Scottish Defence League (SDL)

“That this Conference is appalled to learn that the Scottish Defence League (SDL), a sister organisation of the far right English Defence League (EDL), announced on 16 September that they intend to hold a demonstration in Glasgow on 14 November 2009. The EDL is widely recognised as a fascist and sexist organisation that considers women to be second class citizens in our society. Their methods of violence and hatred are used to spread their message.

“Conference calls upon the STUC and STUC Women’s Committee to continue to vigorously oppose the work of far right parties, such as the SDL, and the BNP, and to maintain its support of the work of the anti-fascist movement to expose these organisations and rid them from our society.”

Mover:Fire Brigades Union


The Daily Mail & Stephen Gately

“That this Conference is appalled at the recent article in the Daily Mail surrounding the death of the Boyzone singer, Stephen Gately, where they imply that his death was due to him being gay.

“Conference has been a long-standing campaigner in the fight for equality for all, and Conference is appalled that irresponsible journalism such as this is still being printed in the UK today. This is one of the most shocking articles printed, reflective of the behaviour of certain sections of the media, with their liberal use of insinuation and salacious reporting is abhorrent in the twenty-first century.

“That this article appeared on the same week that Ian Baynham’s life support machine was switched off after he suffered brain damage after a vicious homophobic beating in Trafalgar Square, demonstrates that our work is not over and the fight must continue.

“Conference calls on the STUC Women’s Committee to write to the Daily Mail and to urge the Press Commission (PCC) to introduce stronger guidelines against this kind of outrageous homophobic journalism.

“We also call on the Committee to write to the NUJ, congratulating them on their Homophobic Media Watch Campaign and offering our support in raising awareness of the Campaign.

“Furthermore, we encourage all affiliates and individuals to do likewise, and to challenge all forms of homophobia, particularly in the press.”

Mover:UNISON Scotland

Seconder:National Union of Journalists


Safety of Women on Scottish Railways

“That this Conference notes the 2002 report by the Scottish Executive, Women and Transport: Moving Forward sets out guidance to ensure policy makers recognise the issue of personal security acts as a significant constraint on women’s travel choices.

“Conference further notes the report stated surveillance measures are not sufficient to address women’s safety issues and that staff should be provided on vehicles and facilities wherever possible.

“Conference is, therefore, dismayed that on 2 November 2009 the Managing Director of First Scotrail advised the RMT that the company would be proceeding with plans to remove train guards and introduce Driver Only Operation (DOO) on the proposed new rail service between Glasgow and Edinburgh via Airdrie to Bathgate. The route is being funded by the Scottish Government.

“At this meeting RMT was also advised that the staff savings this measure would achieve would be in the region of £300,000. Conference is appalled that this amounts to less than the salary of First Scotrail’s highest paid director.

“Conference also notes First Scotrail’s intention to introduce ticket examiners on the route. Conference congratulates these rail workers for doing an invaluable job, including protecting revenue streams, but Conference is concerned they are not guaranteed to be on the train at all times and are not trained in the operational safety role which the guard performs.

“Conference is concerned that the decision to extend DOO demonstrates that the safety concerns of women passengers have not been adequately addressed and Conference, therefore, agrees to:

  • campaign to persuade the Scottish Government and First Scotrail to halt the extension of DOO in Scotland; and
  • urge the Scottish Government to work with the STUC and affiliates to produce an up to date study of women in transport to assist in improving the safety of women using all forms of public transport.

Mover:National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers

Emergency Motion No. 4

‘Changes by Government to the Civil Service

Compensation Scheme’ (CSCS)

“That this Conference notes the outcome of the membership consultation on changes proposed by the Government to the Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS) which provides funding for redundancy and early retirement which endorses the position of the unions to reject the proposal.

“Conference notes that in the media cuts have been presented as reform to end gold plated pay-offs. In reality, the proposals threaten to strip hundreds of thousands of staff of their current entitlements to compensation in the event of redundancy and make compulsory redundancy more likely. Conference is also concerned at the real threat of these proposals, particularly to low paid women workers.

“Conference believes that the proposals represent a crude attempt to make job cuts on the cheap at a time when jobs are threatened by plans for massive public spending cuts as a solution to the national debt arising from the current financial crisis.

“Conference further notes that staff become more ‘attractive’ targets for the private sector in terms of work being outsourced if terms and conditions are less expensive and that, therefore, the cuts to the CSCS would make further privatisation in the civil service more likely.

“Conference believes the proposals are a dangerous precedent and gives full support to the civil service trade unions in their efforts to defend members’ entitlements and calls on the STUC Women’s Committee, with the STUC General Council, to make clear this position to the Government and use its influence to seek a re-opening of negotiations.”

Mover:Public & Commercial Services Union