Happy Fall Everyone!

We hope everyone has had a great tennis season, and we look forward to welcoming you back again in 2016 for another exciting tennis season!

Although the Clubhouse is now closed, a daily maintenance will be done for the next couple of weeks, and weather permitting, nets will stay up. To help keep the courts playable, players can brush and line their own courts. Also if you are the last to leave at night, please turn the lights off to save on hydro costs.

Courts will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Men's and Ladies night play can continue but players will be responsible for organizing their own play. Any empty courts are available to be used by other members. When arriving please be respectful of members who are playing.

NEW LIGHT SHED! After 47 years the old light shed has been replaced!! Thanks to the fundraising efforts we have a new and improved light shed! A big THANK YOU to Mark Boyle for taking the lead on this project and ordering the shed and scheduling all the work with Bensheds, Bicks electric and Festival Hydro. Thank you to Mark Boyle for dismantling the old shed. Thank you to Mark Boyle, Wolf Jansen, and Wayne Carney for preparing the floor surface and protecting the electrical panel during the transition. Thank you to Mark Boyle and Stuart Arkett for disposing of the old shed.

On Friday October 2nd, the Club hosted the HURON-PERTH HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS. Thank you to Stratford Tennis Club staff for being excellent hosts, and congratulations to Steve Fischer and his team (court supervisors Heather Henke, Dale Bast and Stuart Arkett; Wayne and Maureen Carney for helping feed the players) for running this successful event. Several STC members participated, and won in many categories. Here is a link to the Beacon Herald article:

CONGRATULATIONS are extended to this year's award winners. Member of the Year is Michele Thomson, and the winners of the Jerry Johnson award are Declan Feore-Junior, and Greg Misener-Adult. Further details are available on the STC website and on facebook.

As the tennis season draws to a close, why not consider swinging another racquet? The Stratford Badminton Club will be opening soon. Please see the attached brochure for details.

This year's AGM will be held on TUESDAY 1 DECEMBER. Additional details and a link to a MEMBER SURVEY will be coming soon in what should be the last eNews of the year. Thank you for reading this far and for your support of our awesome club!

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Marilyn Holmes