Patuxent River Chief Petty Officers Association
47805 Liljencrantz Rd
NAS Patuxent River, MD 20670-1137
1. The November Patuxent River CPOA General Assembly was called to order on 2 November 2016 at 1130 hours.
2. The following persons were present:
- Members Present: 40
- Guests Present: 0
- Elections were held and are as follows:
President- Tommy Peterson
Vice President- Katie Norton
Secretary- Walter Morales
Treasurer- Steve Knoch
RAC- Rich Bozovich
- Motion Passed to front $672 for the CPOA Shotgun Top Shot Competition to be held on October 28th.
b. A motion was made and passed to accept the minutes from previous GA as posted via the CPOA website and email.
a. Treasurer CPO Steven Knock
- In Checking: $5464.88
- In Savings:$25.00
- Cash on Hand $222.0
- Total Balance $5711.88
- Current Members in good standing: 175
- Overdue on dues: 29
- New Members:
Tracy Moore
b. Keith Clerique was elected as PRO TEM President for next GA Meeting.
- Donated $150.00 to the USO by passing the hat amongst members at the GA.
- $2500.00 from the CPOA to the Holiday Party, which covers food, prizes and entry. Members/Guest-Spouse $10.00, non-members/Guest-Spouse $15.00. Holiday party December 10th at 1800.
- Water will be secured to the Goat Locker until December or January timeframe, due to renovations at the Gateway Inn. Ice trays are in the freezer, if you empty them please refill with the gallon jugs of water located in the kitchen.
- $200.00 from CPOA to Thanksgiving Pot Luck for turkeys. Paulo Osorio and Matt Budde are cooking.
- $525.00 from shotgun fundraiser to CPOA.
- Breakfast/Roadside Clean-up, November 4th starting at 0730.
- Oyster Scald, November 5th from 1500-1900.
- UFC 205, Saturday November 12th, prelims start at 2000.
- Cigar Night w/Mike, November 8th and 22th.
- Fishing Trip, Friday November 11th.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 1235 hours. The next meeting is scheduled for 7 December 2016 at 1500 hours at the Goat Locker.
CPO(AW) Walter A Morales Senior Chief (AW/SW/FMF) Tommy W. Peterson
Secretary President
Date: 03 Nov 2016 Date: 03 Nov 2016