Associate Research Scientist

Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science Phone: (520) 626-3324

University of Arizona, Environmental Research Lab Fax: (520) 573-0852

2601 E. Airport Drive E-mail

Tucson, Arizona 85706


Doctor of Philosophy - Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Arizona.

Master of Science Biology, University of West Florida.

Bachelor of Science Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona.


Associate Research Scientist, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona

Joint Appointment: Extension Specialist, Aquatic Resources, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona

Certified Professional Fisheries Scientist, No. 1932, American Fisheries Society

Aquaculture, Algae, Integrated Aquaculture/Agriculture, Bioremediation and Habitat Creation with Wastewaters, Aquaculture Extension Specialist for Arizona


Research interests include aquaculture, aquatic biology of man-made systems, native fish, reuse of wastewater:

n  Review aquaculture industry and participate in the development of a World Bank project with Mexico to develop aquaculture infrastructure on a national level including research, extension, education, demonstration projects, and environmental oversight (WORLD BANK);

n  Review aquaculture industry and research and provide input to redevelopment plan for Government of Egypt (USAID);

n  Develop plans for a multi-species hatchery in France (EUROPFARM, S.A.) and a tilapia farm in Colombia (SAGRO S.A.);

n  Co-Principal Investigator for caged tilapia nutrition studies with Freshwater Aquaculture Center, Central Luzon State University, Philippines (POND DYNAMICS/AQUACULTURE CRSP);

n  Production of Paddlefish in Intensive Recirculating Systems (DISNEY);

n  Develop plans for a shrimp-algae-halophyte farm in India (BALLARPUR INDUSTRIES);

n  Consultant on hatchery redevelopment project for Arizona G&F facilities (GREINER ENGINEERING);

n  Evaluation of solids removal systems for aquaculture effluents (USDA, WESTERN REGIONAL AQUACULTURE CENTER);

n  Survey and selection of species to be used in aquaculture display at EPCOT Center, Disney World (DISNEY);

n  Extension and contract work with farmers, investors, and government agencies on the feasibility, design, operation, and management of fish, shrimp and seaweed farms in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Mexico, Colombia, Jamaica, Philippines, Egypt, France, Costa Rica and El Salvador;

n  Development of integrated farming techniques incorporating aquaculture into irrigated field crop production (USDA-EPA joint funding)

n  Work with municipalities, irrigation districts and utilities to manage wastewaters to reduce pollution and to reuse water for aquatic systems and/or wildlife habitat (ARIZONA GAME and FISH and ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE);

n  Survey and control projects for algae and algal compounds in drinking and irrigation water systems (CAP, SRP, TEMPE, GLENDALE, SCOTTSDALE, MESA, CHANDLER);

n  Survey the Central Arizona Project for Zebra Mussels and develop a control plan in case of introduction (CENTRAL ARIZONA PROJECT);


BioSphere 2 Program Coordinator ERL, U. of Arizona, 1985-87.

Coordinator of University agricultural efforts for the Biosphere 2 project. Led and supervised a multidisciplinary team from the University including faculty, staff, graduate students, and consultants. Prepared budgets, reports, and worked with sponsors, other contractors, press and NASA officials.

Research Assistant ERL, Univ. of Arizona, 1981-84.

Conducted research in support of freshwater aquaculture program and marine shrimp aquaculture project.

Biological Aide National Marine Fisheries Service, Destin, Florida - 1979 - 80.

Collected biological and catch effort data in support of the Oceanic Game Fish Investigation. Duties included coordinating fish tagging project, taking morphological, sex, and gut content data, collecting fish parts for aging studies and officiating at big game fishing tournaments.


Coinstructor: Introduction to Aquaculture WFS 456/556

Instructor: Biology & Culture of Freshwater and Marine Algae SWES/WFS/ECOL 475/575

Instructor: Aquatic Plants and the Environment SWES/WFS/ECOL 474/574

Instructor: Independent Study Projects WFS 499/599

Instructor: Introduction to Environmental Sciences SWES 106

Instructor: Short course on Care and Use of Aquatic Animals in Research

Received grants: ($2,000) for purchase of multimedia computer and software for use in the classroom.

($1,212) for creation of an Aquaculture CD-ROM for high schools


n  Serve as officer for Arizona Aquaculture Association;

n  Edit Arid Lands Aquaculture newsletter covering University and Association activities;

n  Participate in drafting of aquaculture legislation, regulations and Best Management Practices for the Arizona Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Quality;

n  Work with food institutions (from multi-nationals to individual restaurants) in the market development of aquaculture products;

n  Construct and maintain World Wide Web Pages for aquaculture and aquatic systems in Arizona with links to local, US and international URL's. Also created sites for U of A courses, the American Tilapia Association and the U.S. Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society;

n  Instructor for week long course on aquaculture for Arizona Agriculture Education Teachers, at Round Valley High School, June 1995;

n  Conference Organizer and Chair for the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, November 1997, Orlando, FL;

n  Participated in National Aquaculture Extension Workshop, Little Rock, AR, March 1992;

n  On organizing Committee for 1997 National Aquaculture Extension Workshop, University of Maryland, April 1997;

n  Serve on Board of Directors of US Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society;

n  Serve as Vice President of the American Tilapia Association;

n  President-elect of the Tucson Zoological Society.


