Course: Advanced Wetlands Ecology, WIS 6444

Dr. Wiley Kitchens

Courtesy Professor

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Course Webpage

Zach Welch TA

Maximum class size 12 students

Requirements: Consent of the instructor, Wetlands ecology (EES 6308c)

Course Schedule: Summer C (unless otherwise specified)

Thursday 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Friday 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Course Description:

This course examines the major wetland systems in North America. The goal is to develop a comprehensive understanding of wetland systems through an individual and comparative examination of the following:

  1. ecosystem geologic ontogeny,
  2. surface and ground water hydrology,
  3. soil and water chemistries,
  4. vegetation matrix composition,
  5. faunal associations, and
  6. ecological processes critical to the systems evolution and continued stability.

Particular emphasis will be placed on issues associated with competing demands for the use of wetlands and their resources. The course will utilize the community profile series published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and selected scientific publications as the primary information source for lecture materials. Students will be required to develop summations for assigned profiles and other significant referenced materials and present these reviews to the class. The responsible student and the instructor will lead a class discussion on the appropriate topic. The course includes required field trips: 2 day trips to local systems, and 2 long weekend multi-night trips. The course will require wetlands ecology as a prerequisite and will be designed as a companion or follow-up course to wetland ecology.

The course is designed to be a four hour course. Admission is for graduate students only. The grading structure is as follows:

class participation...... 10%

lecture presentation, preparation...... 20%

final exam...... 70%


Week 1

·  Monday (May 14)

o  Introduction

o  Scheduling

·  Thursday (May 17) Reading

o  The Ecology of Intertidal Flats of North Carolina (Wiley)

o  Ecology of Intertidal Oyster Reefs of the South Atlantic Coast (Zach)

o  The Influence of Deposit-feeding Organisms on Sediment Stability and Community Trophic Structure (Thea)

·  Friday (May 18)

o  No Class

Week 2

·  Thursday (May 24)

o  Class moved to next Tues and Wed (29th-30th)

Week 3

·  Tuesday (May 29) Reading

o  The Ecology of Regularly Flooded Salt Marshes of New England

o  Tidal Salt Marshes of the Southeastern Atlantic Coast

·  Wednesday (May 30) Reading

o  The Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Marshes of the U.S. East Coast

·  Thursday (May 31) Reading

o  The Ecology of Bottomland Hardwood Swamps of the Southeast

o  Ecology of Southeastern Shrub Bogs (Pocosins) and Carolina Bays

·  Friday thru Monday (June 1-4) Field Trip

o  Friday – no class, leave G’ville Friday 4 pm from N-Z parking lot

o  Saturday - tour Savannah River, tidal fresh - salt

o  Sunday - tour Four-Hole Swamp and Congaree Swamp

o  Monday - drive back from Columbia, SC

Week 4

·  Wednesday (June 6) Reading – Class moved to Wed-Thur

o  The Ecology of Delta Marshes of Coastal Louisiana

·  Thursday (June 7) Reading

o  The Ecology of San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes

o  The Ecology of Southern California Salt Marshes

Week 5

·  Thursday (June 14) Reading

o  Prairie Basin Wetlands of the Dakotas

o  Playa Wetlands and Wildlife on the Southern Great Plains (to be provided)

·  Friday (June 15)

o  No Class

Week 6

·  Thursday (June 21) Reading

o  The Ecology of Tundra Ponds of the Arctic Coastal Plain

o  The Ecology of the Patterned Boreal Peatlands of Northern Minnesota

·  Friday (June 22)

o  Riparian Ecosystems: Their Ecology and Status (to be provided)

Week 7 No Class (Summer Break June 25-29)

Week 8

·  Thursday (July 5)

o  The Ecology of Hydric Hammocks

o  The Ecology of Irregularly Flooded Salt Marshes of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

·  Friday (July 6) Day Field Trip

o  No class, leave for Cedar Key in the am, tour hydric hammocks

Week 9

·  Thursday (July 12) Reading

o  The Ecology of Eelgrass Meadows of the Atlantic Coast

o  The Ecology of Seagrass Meadows of the West Coast and South Florida (to be provided)

·  Friday (July 13) Day Field Trip

o  No class, leave for Steinhatchee early am, bring snorkel gear and sunscreen

Week 10

·  Thursday (July 19) Reading

o  The Ecology of Mangroves of South Florida

o  The Effect of Altered Hydrology on the Ecology of the Everglades

·  Friday (July 20) Reading

o  More Everglades Readings

Week 11

·  Thursday (July 26) Reading

o  The South Florida Environment

o  Loveless/Fredrick/Kitchens

·  Friday thru Monday (July 27-30) Field Trip

o  Friday – no class, leave for S FL noonish

o  Saturday – possible aerial tour

o  Sunday – airboat tour and subsequent repair

o  Monday – drive back

Week 12

·  Thursday (August 2)

o  Review for Final Exam

·  Friday (August 3) No Class

Week 13

·  Thursday (August 9)

o  Final Exam

General Supplementary Reading

Baldwin, A. H., K. L. McKee, and I. A. Mendelsohn. 1996. The influence of vegetation, salinity, and inundation on seed banks of oligohaline coastal marshes. American Journal of Botany 83:470-479.

