PhD Funded Studentship in “Deep Neural Networks, Adaptation and Transparency”
The University of Lincoln’s School of Computer Science are looking to recruit an outstanding, highly motivated postgraduate student to undertake a doctoral studywithin the Machine Learning Research Group (
Over the past 5 years significant growth has occurred in technologies that relate to machine learning & understanding, knowledge modelling & management, data science. Machine Learning, a branch of Artificial & Computational Intelligence, focuses on designing, developing and studying the algorithms that learn from data. Models of learning try to follow the function of the human brain, creating machines with intelligent behavior, which are able to reason, predict and adapt to changing environments, assisting humans in their activities& interactions.
The research interests of the mlearn group cover a variety of subfields where machine learning meets data science, intelligent systems, knowledge representation and reasoning, multimedia and multimodal content analysis, indexing and retrieval, semantic metadata interoperability and search, behavior recognition and affective interactions, sentiment analysis, as well as applications in medical data analysis and health care monitoring, cultural content search and digital libraries, computational finance, computational advertising, smart homes, smart cities and Internet of Things.
The successful candidate will investigate the area of deep neural networks and deep learning for signal and/or big data analysis, especially related to adaptation and transparency issues in applications, such as healthcare and complex data processing. The candidate will benefit strongly from the collaborations we have both within the University of Lincoln and internationally.
Entry Requirements:
Applicants should have a good honours Bachelors or Master’sdegree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Physics. Applicants must have an excellent mathematical background.Experience in related areas such as machine learning, deep learning and computer vision as these areasare considered beneficial. Applicants should be available to start work on the project in the autumn of 2017 (exact start date may be negotiable).
Open to UK and EU Students only
Stipend/Living allowance: £14,000 per annum
Start date 2 October 2017 (exact start date may be negotiable)
Duration: 36 months
Reference: COS-SOCS-2017-1
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Stefanos Kollias () or alternatively Dr Georgios Leontidis ().
How to apply:
An application of a CV, degree transcripts, and a 1-page covering letter including a brief insight into the research topic area should be emailed to Professor Stefanos Kollias and Dr Georgios Leontidis . Applications must state “PhD application – Deep Neural Networks” in the subject line.
Applications will be assessed on arrival. Should further information be required the applicant will be contacted. The position will remain open until filled.