World Aquaculture Society

U.S. Chapter, World Aquaculture Society, (Board of Directors)

American Fisheries Society

Certified Professional Fisheries Scientist, No. 1932, American Fisheries Society

American Tilapia Association (Vice President)

Arizona Aquaculture Association (V.P.& Newsletter Editor)

Aquacultural Engineering Society

Network of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Professionals

Tucson Zoological Society (Board of Directors)


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Short Courses, Water Quality (Jan. 1983) Wildlife Diseases (Aug. 1995)

University of Arizona, College of Business, Executive Development Course, Tucson, AZ. April - May 1984

Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, Leadership & Management Development , Ojai, CA. April 1988

University of AZ short courses; Lab Safety, Radiation Protection and Research Animal Care and Use

Certified Professional Fisheries Scientist, American Fisheries Society

Western Ag Education Workshop, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, September, 1995.


Editorial Advisory Board for Reviews in Fisheries Science - A professional journal published by CRC Press and the American Fisheries Society

Editorial Advisory Board for Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Environment - A professional journal devoted to these issues in the developing world

Reviewer of competitive aquaculture grants for U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Commerce, National Science Foundation and Electric Power Research Institute

Member of Technical Committee for Western Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA

Member of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Member of Review Panel for Aquaculture Curriculum Guide - A curriculum developed for teaching aquaculture at the secondary level, distributed nationwide.

Member of Development Panel for Natural Resources Curriculum - A curriculum developed for teaching natural resources at the secondary level in Arizona.

Member of Technical Advisory Committee, Arizona Department of Water Resources


Western Europe, Mexico, El Salvador, Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Bahamas, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Martinique, Canada, Ivory Coast, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia and Egypt.



Tilapia Aquaculture : Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Editor. Fitzsimmons, K. 1997. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication No. NRAES - 106. Ithaca, N. Y. 808pp.

Refereed journal articles:

McKeon, C., Glenn, E., Gerba, C.P., Fitzsimmons, K., and Maier, R. in press. Microbiological hazards of fresh water fish culture systems. Aquaculture

Galindo-Bect, M.S., Glenn, E.P., Page, H.M., Fitzsimmons, K., Galindo-Bect, L.A., Hernandez-Ayon, J.M., Petty, R.L., Garcia-Hernandez, J. and Moore, D. 2000. Penaeid shrimp in the Upper Gulf of California in relation to Colorado River discharge. Fishery Bulletin 98(1) 222-225.

Glenn, E., Cohen, M., Morrison, J., Valdes-Casilla, C. and Fitzsimmons, K. 1999. Science and policy dilemas in the management of agricultural waste waters: The case of the Salton Sea, CA, USA. Environmental Science and Policy 2:413-423.

Brown, J.J., Glenn, E.P., Fitzsimmons, K.M. and Smith, S.E., 1999. Halophytes for the treatment of saline

aquaculture effluent. Aquaculture 175:255-268.

Fitzsimmons, K., Lovely, C. and E. Glenn. 1998. Growth differences among widely separated geographic accessions of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) in the Great Basin desert, New Mexico, USA. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 12(2):87-94.

Glenn, E., Moore, D., Brown, J.J., Tanner, R., Fitzsimmons, K., Akutigawa, M. and S. Napoleon. 1998. A sustainable culture system for Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) using sporelings, reef growout and floating cages in Hawaii. Aquaculture 165:221-232.

Glenn, E., Tanner, R.., Miyamoto, S. Fitzsimmons, K. and Boyer, J. 1998. Water use, productivity and forage quality of the halophyte Atriplex nummularia grown on saline waste water in a desert environment. J. of Arid Environments 38:45-62.

Fitzsimmons, K., Dickenson, G., Brand, C., and J. Davis. 1997. Effects of reducing dietary lipid levels on growth of hybrid tilapia in an intensive recirculating water system. Progressive Fish Culturist 59:293-296.

Riley, J.J., Fitzsimmons, K. M. and E. Glenn. 1997. Halophyte irrigation: An overlooked strategy for management of membrane filtration concentrate. Desalination 110:297-211.

Glenn, E., Moore, D. Fitzsimmons, K. and Azevedo, C. 1996. Spore culture of the edible red seaweed, Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) Aquaculture 142:59-74.

Conference Proceedings:

Fitzsimmons, K. 1999. Marketing of Tilapia in the USA. Pp.12-25. In: The Fifth Roche Aquaculture Conference - August 26, 1999 - Bangkok, Thailand

Fitzsimmons, K. and Posadas, B. 1997. Consumer demand for tilapia products in the US and the effects on local markets in exporting countries. Pp. 613-632. In: Tilapia Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Editor. K. Fitzsimmons, K. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication, No. NRAES - 106. Ithaca, N. Y.

