Baltimore County Public Schools
Extended School Year (ESY) Program
Site Administrator’s Guide
Summer 2015

Table of Contents

Purpose...... 2

Program Descriptions...... 3

Staffing...... 4

Prior to the Start of ESY

Timeline...... 5

Paperwork...... 6

Transportation...... 8

Final preparation for day one...... 9

Teacher Set UpDay...... 11

During ESY

Paperwork...... 13

Transportation...... 15

Health...... 16

Parent Commmunication...... 17

Daily Schedule...... 18

Student Discipline...... 20


Attachment A: BCPS ESY First Day Folder

Attachment B: BCPS ESY Resource and Contacts

Attachment C: BCPS Emergency Safety Plan/Emergency Response

Attachment D: BCPS ESYPayroll Calendar

Attachment E: BCPS ESY Health Program

Attachment F: StudentDiscipline- The Basics, A Resource/Reference Guide for School Administrators to Use in Referring Disciplinary Cases to the Superintendent’s Designees


The purpose of this working document is to:

  • Provide an overview of the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Extended School Year Program (ESY)Site Administrator responsibilities and duties; and
  • Identify resources that site administrators can utilize to successfully implement the ESY program.

The development of the BCPS ESYSite Administrator Guide is to provideguidance for thesite administrator regarding the tasks before, during, and after the ESY program.


Appreciation is expressed to all Baltimore County Public School personnel who were involved in the development of the guide.


Extended School Year Learning Program


ESY Programs

ExtendedSchool Year (ESY)is services designed to address the needs of special education students as identified by the IEP team in support of students’ IEP goals. ESY will be offered in all five geographic areas of Baltimore County Public Schools at the elementary and secondary school levels. A continuum of services will be provided included service for eligible students who do not attend regional programs during the school and students in regional programs including Behavior Learning Support (BLS), Functional Learning Support (FALS), Communication and Learning Support (CALS), Early Childhood, and Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) programs.

The ESY session for students will be provided Monday, July 6, 2015, throughJuly 31, 2015, (20 days total) for 3 hours each day. This provides students with 60 hours of instruction. Scheduling of HSA administrationis determined by the Department of Research, Accountability, and Assessment.


ESY positions are determined by the Office of Special Educationbased upon student enrollment and services. Site administrators and appropriate offices review personnel candidates from a preapproved list of applicants generated through the application process with BCPS Temporary Services and interview candidates to determine qualifications and interest in specific positions. If a candidate meets qualifications, and is interested in the position, the administrator makes a recommendation to the Office of Temporary Services for employment. The Office of Temporary Services hires teachers and support staff through a contractual process. If a classroom or support position contract is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, the staff member will be given priority consideration for new positions in which he/she is highly qualified.

All teachers and select support staff are required to attend paid professional development programs as a condition of employment andstated in the ESY application and contract. Professional development for middle and high school teachers and behavior interventionists who will be providing instruction in the blended learning program for diploma bound students, including those in BLS programs, will be held on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at the George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm. All elementary and CALS/FALS teachers and elementary behavior interventionists will attend professional development on Monday, June 29, 2015, at Parkville High School from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.

All clericals hired for the ESY program are required to attend a paid professional development to review attendance and payroll proceduresas a condition of employment andstated in theESY application and contract. This professional development will be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2015, from 4pm – 6pm at the Kenwood Administrative Offices.

Note: ESY staff will not use Kronos during summer 2015.

The following notes the staffing/payroll hours for all ESY positions:

Additional Adult Assistant–3 hours/day

Behavior Interventionist–4 hours/day

Clerical – 4 hours/day (94 hours total)

Nurse – 3 hours/day

Paraeducator – 3.5 hours/day

Special Educators – 4 hours/day

HSA Technical Support –5 hours/day for 5 days totalONLY THE WEEK OF JULY 27

ESY 2015administrator Timeline

March25, 26, or 30First ESYadministrator professional development

  • Overview of procedures and guidelines
  • Overview ESY hiring

By April 17Hiring completed

By April 24Site visit completed by ESY Administrators

June 2, 4, or 5Second ESY administrator professional development

  • Training for opening procedures
  • Review of July implementation expectations
  • Overview of student database for ESY - STARS/SILK

