George Mitchell School
Saeed Hussain, Headteacher
Farmer Road Leyton London E10 5DN
Tel: (020) 8539 6198
Attendance hotline Secondary: 020 8988 9682
Website address:
15 December 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
The Christmas holidays are here and it is time for a much needed break for everyone. This has been a particularly busy term with two decants involving both the primary and the secondary phase. The primary school has successfully moved into its temporary building and the secondary school has settled well into its new building. Demolition work has started on the primary site and the new primary building is scheduled to be ready by Autumn 2018. I would like to take this opportunity to thank students, staff and parents/carers for their support this year and for making the transition into temporary accommodation and the move into new buildings so seamless and easy.
In November we received the FFT and RAISE reports in which all schools are assessed and compared with National Standards. Once again, George Mitchell School has come out incredibly well. The percentage of students in the Early Years achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) was again higher than national average and students made good progress in the primary. In year 11, progress in English and Maths was significantly above national average and our P8 score of 0.64 (progress across students’ best 8 subjects, the new Progress 8 measure) puts us second in the borough and in the top 10% of schools nationally. There is much to celebrate academically.
The Autumn term has been a very busy one. All students in the primary have been singing their hearts out at ‘Sing Off’ competitions; we have also had trips to Hackney City Farm, the Wetlands and the Museum of London. The primary celebrated World Food Day by bringing in food from across the world and parents have been participating in workshops to learn how to better support their children’s learning at home. We have had several exciting cross curricular drop days and a Baking for Equality ‘Edu-Cake and Cel-a-Bake’ competition where both primary and secondary children showed off their baking skills. There have been many trips to enrich the curriculum: wonderful MFL day trips to Boulogne and Bruges; theatre trips in English and Drama; the Speak Out Challenge for year 10; as well as a range of sports competitions where our students have done us proud.
The end of term usually also means saying goodbye to staff and welcoming new teachers into our school. In the primary, we say goodbye to Ms Dorrell who has been working with us as a teaching assistant. In the secondary, we say goodbye to Mr Taylor in Maths who has been covering Ms Enache’s maternity. Serwa Bonsu-Gyawu leaves us as MDA after many years in the school. I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best of luck in the future.
I would like to wish all students and their families a restful and enjoyable Christmas holiday and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing students safely back at the school on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 at 8.40am.
Best wishes,
Saeed Hussain