Minutes of VASSP Committee Meeting

held on 6 June 2003, 9.00am – 3.00pm
at the Redback Hotel, North Melbourne

Welcome: Anne Coughlin assumed the role of chair in Andrew Blair’s absence and opened proceedings by welcoming committee members. Anne congratulated Carolyn Woodhouse’s recent principal appointment to Footscray City College

Guests: Heather Leroy, Manager Education Foundation, & Gavan Woinarski from ADAPE.

Apologies: Andrew Blair, Russell Monson, Keith Gray, Peter MacLean (late arrival)

Previous Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 March 2003 were accepted as a true and accurate record. Moved: Carolyn Woodhouse, Seconded: George Perini. Carried:

Business arising:

Item /
1.  / VET Funding
To be discussed as part of resources subcommittee report.
2.  /

Principal Workload Study

Following concerns about membership and the withdrawal of some members of the Steering Committee, DET has decided to discontinue this process. VASSP will be informed of the findings of the study and have the opportunity to provide comment on them.
3.  /

New Agreement

No further developments.
4.  /


·  School Funding Focus Group: Document presented for discussion as part of Resources subcommittee report.

·  Expert principals group meeting – discussion centred around SLN index factor.

5.  /

VASSP Conference Draft program tabled. APC is finalising program, which should be ready for printing and distribution in the next couple of weeks.

/ Nick to forward programs to VASSP office for distribution.
6.  /

Publication of destination data

Following much discussion on this subject, committee recommended that VASSP Executive formulate a strategy to present to the Minister to ensure that the release of any future data
·  is released to schools prior to its release to the media.
·  is reliable, verified and not misleading.
·  is not used to compare schools.
·  includes categories which are better defined.
·  is consistent with schools’ own MIPS research. / VASSP Executive to draft strategy.
7.  /

Framework for Reform

Copy of speech delivered by Lynne Kosky on 28 May 2003 was attached. A seminar has been organised for June 10 following Resources committee to look at what the reform agenda might mean to schools and how VASSP will respond to the major reforms in curriculum, school improvement, workforce development and teacher learning and innovation and excellence. / VASSP to develop a strategy on how it will respond to the major reform agenda items.
8.  /

VASSP Strategic Plan

The first draft of the Strategic Plan being written by Sajatha Panell under direction of the VASSP Leadership & Management Committee has been prepared. The strategies have been developed around the 6 core values. The plan should be finalised for launch at the ALC in August.
9.  /

Sorrento Outcomes

A list of the outcomes achieved by VASSP (to date) arising from the Sorrento workshop were presented and tabled.
10.  /

Member Services

VASSP and VPPA working together with marketing firm, Accumulate to develop a range of services to members. A survey to identify members’ preferences was emailed to all members yesterday.
11.  /

VASSP new logoArthur Toussaint presented the new VASSP logo and stationery, which was endorsed by Executive at its last meeting. The logo will be officially launched at the ALC in August.

12.  /

Restyling of VASSP communications

To tie in with the re-imaging of VASSP as a professional organisation, VASSP is having its membership handbook and badges professional produced. Members attending the conference will receive a badge and membership handbook as part of their conference package.
13.  /

Policy – Expenses incurred by VASSP staff

A motion was moved to accept the VASSP policy on VASSP related expenses. Moved: Carolyn Woodhouse, Seconded: George Perini. Carried
14.  /

President’s travel expenses

The President’s expected travel plans for the remainder of 2003 were tabled.
15.  /

Venue for future committee meetings

A permanent venue for VASSP committee meetings is still being debated. Some members commented that the Redback was too noisy and that a sit down meal was more appropriate for a professional committee. / Danka and Ian to prepare a survey to committee members to ascertain their preferences for a suitable venue.
16.  /

Policy on endorsing products and services

Committee recommended that Executive develop a policy on endorsing products and services.
/ Agenda item for Executive Meeting
17.  /

Establishing Ex-student Associations for Government SchoolsPresented by:

Heather Leroy, General Manager, Education Foundation, Ph: 9665 5902

Gavan Woinarski from ADAPE.

