Environmental Science
Stanberry High School
Instructor Information: Julie Romig
Course Description:Environmental Science is a curriculum that is designed to introduce students to major ecological concepts and the environmental problems that affect the world in which we live.
General Objective:
In the lecture portion of this class students should gain an awareness and understanding of the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems, evaluate risks, and examine possible solutions.
In the laboratory portion of this class students should gain a working knowledge of the scientific method, experimentation and good laboratory practices.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Understand the role, place and interactions of components of the environment.
- Develop strong problem solving skills.
- Use mathematical relationships to predict the outcome of experiments.
- Have good laboratory practices.
Learning Activities/Major Topics Studied:
A combination of lecture, class discussion, and hands-on laboratory practices will be used to facilitate the student’s learning of the required material.
Instructional Methods and Techniques:
- lecturenotes
- class discussion
- projects
- laboratory practices
- individual work
Method of Evaluation:
There will be a test, at the completion of each unit of this course. The students should meet the requirements of these tests by attending and participating in scheduled class sessions which will allow for greater concentration in the areas of importance and assist the students in their learning process.
The Final is a proctored comprehensive test.
A laboratory section correlates with the lecture section of this course. The laboratory procedures performed are designed to enhance the learning experience of the student; students will earn points according to their completion and participation in lab activities such as dissections and projects.
Additional, material covered in the classroom may be included homework, and class work. The best way for a student to achieve these points is to participate.
Attendance and Class Participation:
Attendance and class participation are very important. If a student should be absent, it is their responsibility to makeup the work they missed. The Student Handbook outlines the make up policy. Students are strongly encouraged to establish lines of communication with the instructor in order to discuss assignments, late work, and missed classes. The information necessary for the successful completion of this course will be provided during class sessions. Should work fail to be turned in after an absence, the grade will result in a zero.
Phone Usage:
Phones will not be stored during class on the counter or in an area deemed by the teacher. Failure to follow this policy will result in loss of phone.
The policies concerning cheating and plagiarism are posted in the student handbook and will be followed in this class.
All members of the learning community at Stanberryare expected to be honest. The School will not tolerate cheating or plagiarism on tests, examinations, reports, laboratory reports, and/or other assignments. Those who engage in such misconduct may be subject to disciplinary action that may result in expulsion. Any student who commits or attempts to commit an act of misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Acts of misconduct include, but are not limited to:
- Cheating includes, but is not limited to, giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes or examinations; using inappropriate or unallowable sources during an examination or in preparing course assignments; obtaining or distributing tests or other academic information without permission; or falsifying data.
- Plagiarisms includes, but is not limited to, using direct quotation or paraphrase the words or material of another person without properly crediting the author; presenting ideas or creations of another as one’s own without consent or appropriate attribution.
- Deliberate alteration or destruction of the academic work or intellectual property of another member of the School.
For this class, instructor imposed grade reduction for each occurrence will be a grade of zero (0) for each assignment or test involved with no possibility for additional attempts at this/these requirement(s) and the incident(s) will be reported to the principal for further disciplinary action at their discretion.
Late Work:
Students are expected to take the quizzes,and exams on or before the specified dates unless they have an excused absence. Any Late Work will not be accepted. Early completion of quizzes and exams may be made without penalty as long as they are discussed/planned ahead of time with the instructor.
Extra-credit is available only within the requirements of the course and no individual extra credit projects will be given. Extra-credit points achieved by the student are added to their total number of points, but not to the total number of points possible.
The final grade that a student will receive is based on the accumulative number of points that the student achieved during the semester being divided by the points possible, arriving at their percentage achieved.
Determination of Grade:
Percent (%) Grade
96-100 A 67-69 D+
90-95 A 63-66 D
87-89 B+ 60-62 D-
84-86 B 59and below F
80-83 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
Examinations and labs are graded and posted for the students in a timely manner throughout the semester. The student can therefore know their grade at any point during the semester by following this procedure. This gives the student constant feedback on their achievement in the course. Parents may also access their student’s grades through Lumens.
Special Accommodations:
Accommodations and modifications can be made through the Special Education teacher if a student has a disability or learning disability.
The instructor reserves the right to adjust the content of this syllabus for any reason. Course schedule and deadlines may be changed according to the pace of the course or due to an emergency.