1. Name:______
  2. Phone Number :______
  3. Email:______
  4. Address: ______
  5. City and Province: ______
  6. Moved to other city: 〇Yes〇No –Jump to section II

Current Address


Address: ______


  1. When do you start looking for jobs? (exclude part time jobs)

〇Before Graduation […. months (in number)]

〇After Graduation [ …. months (in number)]

〇Do not look for jobs

  1. Are you a Bidik Misi Scholarship grantee?

〇 Yes 〇 No

  1. After graduation, what is your current occupation?

☐ Employee –Jump to section A

☐Entrepreneur – Jump to section B

☐Unemployed – Please go to section C


  1. Where do you get information about your first job? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐Advertisement in Newspaper/magazine/brochure

☐Job fair

☐Internet/online advertisement/Mailing list

☐Contacting the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

☐Contacting commercial/private employment agencies

☐University career center (PPKK)
☐Student affairs office/Alumni relation

☐ Building networks during college study

☐Relation (teachers, parents, relatives, friends, etc.)

☐Applied for a job directly to the company without knowing the available position

☐Contacted by the company

☐Work placement / internship
☐Continue working at the same company since college

☐Others: _____


  1. What are important aspects in job hiring? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐Study program


☐Working experience

☐University’s reputation

☐Working abroad experience

☐English skill

☐Other languages skill

☐Computer skill
☐Organizational experience
☐Third party recommendation

☐Personality and interpersonal skills

☐Others: ______


  1. Do you ever take course(s)to improve self-ability for your job preparation?

〇Yes〇No (Jump to A.1)

  1. What kind of course(s) do you take? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐Basic computer operation (office)
☐Software application


☐Other foreign languages



☐Others: ______



  1. How long does it take to get your first job?

〇Before graduation […months (write in number)]

〇After graduation […months (write in number)]

  1. How manycompany/institutionthat you have applied (byletteror email)? ______
  2. How many company/institutionthat has responded you application? ______
  3. How many company/institutionthatinvites you to have an interview? ______
  4. Have you ever joined in career training program held by your faculty/university?

〇Yes 〇 No

  1. On which level is your first job?


〇First entry/staff level

〇Middle level/managerial level
〇 Top level/director or decision maker level


  1. What is the type of your first job?




〇 Technicians and assistant professional


〇Service and sales

〇Agriculture and animal husbandry industry

〇Processing and assembling personnel

〇Engine assembly operator

〇Military officer or police officer

〇 Others: ___


  1. Your first company profile: (*obligatory)

Company name* : ______

Address: ______

City & Province *:______

Telephone number: ______

Website: ______

Company email: ______

  1. On which scale is thecompany/agency/institution (your first workplace)?


  1. What is the type of the company/agency/institution (your first workplace)?


〇State-owned enterprise

〇Non-profit organization

〇Private company

〇Others: ______


  1. Category of the company/agency/institution (your first workplace) (See Attachment 1)

Category: _____ (in number)

Sub-category: _____ (in letter)

  1. How much is the estimation of your monthly income?

Main income: Rp. ______

Overtime and tips: Rp. ______

Other jobs: Rp. ______

  1. In your opinion, how close is the relationship between your field of study and your job?


〇 Highly related – Jump to number 29

〇 Related – Jump to number 29

〇 Quite related –Jump to 29

〇 Less related

〇 Not related


  1. If you think that your job is not related with your field of study, why do you still take the job? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐I haven’t find job that is related to my field of study
☐The job has better career prospects ☐ I prefer to work in field which is not related to my field of study

☐I am promoted to position which is not related to my field of study

☐The income is much higher

☐My first job is safer/more secure

☐My first job is more interesting

☐My first job lets me take some other businesses to run/has a flexible schedule

☐The location of my current job is closer to my house

☐My first job secures the needs of my family

☐At the beginning of this career, I have to take job which is not related to my field of study

☐Others: ______


  1. What level of education that is suitable for your first job?


〇One level higher

〇Similar level

〇One level lower

〇No need for higher education


  1. Do you leave your first job?

〇 Yes – Jump to A.2 〇No – Jump to III



  1. What is your reason(s) to leave your first job?(You can choose more than 1 answers)



☐Distance from home

☐Workplace challenges

☐Benefits (housing, transport or overtime bonus)

☐Scholarship opportunity



☐Others: ______


  1. Your current company profile (*obligatory)

Company name* : ______

Address: ______

City & Province *:______

Telephone number: ______

Company website: ______

Company email: ______

  1. On which scale is the current company/agency/institution (your current workplace)?


  1. What is the type of the company/agency/institution (your current workplace)?


〇State-owned enterprise
〇Non-profit organization

〇Private company

〇Others: ______


  1. Category ofcompany/institution (your current workplace). See attachment 1
    Category: _____ (in number)

Sub-category: _____ (in letter)