Peta McGinley, Sub School Leader Dromana Secondary College, Ph: 5987 2805

Colin Green – Melbourne High School Old Boys Club

Heather called for VASSP Support and for Principals to nominate for pilot project. Interested parties are urged to contact Heather on Ph: 9665 5902

18.  / NRMA Travel/Study Award
·  Rules and Criteria were reviewed and endorsed by Professional Support & Wellbeing and Teaching & Learning subcommittee.
·  Information sheet and nomination forms placed in the May Bulletin.
19.  / Emergency Management
Members have voiced their dissatisfaction with the quality and consistency of services provided by DET Emergency Management and Security Services. SMR have asked VASSP to maintain a database to collect this information and/ or to prepare a survey requesting feedback from members. / PSW&TL committee to develop survey and database.
20.  / Deputy President’s Report:
Anne reported attending the Specialist Schools Trust meeting on 28 May which outlined how the system operates in the UK.
21.  / Vice President – Carolyn Woodhouse
Carolyn Woodhouse reported attending the ASCIV conference on behalf of VASSP and commented on the lack of attendance compared to previous years. Committee discussed possible reasons including the expense, other conferences being held at the same time, and ASCIVs loss of relevance. / Carolyn to convey comments to Stephen Franzi Ford.
22.  / Vice President: Harvey Wood
VET Funding:
Expenses relating to particular courses are not recognized under the new proposed per capita, per program model. John McCarthy to provide figures on funding to schools to Harvey Wood.
23.  / Treasurers Report
Budget 2003/2004
A draft budget for 2003/2004 was tabled for committee’s consideration and endorsement at next meeting.
Danka prepared a report on extraordinary expenditure in the current financial year to explain the reason for the expected deficit. (up to $50K).
Ian Wallis prepared a report illustrating how members’ fees are likely to be distributed based on the projected income and expenditure for the 2003/2004 financial year.
A motion for VASSP to ensure a balanced recurrent budget for 2003/2004 was passed.
Moved: Frank Sal, Seconded: Peter MacLean. Carried
Financial Report
The April and March Treasurer’s Report were accepted.
Moved: Frank Sal, Seconded: Carolyn Woodhouse. Carried
Memorandum of Agreement
A new Memorandum of Agreement between the APF, VPPA and VASSP has been drawn up to simplify the collection and payment of APF subscriptions by the associated bodies. Committee passed the motion to accept the arrangements of the new MOA between VASSP, VPPA and APF effective from 1 July 2003.
Moved: Frank Sal, Seconded: Carolyn Woodhouse, Carried
24.  / Field Officers’ Report
Ian Wallis presented the Field Officers Report.
25.  / Network survey report
The results of the network survey were tabled. A number of key issues were identified in the report. Ian suggested that regions discuss the issues and forward responses to him ASAP.
26.  / Portfolio Reports
Leadership and Management:
Discussion on contents of tabled report.
27.  / Resources Subcommittee
School Funding focus group report:
Guidelines for SGB Model outlined and Possible Models for 2005 SGB were discussed. Much discussion centered on Section 4 - Proposed High Cost Schools Protocol.
A letter to Kim Bannikoff from Heather McIntyre of Daylesford Secondary College re: student census was tabled.
Human Resources Focus Group
Committee endorsed the following recommendations made by the Resources Committee:
1.  Regional Consistency Fund:
that the Regional Contingency Fund be broadened to include leave for jury service; regular forms of illness or medical treatment that aren’t necessarily continuous (eg chemotherapy, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and when the time absent for the above accumulates to 30 days (prorata for less than full time staff).
2.  Regional Consistency Fund:
that 1. all regions should provide specific transparent and consistent guidelines and criteria for access to their Fund; and 2. all regions should provide an annual analysis of (a) amounts received; (b) sources of funds; (c) allocation of funds; (d) amount residual a the end of the year.
3.  Census Audits:
that all genuine students must be funded. Specifically, re
1. Transfer of students between schools around Census Day: if it can be demonstrated that the student is “real”, the student must be funded, and that a commonsense determinations should be made, probably in favour of the school to which the student transfers, based on substantial attendance in March/April; 2. Overseas students around Census Day: as above, accompanied by documentary service. / Letter and representation to Director on these issues.
28.  / Professional Support & Wellbeing Subcommittee
Discussion on contents of tabled report.
VASSP representation on Working parties:
Committee ratified the motion passed through the Professional Support & Wellbeing subcommittee:
“that VASSP adopt a practice of inviting and identifying representations for task forces and working parties etc from portfolio committees and/or chairpersons form those committees.
That we advertise for interested people in the various portfolio areas to register their names if prepared to work on such groups.”
Moved: Brian Burgess, Seconded: Hulya Arif. Carried.
/ VASSP to influence the process by which DET selects representatives onto their working parties. Include in Executive agenda.
29.  / Conference
Draft program tabled.
30.  / New members
That the new applicants for membership as tabled be approved: Moved: Rod Williamson, Seconded: Peter MacLean. Carried.
31.  / Next meeting:
1 August 2003 – venue to be determined.