June 2, 4 or 5–All Schools12:30pm– 3:30pmPulaski 307

June 3EYLP and ESY clericalprofessional development

  • Kenwood Admin Office – CIRT Lab, 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Week of June 22STC/HSA professional development

  • Pulaski Park, Suite 219, 9:00am – 11:00 am

June 25EYLP and secondary ESY teachers in the blended learning program professionaldevelopment

  • George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology, 8:00am – 3:30pm

June 26 Teacher set up day for EYLP and ESY teachers in the blended

learning program

  • 9:00am –11:00am

June 29Elementary and all CALS/FALS teacher professional development

  • ParkvilleHigh School, 8:00am – 3:30pm

June 30Teacher set up day for elementary and all CALS/FALS teachers

July 6ESY begins

Week of July 27Administration ofESY HSA

July 31Last day of ESY


Completing and maintaining paperwork is a large portion of the responsibilities associated with being anESYSite Administrator. Site administratorscan create a folder on the S:/Drive to store all files related to ESY in this location.This also allows for easy copying and/or sharing of related files year to year.

Folder Contents

Site administrators will keep copies of:

  • Opening Day Letter
  • Student Health, Transportation, and Parent/Guardian Contact Information
  • ESY Contracts
  • Weekly monitoring forms
  • Any other document that is created that may be reusable

Student Assignments

Each site administrator will consult the STARS and/or TIENET database to construct a list of students who are in the ESYprogram.This list should be shared with the appropriate staff members to determine the final list of enrolled students and their assignment to BCPS ESY classes.

Site administrators will prepare BCPS ESY paperwork to distribute to each student on the first day of classes. The prepared studentpacket should contain the following:

  • BCPS ESY Student/Parent Information Packet signed by the site administratorAttachment A: BCPS ESY First Day Folder
  • First Day Folder
  • Student Letter
  • ESYContract
  • Health, Transportation, and Parent /Guardian Contact Information Form
  • Student Dress Code
  • Transportation Procedures

CLEARLY indicate where and when forms are to be returned.

Host Building Support

The site administrator will coordinate with the host building administrator to determine the areas of the building that will be utilized by the ESY program and support needed.This meeting should occur prior to Friday, April 24, 2015. Secondary ESY and EYLP administrators should attend the meeting with the host school together.

Topics to discuss include:

  • Location of ESY office and telephone
  • Implementation of Raptor during ESY
  • Classroom/lab space identification
  • Copy machineswith code and in working order (designate main copier to be used)
  • Printersin working order(identify printer(s) to be used)
  • Promethean Boards to be used
  • Bathrooms
  • Breakfast distribution area
  • Daily custodial support
  • Supplies/equipment/locationforESY nurse
  • Coordination with secretarial staff as to how parent phone calls will be handled before and during the program

NOTE: All ESY sites will serve breakfast to students. Snacks will not be provided as an option.

In addition, prior to the start of ESY, site administrators should:

  • Contact the Office of Food and Nutrition Services to determine the administrator’s role in the Breakfast Program
  • Collaborate with resource personnel from various BCPS’ offices (Special Education, Temporary Services, curriculum offices, Physical Facilities, Assistant Superintendents, Transportation, Food Services, School Safety and Security,etc.). Attachment B: BCPS ESY Resource and Contacts
  • Work with the school secretaries to determine the best way for parents to contact the school with questions (e-mail, phone message, snail mail, etc.)
  • Develop proficiency using FileMaker Pro, STARS, and TIENETfor hiring and studentenrollment
  • Collaborate with the Office of Transportation to ensurepunctual and safetransportation of students, both to and from ESY sites
  • Obtain a copy of the Emergency Safety Plan from the hosting principal before June 2


Baltimore County Public Schools offers transportation to all eligible students participating in the ESY Programs.

