Name ______English I
Teacher ______Fall 2011
Period ______Community
Date ______
Community 5/6Revolution Storybook (Phase 1)
The final product for this assignment is a children’s storybook and presentation to the community AND an individual, typed MLA OUTLINE.
- Choose a group of 4. CHOOSE CAREFULLY!
- Choose one of either the French or American revolutions to use for your children’s story.
- Utilize the major short story elements (character types, characterization, conflict, plot, point of view, setting, suspense) that you want to use and focus onincluding them in your children’s story.
- Analyze both the revolution story requirements and short story elements and begin to combine them into a plan for your storybook. FILL OUT THE PROVIDED WORKSHEET AS YOU PLAN, INDIVIDUALLY (each of you will need this handout to complete phase 2 of this project).
- Make sure you are using CORRECT GRAMMAR and language in a clear and simple way so that a 10yr old child could read and enjoy it.
- Make sure your book is bound in some way and has a visually appealing cover and appropriate title.
- Your book must include a brief Introduction that describes the conditions prior to the revolution that occurred, 6 major events of the revolution that your group chooses, and a brief conclusion that explains how the events of the revolution contributed tothe growth of democracy.
- Each of the 6 sections(see #7 above) must contain 1) An illustration of the event, 2) thought or voice bubbles coming from characters in the illustration, 3) a summary describing how the event related to the revolution, 4) a specific and detailed use of the chosen short story elements.
- Make sure it is neat (preferably typed), creative, and original. Color, organization, visuals, graphics, neatness, and creativity all matter.
- Present your storybook to your social studies class (turn in rubric). Volume, pace, eye contact, and body language all matter.
**Turn this rubric in the day you present your storybook to the community**
Group Storybook Rubric-Phase 1:(ALL 3 core classes)
- Cover and title page _____/10
- Neatness _____/10
- Content – (#7 and #8 above) _____/30
- Introduction – conditions prior _____/10
- Conclusion – democracy _____/10
- Creativity _____/10
- Grammar and English Goods _____/10
- Presentation skills: volume, pace, eye contact, body language _____/10
COMMENTS: Group Total: ______/100
Individual MLA Outline Rubric-Phase 2: (English class only)
- MLA Font _____/5
- MLA Header _____/5
- MLA Heading _____/5
- MLA Margins _____/5
- MLA Spacing _____/5
- MLA Title _____/5
- Introduction (attention getter and thesis statement) _____/5
- Topic Sentences _____/10
- Connections (A) _____/10
- Evidence (B, D) _____/20
- Explanations (C, E) _____/20
- Conclusion (re-statement and impactor) _____/5
- Individual Planning Worksheet Completed _____/10
- Individual MLA copy of story _____/10
Comments:Individual Total ______/120