Skeen, B. A., Fitzsimmons, K., Brown, J.J. and G. Dickenson. 1997. Performance characteristics of open and closed bead filters in a closed recirculating tilapia production system. Pp. 276-286. In : M.B. Timmons and T. Losordo, editors. Advances in Aquacultural Engineering. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication No. NRAES - 105, Ithaca, NY.

Fitzsimmons, K. 1997. AquaRIC’s: Philosophy and direction. Pp. 19-22. In : Webster, D. and Ewart, J. , editors. National Aquaculture Extension Conference Proceedings. Annapolis, MD.

Piedrahita R.H., Zachritz, W.H., Fitzsimmons, K, and Brockway, C. 1996. Evaluation and improvements of solids removal systems for aquaculture. pp. 141-150. In: G. S. Libey and M. B. Timmons, editors. Successes and Failures in Commercial Recirculating Aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering Proceedings II. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication No. NRAES - 8.

Olsen, M.W., K.M. Fitzsimmons, and D.W. Moore. 1993. Surface irrigation of cotton using aquaculture effluent, pp.159165. In: Techniques for Modern Aquaculture (J.K. Wang, Ed.) St. Joseph, MI:ASAE Pub. 0293.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1992. Extending the value of aquaculture effluents through sustainable

agriculture practices, p.344-346. In: National Livestock, Poultry, and Aquaculture Waste Management.

Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. Pub. 03-92.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1992. Fertilizer value of aquaculture effluent and land disposal as a Best Management Practice. pp. 1-4. In: Proceedings of the National Extension Aquaculture Workshop. Ferndale, Ark..

Lightner, D., Redman, R., Mohney, L., Dickenson, G., Fitzsimmons, K., 1988. Major diseases encountered in controlled environment culture of tilapias in fresh and brackish water over a three year period in Arizona, p.111116. In: 2nd International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

Leigh, L., Fitzsimmons, K.M., Norem, M. and Stumpf, D.K. 1987. An introduction to the intensive agriculture biome of Biosphere II, p.76-81. In: Space Manufacturing 6: Nonterrestrial Resources and Biosciences. Am. Inst. Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Other Publications:

Fitzsimmons, K., Circa, A., Jimenez, E.B. and Pereda, D. 1999. Development of low cost supplemental feeds for tilapia in pond and cage culture. In: K. McElwee, D. Burke, M. Niles and H. Egna (Editors), Sixteenth Annual Technical Report. Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. pp. 57-63.

Fitzsimmons, K. 1998. O Mercado de Tilapia nos EUA. (Tilapia markets in the US.) Panorama da AQUICULTURA 8(45):28-30.

Fitzsimmons, K. and Circa, A. 1997. Development of low cost supplemental feeds for tilapia in pond and cage culture in the Philippines. In: Fifteenth Annual Technical Report, 1997. Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Olsen, M., Frye, R., Fitzsimmons, K., Ebert, S. and Dickenson, G. 1997. Agricultural remediation of stack gases. Rural Electric Research Project 92-4. National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Arlington, VA.

Glenn, E., Moore, D., Machado, C., Fitzsimmons, K. and Menke, S. 1996. Atlas of Gracilaria Spore Culture. National Coastal Research and Development Institute, Portland, OR.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1995. Evaluation of halophytes to dispose of saline water and for direct planting on ash ponds. Report to Arizona Public Service.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., E. Glenn, K. Hilwig and T. Holstein 1995. A Survey, with recommendations for control, of aquatic weeds and algae in the Central Arizona Project Canal. Report to Central Arizona Water Conservation District. 22pp.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1995. Survey and review of constraints to aquaculture development and new species. Western Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA., University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 73pp.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1994. Staff Appraisal Report: Development of aquaculture infrastructure in Mexico. Report to the World Bank..

Glenn, E., Fitzsimmons, K. and D. Baumgartner. 1994. Growth and water use of conventional and halophytic landscape plants irrigated with saline water. EPRI Report 8021-03.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1992. Use of reclaimed water for Lakeside and other urban lakes. ERL Report #92112. Report to TUCSON WATER, Dec. 1992.

Glenn, E., Fitzsimmons, K., and Tollefsen, R. 1991. Productivity of Long Ogo (Gracilaria parvispora) in floating cages in Moloka'i fishponds. Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Portland, OR.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1990. Software program to predict hatchery requirements for several species.

Report to Greiner Engineering, Inc.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1988. Status of aquaculture in the state of Arizona. GHC Bulletin 11(1):23-24.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1987. Recent advances in aquaculture research. Bull. Az. Coop. Ex. Serv. 6pp.

Fitzsimmons, K.M., and Collins, W., 1985. Production and processing of Tilapia fish on the

Pasqua Yaqui Reservation, Tucson, Arizona: A feasibility study. 36pp.

Collins, W. and Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1985. Modern aquaculture production of Tilapia fish in El Salvador. Report to FUSADES\AID-US State Department. 43pp.

Fitzsimmons, K.M. and B.R. Salser, 1984. Controlled environment aquaculture at the Environmental Research Lab. Am. Fish. Soc. AZ-NM Conf. 1984:1-14.