Scholarly Scoop

February 1, 2016 Week 19 Mrs. Downs/Room 27 Seacliff Elementary

Mrs. Downs’s Note:

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Weekly Folder comes home today, and Progress Reports come home on Tuesday. J

Marathon Kids began last week, but it’s not too late to join! J Meetings are on Thursday mornings at 7:30am.

Chinese New Year Celebration this Friday morning at 8:05 on the blacktop. I hope you can join us for this special presentation!

Class Dojo:

Daily class behavior is recorded through this app. You will receive an email each Friday of your child’s progress.

Daily Points:

3 = Excellent;

2 = Good;

1 = Satisfactory;

Needs Improvement = -1;

Unsatisfactory = -2

An extra point may be earned/lost for following directions.

Language Arts:

·  Continuing to focus on writing non-fiction summaries and text structure

·  Finishing our Alternative Cinderella Stories/Comic Strips on our Book Creator App; Stories are due on Friday (in-class only)

·  Spelling/Affixes Quiz on Thursday; Week 17

·  Biography/Autobiography Book Report due Tuesday, February 16th


·  Timed Tests: Redos and Mixed Fact Practice Students will now continue to take the same fact test until that fact is mastered.

·  Keep practicing those math facts! It’s imperative that students master these facts. for practice sheets.

·  We continue Chapter 6 on Division; test on Friday, 2/5; study guide comes home on Tuesday

·  Partial Quotients Division Explained:

·  Area Model of Multiplication Explained:

·  Partial Products Multiplication Explained:

Social Studies:

·  We return to Ch. 3, Spanish California this week


·  Rocks Quiz on Wednesday, 2/3; Study Guide due on Tuesday

·  Our Smartboard Presentation/Notes are on the website for Rocks/Minerals

·  We continue our unit on minerals after Chapter 3 in social studies


We have Physical Education on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing/shoes.