OCTOBER 11, 2006

Present: Dale Vande Haar, Jim Mefferd, Daria Bossman, Tim Jones, Larry Koeninger, John Teget, Patrick Finney, Jane Campagna, Mary Wegner, Roy Kenagy, Eunice Riesberg, Lily Lau, Barb Shultz, Kim Kietzman.

President Dale Vande Haar called the meeting to order at 2:21.

Minutes were unanimously approved with the addition of the name Larry Koeninger as a member present (Finney/Koeninger).

Jim Mefferd presented a draft of By-Law changes he had drafted at the request of the President Vande Haar. The draft and suggestions were reviewed and discussed at length. It was the consensus of those present the following changes, other than those made, would be made in the next draft:

1.  There would be a minimum of two meetings called per year (with an understanding that three would probably be held). Additiional meetings can be called by the President;

2.  The Quorum would consist of five LSAs represented;

3.  Membership would be defined as those selected by the LSAs rather than elected;

4.  Votes (except for By-Laws) would be a majority of LSAs;

5.  Votes on changes of By-Laws would be a 2/3 majority of LSAs;

6.  The By-Laws would account for “open-meeting” status;

7.  The annual plenary session would not be required;

8.  The Chair would not be required to attend the meeting of Administrators.

Mefferd was requested to present by Email a revised draft at least 30 days prior to the next meeting with the intention of action being taken on adoption at that time.

Patrick Finney and Kim Kietzman presented drafts of a brochure and book-mark each telling the LSA story. The major target audience of the bookmark to be the legislature. It was the consensus of the group the work was excellent and should proceed.

John Teget requested each Trustee pledge to write appropriate legislators as requested by the Governmental Affairs Committee and encourage at least one other trustee to do so. The Trustees so agreed.

John Teget then spoke on the need for Trustee education not only into governance items, but library issues in general and technology's promise for use by libraries.

LSA area comments:

N.C. Barb Shultz reported on using computer labs and training to assist area libraries in E-rate filing;

S.W. Reported requesting Agendas from all member libraries for the next year to review the issues each library was facing, to see that the needs of the library directors and trustees were being met;

Central reports hiring (at last) a new secretary;

S.E. Is looking for a new consultant and has purchased a “Play Station” II for use by member libraries and their patrons;

N.W. Is using librarians in the area as consultants on various matters

The next meeting, already scheduled, will be March 28, 2007, the same day as Legislative Day. Meeting time was changed to noon to accommodate those bringing others to advocate for libraries at the session with the Legislature. Central will handle arrangements for lunch for the Executive Council.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

John H. Teget, Secretary pro tem.