The IEP team identifies if students receive curb to curb or shuttle stop transportation service. Prior to the start of ESY, site administrators should:

  1. Develop alist of students with coordinating transportation arrangements including bus number, driver’s name, and alphabetical list of students by, including shuttle stop if applicable
  2. Collaborate with the Office of Transportation to ensure punctual and safe transportation of students, both to and from ESY sites
  3. Know respective dispatchers and phone number(s)
  4. Contact dispatchers before July 6th to discuss any special transportation issues that apply to your specificsite

AREA MANAGER / Janet Teter
X-4321 / Robin Auten
X-4321 / Joyce Almond
X-4321 / Merv Mawhinney
X-4321 / Lou Sergi
DISPATCHER / Lynn Morningstar
X-1435 / Bev Cain
X-1321 / Trema Hoffman
X-1814 / Linda Bealmear
X-6353 / Jean Baughman

Transportation Contact Information

NOTE:This information is for internal use only. Please do not give parents dispatcher names or extensions.

FINAL Preparation for Day One

Before ESY begins and prior to the June 25or June 29professional developments,site administrator should plan on completing each of the following tasks:

  • Meet with the school principal/designee in order to finalize office usage (including use of computers, printers, copiers, and telephones)
  • Complete a walkthrough of designated classrooms and computer labs to be used
  • Assign classrooms to teachers including identified labs and classrooms using mobile carts
  • Consult with the tech liaison for sites with blended learning programsregarding roles and responsibilities

NOTE: The Tech Liaison’s primary responsibility will be to support the hardware and network used during the program. This position should be used to directly support student learning when hardware and network support is not needed.

  • Obtain a copy of the school emergency plan and review it with the school principal/designee Attachment C: BCPS Emergency & Safety Plan/Emergency Response
  • Identify substitute teachers and support staff from the ESYteacher/staff application file
  • Only substitute teachers and staff who are highly qualified for a position should be selected
  • Administrators are encouraged to select potential substitute teachers and staff in anticipation of staff absences (prior to the start of ESY)

NOTE: Only ESYadministrators are to arrange for substitutes. ESY teachers should not make arrangements for their own substitute teacher.

During the June 25and June 29 professional developments, site administrators will have time to conduct a staff meeting. During this time, site administrators should inform staff of teacher expectations including:

  • Teacher attendance
  • Teachers and staff are expected to attend school each day unless ill
  • A teacher or staff member who is ill may use up to three accumulated sick leave days
  • Sick leave is not earned during the summer
  • If a teacher or staff member decides to use sick leave, this information should be noted on the payroll sheet
  • Bereavement leave and leave for legal commitments negotiated through the Master Agreement will be honored for teachers and staff
  • Teacher working hours
  • 4 hours (3 hours teaching and 1 hour planning)
  • Teachers are required to be on duty 30 minutes before the school day begins and remain on duty 30 minutes after the school day ends. This time is allocated for planning.
  • Student behavior expectations (i.e. no cell phones, no iPods, etc.)
  • Parent communication
  • ESY schedule including student breaks
  • Bus arrival and dismissal procedures
  • Bus duty schedules
  • Class lists
  • Room assignments
  • Fire Drill Schedule
  • Day 1: Normal Fire Drill Evacuation
  • Week 1: Lock Down
  • Week 3: Evacuation of building to include 500 foot drill

NOTE:All drills are to be documented using the Emergency Drill Report and the host principal should log this in their school emergency safety plan.

After the June 25and June 29 professional developments, but prior to the June 26and June 30 teacher set-up day, all site administrators should:

  • Place a copy of the Emergency Procedure Guide in a convenient place in the administrator’s office in case an emergency/incident should arise.

NOTE: This guide contains all of the information/contacts, procedures and phone numbers that the site administrator will follow in the event of an emergency/incident.

  • Sort ESY supplies
  • Distribute ESY supplies to teachers
  • Create student attendance sheet for each teacher
  • Confer with the administration of the local school and that school’s tech/media specialist to determine the status of each computer to be used for blended learning courses
  • Distribute laptop carts
  • Inform support staff on how to direct ESY phone calls
  • Confer with building administration to finalize any lingering logistical issues

NOTE:Be sure to review the above information during the classroom set-up day with any teacher who did not attend the professional development.

