Press release

Measuring high frequency electromagnetic fields directly on site

New broadband hand-held meter combines precision with extremely simple operation

Pfullingen, March 15, 2007 – Narda Safety Test Solutions has added a compact, hand-held instrument to the new family of broadband measuring devices for electromagnetic fields: the NBM-520 is operated with just four buttons, but accuracy is not sacrifices for simplicity. It will be premiered at Safety & Security as part of the Hanover Trade Fair.

Just two months after the introduction of the Narda Broadband Field Meter NBM-550, Narda Safety Test Solutions presents a further member of this new family of instruments. The NBM-520 is a small, light, hand-held device that directly measures the electromagnetic field strength in the vicinity of transmitters and industrial equipment using suitable probes. Just four buttons are needed to operate it. When linked to its “big brother” the NBM-550 via the optical interface, the “junior” NBM-520 can act like an extended probe handle, so that it is easier to reach awkward corners, or to check the measured value on the display of the NBM-550 before entering an area of high field strength.

Automatic probe recognition for maximum accuracy

The isotropic (non-directional) NBM probes are compatible with every instrument in the family. Just like the NBM-550, the NBM-520 has an intelligent probe interface that retrieves the probe data from the EPROM in the probe and takes this data into account in the result. The NBM-520 can thus achieve full calibrated accuracy with any NBM probe, without the user having to make any adjustments.

Narda offers isotropic probes for applications in the frequency range from 100 kHz to 60 GHz:

–  Dipole and coil probes with detector diodes for general measurements of electric and magnetic fields

–  Dipoles with thermocouple sensors for directly measuring the true RMS value of pulsed signals, such as those used in radar equipment

–  Shaped probes that weight the field strength results so the NBM can display it directly as a percentage of the permitted human safety limit level.

Spatial averaging

Human safety standards and regulations governing exposure to high frequency radiation specify limit values that are often averaged over a spatial volume corresponding to that of the human body. Such “spatial averaging” can be performed directly on site using the NBM-520, simply by placing the probe in the corresponding position and saving the measured value by pressing a button. The NBM-520 displays the result of the averaging at the end of the procedure.

The NBM-520 will be premiered at Safety & Security as part of the Hanover Trade Fair.

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Narda Safety Test Solutions is a global leader in the development and production of measuring equipment for safety in electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (EMF). Narda is a highly innovative company, owning around 95% of all the published patents for measuring such fields. The product portfolio includes broadband and frequency-selective measuring devices, monitors for complete wide area coverage, or that can be worn on the body for personal safety. Under the PMM brand, they offer instruments for assessing the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of devices. The range of services includes servicing, calibrating, and training programs.

Narda Safety Test Solutions has development and production facilities at three locations: Hauppauge, Long Island / USA, Pfullingen / Germany and Cisano / Italy. Closeness to customers is guaranteed by a worldwide network of representatives.

Narda Safety Test Solutions is part of L-3 Communications, New York.

For more information, contact:
Public Relations Partners
Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH
Kristen Prochnow
Postfach 1310
D-61468 Kronberg bei Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 - (0) 6173/9267-32
Fax: +49 - (0) 6173/9267-67
e-mail: / Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH
Sandwiesenstr. 7
D-72793 Pfullingen
Tel.: +49 - (0) 7121/97 32 - 777
Fax :+49 - (0) 7121/97 32 - 790
