is gearing up for its Fall Season, which begins with its first meeting September 5th, THE FAMOUS SALAD SUPPER, a ladies nite out with good food, and better yet, great friendships.

And Ladies, this is now the time to consider becoming a member of our great Society, we are just ladies who work within our Society to benefit our Church, the needs within our beautiful St Chris. We raise funds during the year for the church needs, it could be for new altar server robes, or garments needed by our priests, or altar cloths, for whatever is needed within the church proper. Last year, we had arranged for the gold chalices to be relined which were in dire need.

The flip side, is that our ladies enjoy friendship, we enjoy the benefits of knowing that in our daily needs, one of us is there when we need a smile, a shoulder to cry on, a arm around us to lean on, we pray together as one at our monthly meetings with the blessed rosary, we do have a business meeting at every meeting, and we have refreshments, and also, we have entertainment at times, or a interesting guest speaker, or play games, and also time to talk, and at the same time to be heard, friendship is a great gift from God to be enjoyed by all.

By joining, it is NOT mandatory to be at every meeting, we could never demand that, but by attending a meeting, I can guarantee you the gift of friendship, laughter—a time to forget your own problems, we have refreshments, coffee, and tasty desserts, and sometimes more than just desserts, you won’t gain a pound, maybe just 1/16 of a pound- we have a reputation of being good bakers and cooks. But most of all, we always begin with prayer, we pray the rosary as one, we pray for our membership, for our sick, for our families, for losing a loved one, and for private needs that as individuals we all have.

So many times I hear, I belong to Mothers Club---SO WHAT…you can belong to 2 groups, we don’t talk about the kids, so that alone is a nite off for the moms. I hear, I work part-time, I work full time, I belong to another group, SO WHAT….. SO WHAT….. And SO WHAT…. Everybody needs a nite off, a nite out, so why not with us? We have active and inactive members, we do what we can, when we can, and no one can ask for more than that. It is the spiritual strength and over-all friendships that make our Society what it is.

Let me tell you, the inactive members are the ladies who are much older, who do not live close by, are in bad health, or ladies who work at night, or maybe just plain tired, BUT, these ladies are still behind us 100%, they keep our Society in their prayers, they look forward to our news letter, or notices that we have in the bulletin, they are active members in heart, mind, and soul. We have one member who moved away from our parish to be with her family, she lives in a state that is not close by, but to this day, pays her dues, looks for any news that we send her, and she will write us a letter, usually twice a year telling us about her life in general. I would call this member a real foundation in our Society.

Ladies of St Christopher, I just want you to take the time and think about our Society, consider joining with us. It’s not that long before our first fall meeting, so please consider joining our Society, so take the time now to think about it, no fuss, no rush, maybe talk with a friend or neighbor or another family member and join together. I plan on forwarding more information about our Society during the next weeks.

Thank You and have a great week.