Baumann, R. H., and R. E. Turner. 1990. Direct impacts of outer continental shelf activities on wetland loss in the Central Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Geology and Water Resources 15:189-198.

Bayley, P. B. 1995. Understanding large river-floodplain ecosystems. BioScience 45:153-158.

Bertness, M. D. 1992. The ecology of a New England salt marsh. American Scientist 80:260-268.

Bolin, E. G., L. H. Smith, and H. L. Scramm, Jr. 1989. Playa lakes: Prairie wetlands of the Southern High Plains. BioScience 39:615-623.

Bowden, W. B. 1984. Nitrogen and phosphorous in the sediments of a tidal freshwater marsh in Massachusetts SA). Estuaries 7:108-118.

Bowden, W. B., C. J. Vorosmarty, J. T. Morris, B. J. Peterson, J. E. Hobbie, P. A. Steudler, and B. Moore. 1991.

Transport and processing of nitrogen in a tidal freshwater wetland. Water Resources Research 27:389-408.

Bridgham, S. D., S. P. Faulkner, and C. J. Richardson. 1991. Steel rod oxidation as a hydrologic indicator in wetland soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 55:856-862.

Brinson, M. M. 1993b. Changes in the functioning of wetlands along environmental gradients. Wetlands 13:65-64.

Childers, D. L., H. N. McKellar, Jr., R. Dame, F. Sklar, and E. Blood. 1993. A dynamic nutrient budget of

subsystem interactions in a salt marsh estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 36:105-131.

Childers, D. L., J. W. Day, Jr., and H. N. McKellar, Jr. 2000. Twenty more years of marsh and estuarine flux studies: Revisiting Nixon (1980). In M. P. Weinstein and D. A. Kreeger, eds. International Synposium: Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 389-421.

Conner, W. H. and J. W. Day, Jr. 1982. The ecology of forested wetlands in the D. F. Whigham, eds. Wetlands: Ecology and Management. National Institute of Ecology and International Scientific Publications, Jaipur, India, pp. 69-87.

Conner, W. H. and M. A. Buford. 1998. Southern deepwater swamps. In M. G. Messina and W. H. Conner, eds. Southern Forested Wetlands: Ecology and Management. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 263-289.

Cypert, E. 1972. The origin of houses in the Okefenokee prairies. American Midland Naturalists 66:485-503.

Dahl, T. E. 1990. Wetlands Losses in the United States, 1780s to 1980s. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. 21 pp.

Dahl, T. E. and C. E. Johnson. 1991. Wetlands Status and Trends in the Conterminous United States Mid-1970s to Mid-1980s. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. 28 pp.

Dahm, C. N., ed. 1995. Kissimmee River Restoration. Special Issue of Restoration Ecology 3:145-283.

Damman, A. W. H. 1986. Hydrology, development, and biogeochemistry of ombrogenous peat bogs with special reference to nutrient relocation in a western Newfoundland bog. Canadian Journal of Botany 64:384-394.

Damman, A. W. H. and T. W. French. 1987. The Ecology of Peat Bogs of the Glaciated Northeastern United States: A Community Profile. Biological Report 85(7.16), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. 100 pp.

Davis, S. M. and J. C. Ogden, eds. 1994. Everglades: The Ecosystem and Its Restoration. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, FL. 826 pp.

Day, J. W., Jr., W. G. Smith, P. Wagner, and W. Stowe. 1973. Community Structure and Carbon Budget in a Salt Marsh and Shallow Bay Estuarine System in Louisiana. Sea Grant Publication LSU-SG-72-04, Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 30 pp.

Deegan, L. A., J. E. Hughes, and R. A. Rountree. 2000. Salt marsh ecosystem support of marine transient species. In M. P. Weinstein and D. A. Kreeger, eds. International Symposium: Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 331-363.

Delaune, R. D. and C. W. Lindau. 1990. Fate of added 15N labelled nitrogen in a Sagittaria lancifolia L. Gulf Coast marsh. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 5:429-431.

Dortch, M. S. 1996. Removal of solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the Catche River wetland. Wetlands 16:358-365.

Doss, P. K. 1993. The nature of a dynamic water table in a system of non-tidal, freshwater coastal wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 141:107-126.

Doss, P. K. 1995. Physical-hydrogeologic processes in wetlands. Natural Areas Journal 15:216-266.

Ewel, K. C. and H. T. Odum, eds. 1984. Cypress Swamps. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville. 472 pp.

Faber, P. A., E. Keller, A. Sands, and B. M. Masser. 1989. The Ecology of Riparian Habitats of the Southern California Coastal Region: A community Profile. Biological Report 85(7.27), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. 152 pp.

Faulkner, S. P., W. H. Patrick, Jr., and R. P. Gambrell. 1989. Field techniques for measuring wetland soil parameters. Soil Science Society of America Journal 53:883-890.

