Psi Chi/UPO Meeting Minutes 9.7.11

1. Sign ups for psychology T-shirts

2. Research opportunities!

2 Research Assistant’s needed to for an autobiographical memory study and a recognition memory study in Dr. Belli’s lab. People who have interests in cognition or memory please apply! Must be consistently punctual, comfortable talking to people, familiar with media lab and excel or willing to learn, and able to respond to e-mails quickly. You can be compensated with course crediIf interested contact

If anyone is interested in another RA position in Dr. Belli’s lab contact Alyssa ().

Interdisciplinary project looking at the way that people engage, and how attitude formation related to knowledge. RA’s will be used as facilitators and moderators in group discussions and engage in a lot of interaction with undergraduates and figuring out how they do things. Possibility to take part in literature reviews and potential opportunities for authorships in publications. Flexible time commitments. Contact, or .

Study examining risk behaviors (impulsivity and alcohol use) from the biological perspective. Opportunity to sign up for course credit for Spring 2012. Contact

Neurodevelopmental models of schizophrenia. If interested in neuroscience, please apply. Behavioral tests (brain slicing, staining) and statistics opportunities. Contact, .

Anxiety disorders research lab (Dr. Hope), needs 1-2 female RAs. Opportunity to run participants. Will learn about anxiety disorders. If interested, check the RA opportunities handout.

Health and addiction vulnerability lab. RAs needed for dissertation investigating smoking behaviors. Also an opportunity to look at substance abuse, data is collected at a halfway house in East Lincoln. Opportunity to get involved at whatever level and time commitment you are interested in, from a couple of hours a week to authorship in poster presentations. Contact, .

Developmental brain lab. Works on an array of brain measures. This fall there will be a study looking at toddler’s sleeping patterns using an EEG. This spring, there will be a study looking at sleeping patterns with the UNL women’s soccer team. Minimum of 1 year time commitment. 8-10 hour commitment for the first semester. If interested, check the RA opportunities handout.

Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse. Study just beginning so you will be able to be involved in the intial process of obtaining an IRB. If interested, check the RA opportunities handout.

3. General Announcements

Dr. Lesa Hoffmanàfaculty advisor of Psi Chi and UPO.

Commonly asked questions:

Where do I get information about Psi Chi and UPO?

Log onto Blackboard and information about Psi Chi/UPO is on the group homepage. You can also search it on the UNL website.

What if none of the research assistant positions are the area that I am interested in?

ANY involvement as a research assistant will help you get into graduate school, even if not in your specific area of interest. Involvement in a lab often helps you find connections and truly realize what your interests are! To get involved in a lab, check the psychology website and when you find a lab that you are interested in, contact the graduate students!

Thank you for coming! Next month’s meeting is on…


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