Frequently Asked Questions for Hormone Support Creams

How do I apply the cream?

To apply the Pro Plus or Soothe Stress creams, press the pump and dispense ¼ teaspoon (this is a dose). Apply the measured amount to the proper area(s); (inner arms, back of knees, upper chest, and bottom of feet) using your fingertips. Apply a thin layer over the area(s), and continue to rub the cream into the skin until it disappears.Both the Soothe Stress and Pro Plus creams last approximately 4 weeks if used once a day.

Can the cream be applied to more than one area?

You may apply the cream to any of the areas stated above. You may divide the dose between more than one area and mix the creams together when applying both creams. By dividing the areas, you may get better absorption and faster penetration of the cream. You also do not need to rotate areas or put on “fatty” areas as some cheaper creams with an alcohol delivery system recommend.

Can I use more than the recommended amount of cream?

It is best to use the recommended amount based on your protocol (from the questionnaire). More is not better as any extra is excreted from the body(like vitamin B or C - no toxic affects). The protocols are based on a 150 lb woman so slightly more or less can be used based on your weight. See what works best for eliminating your symptoms as a certain minimum is needed for results.

What if I feel anxious or nervous after applying the cream?

Feeling energized and anxious or nervous may occur when you first start your Soothe Stresscream. If it causes any of these symptoms, simply reduce the amount to half of the recommendation on the label for a day or two. If symptoms continue for more than 48 hours after doing this let your BeBalanced Center know.

Can I wipe off what is left of the cream?

The cream is pre-designed to absorb thoroughly into the skin leaving only a fine residue. After applying, wait for at least five (5) minutes before dressing if you feel you need to. We suggest a 15 minute wait prior to showering or prior to wiping with a towel.

How critical are the times of applications?

The recommendations are for 1 dose AM &PM with most creams (follow your assigned protocol according to your questionnaire). If you have forgotten, use the cream at the next appropriate time. We do not recommend a doubling of the cream on the next application in order to make up the difference. Note: do not skip too many intervals, for we are trying to mimic the pulsatile secretion of your endocrine system with these times. It is not recommended to use the Soothe Stresscream too late prior to bed. This may cause energy late and less rest. It is fine to apply Pro Plus cream before bed.

How long will I be using the creams?

In trying to normalize specific aspects of hormonal balance, many factors (diet, exercise and stress management) will influence this. Most people observe a change and decrease in their symptoms within a few weeks and then the body can adjust and start to balance its own production of hormones. The average time for some normalization is 6 months. After this you can cut the dosage and see if you still have relief of all your symptoms for another 6 months. We do suggest long-term use of the creams and joining our"Stay Balanced" auto-ship/discounted program (see store). It is almost impossible to live in a modern world without some hormone support. Our creams are like a multi-vitamin for your hormones.

What if I experience a rash?

Although this is extremely rare, if you should experience a rash at the site of application, discontinue use on that area and move to another area which, in many cases, will resolve the problem.This is often the body pushing up toxins in the skin as the creams penetrate down to the lower levels.Using the cream on the bottom of the feet will eliminate this problem. If actual irritation occurs on any site of the body, you may have an allergy to one of the ingredients in the cream. If the irritation or rash continues discontinue and let your BeBalanced Center know. If the light scent is an issue for you, you can solve this by applying the cream to the bottom of your feet and then covering it with a sock.

For further questions, please contact your BeBalanced Center or email us at