Fetherston, K. L., R. J. Naiman, and R. E. Bilby. 1995. Large woody debris, physical processes, and riparian forest development in montane river networks of the Pacific Northwest. Geomorphology 13:133-144.

Flores-Verdugo, F., J. W. Day, Jr. and R. Briseno-Duenas. 1987. Structure, litter fall, decomposition, and detritus dynamics of mangroves in a Mexican coastal lagoon with an ephemeral inlet. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 35:83-90.

Friedman, J. M., M. L. Scott, and D. T. Patten, eds. 1998a. Semiarid Riparian Ecosystems. Special Issue of Wetlands 18:497-696.

Gunderson, L. H. and W. T. Loftus. 1993. The Everglades. In W. H. Martin, S. G. Boyce and A. C. E. Echternacht, eds. Biodiversity of the Southeastern United States: Lowland Terrestrial Communities. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 199-255.

Hall, H. D., and V. W. Lambou. 1990. The ecological significance to fisheries of bottomland hardwood ecosystems: Values, detrimental impacts, and assessment: The report of the fisheries workgroup. In J. G. Gosselink, L. C. Lee and T. A. Muir, eds. Ecological Processes and Cumulative Impacts: Illustrated by Bottomland Hardwood Wetland Ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, pp. 481-531.

Hamilton, S. K., S. J. Sippel and J. M. Melack. 1996. Inundation patterns in the Pantanal Wetrland of South America determined from passive microwave remote sensing. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 137:1-23.

Hedmon, C. W., D. Van Lear and W. T. Swank. 1996. Instream large woody debris loading and riparian forest seral stage associations in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26:1218-1227.

Johnson, B. L., W. B. Richardson and T. J. Naimo. 1995. Past, present, and future concepts in large river ecology. BioScience 45:134-141.

Junk, W. J., P. B. Bayley and R. E. Sparks. 1989. The flood pulse concept in river-floodplain systems. In D. P. Dodge, ed. Proceedings of the International Large River Symposium. Special Issue of Journal of Canadian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 106:11-127.

Koch, M. S. and K. R. Reddy. 1992. Distribution of soil and plant nutrients along a trophic gradient in the Florida Everglades. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56:1492-1499.

LaBaugh, J. W., T. C. Winter and D. O. Rosenberry. 1998. Hydrologic functions of prairie wetlands. Great Plains Research 8:17-37.

Lide, R. F., V. G. Meentemeyer, J. E. Pinder and L. M. Beatty. 1995. Hydrology of a Carolina Bay located on the Upper Coastal Plain of western South Carolina. Wetlands 15:47-57.

Megonigal, J. P., W. H. Conner, S. Kroeger and R. R. Sharitz. 1997. Aboveground production in southeastern floodplain forests: A test of the subsidy-stress hypothesis. Ecology 78:370-384.

Newman, S., J. B. Grace and J. W. Kooebel. 1996. The effects of nutrients and hydroperiod on mixtures of Typha

domingensis, Cladium jamaicense, and Eleocharis interstincta: Implications for Everglades restoration. Ecological Applications 6:774-783.

Nyman, J. A., R. D. Delaune and W. H. Patrick, Jr. 1990. Wetland soil formation in the rapidly subsiding Mississippi River Deltaic Plain: Mineral and organic matter relationships. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 31:57-69.

Odum, E. P. 2000. Tidal marshes as outwelling/pulsing systems. In M. P. Weinstein and D. A. Kreeger, eds. International Symposium: Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (in press).

Odum, W. E., E. P. Odum and H. T. Odum. 1995. Nature=s pulsing paradigm. Estuaries 18:547-555.

Pearlstine, L., H. McKellar and W. Kitchens. 1985. Modelling the impacts of a river diversion on bottomland forest communities in the Santee River floodplain, South Carolina. Ecological Modelling 29:283-302.

Perry, J. E. and C. H. Hershner. 1999. Temporal changes in the vegetation pattern in a tidal freshwater marsh. Wetlands 19:90-99.

Post, R. A. 1996. Functional Profile of Black Spruce Wetlands in Alaska. EPA-910/R-96-006, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle. 170 pp.

Rivers, J. D., D. I. Siegel, L. S. Chasar, J. P. Chanton, P. H. Glaser, N. T. Roulet, and J. M. McKenzie. 1998. A stochastic appraisal of the annual carbon budget of a large circumboreal peatland, Rapid River Watershed, northern Minnesota. Global Biogeochemic Cycles 12:715-727.

Roberts, L. 1993. Wetlands trading is a loser=s game, say ecologists. Science 260:1890-1892.

Sasser, C. E., J. M. Visser, D. E. Evers and J. G. Gosselink. 1995. The role of environmental variables on interannual variation in species composition and biomass in a subtropical minerotrophic floating marsh. Canadian Journal of Botany 73:413-424.

Sasser, C. E., J. G. Gosselink, E. M. Swenson, C. M. Swarzenski and N. C. Leibowitz. 1996. Vegetation, substrate and hydrology in floating marshes in the Mississippi River delta plain wetlands, USA. Vegetatio 122:129-142.