Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Conflict of Interest: Employees are expected to devote their best efforts to the interests of Hospice and the conduct of its affairs. Hospice recognizes the right of employees to engage in employment or activities outside of their employment at Hospice. However, such outside employment or activities many not be hostile to, adverse to, in conflict with, or in competition with the work, goals, and mission of Hospice. Additionally, a policy of full disclosure will be followed with regard to such outside activities.
· Employees have an obligation to devote their best efforts to their employment with Hospice and may not engage in any outside employment, without full disclosure to Human Resources.
· No employee may engage in outside activities that will interfere with his/her primary job with Hospice. Nor will any employee engage in any outside activities hostile to, adverse to, in conflict with, or in competition with the work, goals, and mission of Hospice.
· If an employee, spouse, or other member of an employee’s immediate family is engaged in an enterprise, business or activity similar to Hospice or which might be in violation of this policy, it must be disclosed in full to the employee’s supervisor and to Human Resources.
· No employee of Hospice may accept a retainer, commission, consulting fee, or any other fee arrangement or remuneration from outside activities without full disclosure to the President/CEO.
· No employee of Hospice or member of his/her immediate family may directly or indirectly borrow from, lend to, invest in, or engage in any financial transactions with a patient, client, or potential supplier of goods or services.
· No work related to outside activities may be done during regular office hours and no facilities, equipment or supplies may be used for any such outside activities.
· Any employee engaging in any outside activities must advise his/her patient, client or customer that the work is in no way by, for, or in the name of Hospice.
· Any work, tangible or intangible, which is created by the employee during his/her working hours at Hospice and/or using Hospice material, equipment, or personnel shall be the property of Hospice for all purposes, including, but not limited to, the right to obtain copyrights, trademarks, or patents for such work.
All employees and Board members must disclose any possible conflict of interest to their supervisor, Human Resources Corporate Compliance officer, or the CEO.
Employee Attestation:
I have received information pertaining to conflict of interest related to Hospice and Palliative CareCenter, and can attest that I have no such conflict other than those described below:
Employee/Board Member (please print): ______
Employee/Board Member (signature): ______
Date: ______