe growth of democracy.
  8. Each of the 6 sections(see #7 above) must contain 1) An illustration of the event, 2) thought or voice bubbles coming from characters in the illustration, 3) a summary describing how the event related to the revolution, 4) a specific and detailed use of the chosen short story elements.
  9. Make sure it is neat (preferably typed), creative, and original. Color, organization, visuals, graphics, neatness, and creativity all matter.
  10. Present your storybook to your social studies class (turn in rubric). Volume, pace, eye contact, and body language all matter.

**Turn this rubric in the day you present your storybook to the community**


Group Storybook Rubric-Phase 1:(ALL 3 core classes)

  1. Cover and title page _____/10
  2. Neatness _____/10
  3. Content – (#7 and #8 above) _____/30
  4. Introduction – conditions prior _____/10
  5. Conclusion – democracy _____/10
  6. Creativity _____/10
  7. Grammar and English Goods _____/10
  8. Presentation skills: volume, pace, eye contact, body language _____/10

COMMENTS: Group Total: ______/100

Individual MLA Outline Rubric-Phase 2: (English class only)

  1. MLA Font _____/5
  2. MLA Header _____/5
  3. MLA Heading _____/5
  4. MLA Margins _____/5
  5. MLA Spacing _____/5
  6. MLA Title _____/5
  7. Introduction (attention getter and thesis statement) _____/5
  8. Topic Sentences _____/10
  9. Connections (A) _____/10
  10. Evidence (B, D) _____/20
  11. Explanations (C, E) _____/20
  12. Conclusion (re-statement and impactor) _____/5
  13. Individual Planning Worksheet Completed _____/10
  14. Individual MLA copy of story _____/10

Comments:Individual Total ______/120