Teacher Set Up Day

Site administrators should ensure that teachers complete the following tasks during the paid classroom set-up day on June 26 or June 30:

  • Confirm student enrollment within STARS and TIENET, cross referencing enrollment with the class list provided by the site administrator
  • Set-up classroom with support materials including:
  • Desk/table arrangement
  • Laptop distribution when applicable
  • Weekly pacing schedules
  • Tips and Tricks (i.e. logging in, logging out, etc.)
  • Notebooks and/or binders
  • Break schedule
  • Behavior expectations
  • Resource materials (i.e. notetaking handouts, lab materials, novels, etc.)

NOTE: It is the expectation that all chairs will be taken down on a daily basis in ESY classrooms. If custodial staff needs the chairs stacked at the end of the day, students should assist in this process.

  • Confer with special educators regarding IEP review and implementation.
  • Create structures to facilitate parent communication including, teacher generated

e-mail distribution list with parent/guardian contact information.

During ESY


Safety and Security

Site administrators will:

  • Implementa sound instructional program designed to reinforce and/or enrich academic skills in accordance with the student’s IEP and BCPS’ curriculum, in a safe and secure learning environment
  • Review the Emergency Procedure Guide and Attachment C: BCPS Emergency & Safety Plan/Emergency Response


Site administrators will:

  • Maintain attendance records for students
  • Facilitate the contactto the parent/guardianof any absent student on a daily basis
  • Use the standard BCPS’ attendance policy (see student’s copy of the BCPS’ Student Handbook) as it applies to all ESY students including:
  • Regular attendance is required in ESY
  • Students shall attend class unless prevented by illness, death in the family, or court-related matters
  • Record these absences as excused once documented with an appropriate note
  • Monitor student tardiness, emphasizing that arriving at school on time is very important to learning
  • Three days late for thirty minutes to 1½ hours will constitute one absence
  • Students who miss the majority of a school day will be marked absent for the whole day
  • Maintain a record of parental contacts (be specific i.e. left message, spoke with parent, student is sick, doctor’s appointment, court date, withdrawn, etc.)

NOTE: The classroom teacher should take attendance during the first instructional block. The site administrator,or their designee,should collect the attendance and attendance should be entered into STARS by the ESY clerical.


Site administrators will:

  • Verify teacher attendance
  • Adjust payroll sheets by hand, if necessary

NOTE: Hours paid should align with the staffing allocations indicated in the ESY Staffing sections. Any additional hours should be pre-approved by the Office of Special Education.

  • Send payroll sheet(s) to Office of Payrollon designated dates
  • Follow payroll procedures as outlined in Administrative Meetings
  • ESY positions are paid two weeks in arrears
  • Regardless of funding source, the only ESY rates that may be paid for ESY positions are those that have been negotiated with BCPS’ bargaining units and indicated on the individual ESY contract(Attachment D: BCPS Summer Payroll Calendar)


The expectation is that ESY teachers work all 20 days of the program. However, extenuating circumstances may arise that necessitate a substitute.

In case substitutes are needed, site administrators will:

  • Obtain and maintain a list of teachers who are highly qualified in the subject area from File Maker Pro
  • Select potential substitute teachers and staff from this list in anticipation of staff absences (It is suggested that this be done prior to the start of ESY)
  • Not allow teachers to select their own substitutes



Site administrators will:

  • Develop a morning and afternoon bus duty list with procedures to be followed
  • Remain outside the school building in order to meet and greet the students and bus drivers on a daily basis during both arrival and dismissal
  • Maintain and consult a master list of bus numbers and students(alphabetical) and by stop
  • Discuss with the bus drivers a signal that will be used at dismissal, i.e., hand wave, and ensure that the bus drivers do not to leave until all students have exited the building and the signal has been given
  • Review transportation expectations with students
  • Contact the respective dispatcher if a transportation problem should arise in order to resolve the problem or issue
  • NOT give out transportation’s phone number; it is the administrator’s responsibility to resolve all problems with parents and transportation
  • Remain at their respective sites until they know that all children are home
  • Make the appropriate phone calls to the parents if a child is returned to the site