  1. On which level is your current job?


〇First entry/staff level 〇Middle level/managerial level

〇Top level/director/decision maker level


  1. What is the type of your current job?




〇Technicians and assistant professional


〇Service and sales

〇Agriculture and animal husbandry industry

〇Processing and assembling personnel

〇Engine assembly operator

〇Military officer or police officer



37. How much is the estimation of your monthly income?

Main income: Rp. ______

Overtime and tips: Rp. ______

Other jobs: Rp. ______

B. Entrepreneurship

  1. Where do you get your entrepreneurship experience?(You can choose more than 1 answers)





☐Others: ______


  1. Have you attended any entrepreneurship trainings held by the faculty/the university?

〇 Yes 〇 No (Jump to number 28)

  1. Do those entrepreneurship trainings help you in developing your current business?


〇 Yes〇 No


  1. What is the status of your company/institution?


〇 Agro-industry

〇Property business




〇Animal husbandry

〇Others: ______


  1. How much is your monthly income?

Main business: Rp. ______

Second business: Rp. ______

Other business: Rp. ______

  1. In your opinion, how close is the relation between your field of study and your current business?


〇 Highly related – jump to number 31

〇 Related – jump to number 31

〇 Quite related – jump to number 31

〇 Less related

〇 Not related

44. If you think that your current business is not related with your field of study, why do you build that business? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐I haven’t find other business that is related to my field of study
☐In this business, I have good career prospects

☐I prefer to work in the business that has no relation with my education

☐I am promoted to a position that is less related to my education than the previous position

☐I have bigger income in this business

☐My current business is safer/more secure than the one before

☐I’m more interested in my current business

☐My current business lets me take some other businesses to run/has a flexible schedule

☐The location of my current business is closer to my house

☐My current business secures the needs of my family

☐At the beginning of this career, I have to build business that is not related to my previous education

☐Others: ______


  1. What level of education that is suitableto run your current business?


〇 One level higher

〇Similar level

〇 One level lower

〇 No need for higher education


C. UNEMPLOYED (Choose one: C.1 / C.2 / C.3)

  • Continuing to graduate/post-graduate school (C.1)
  • Married (C.2)
  • Housewife with children (C.2)
  • Looking for jobs (C.3)


C.1. Continuing to graduate/post-graduate school

  1. Are you actively looking for job in the past 4 weeks?

〇 No

〇 No, but I’m waiting for the result of my latest job application

〇Yes, I’m going to work in the next 4 weeks

〇 Yes, but I’m not sure if I’m going to work in the next 4 weeks

  1. Give some reasons why did you choose to continue your study after you graduated? (You can choose more than 1 answers)

☐Finishing/continuing my profession that is related to my previous education

☐Lacking of knowledge

☐Following my dream to continue my education to a higher level

☐While waiting for a suitable job, I choose to continue my study


C.2. Married/Housewife with children

  1. Are you actively looking for job in the past 4 weeks?

〇 No

〇No, but I’m waiting for the result of my latest job application

〇Yes, I’m going to work in the next 4 weeks

〇Yes, but I’m not sure if I’m going to work in the next 4 weeks

  1. Are you going to look for a job in the future?


〇 No

C.3. Unemployed

  1. Where do you get information about your first job? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐Advertisement in newspaper/magazine/brochure
☐Applied for a job directly to the company without knowing the available position
☐Job Fair

☐Internet/online advertisement/Mailing list

☐Contacted by the company

☐Contacting the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

☐Contacting commercial/private employment agencies

☐University career center (PPKK)

☐Student affairs office/Alumni relation

☐ Building networks during college study

☐Relation (teachers, parents, relatives, friends, etc.)
☐Building my own business

☐Work placement / internship

☐Continue working at the same company since studying in college

☐Others: ______


  1. When you apply job, on which stage do you fail?

〇 English test

〇Academic potential test

〇 Competency test

〇 Psychological test

〇 Interview

〇 Others: ______

  1. How manycompany/institutionthat you have applied (byletteror email)? ______
  2. How many company/institutionthat has responded you application? ______
  3. How many company/institutionthatinvites you to have an interview? ______
  4. Are you actively looking for job in the past 4 weeks?

〇 No

〇No, but I’m waiting for the result of my latest job application

〇Yes, I’m going to work in the next 4 weeks

〇Yes, but I’m not sure if I’m going to work in the next 4 weeks

  1. When you were in college and after you graduated, did you take a course in order to set up or improve your skills in preparation for work?

〇 Yes〇 No – jump to number 59

57. What kind of course(s) do you take? (You can choose more than 1 answers)


☐Basic computer operation (office)

☐ Software application


☐Other foreign languages



☐Others: ______



  1. What level of competency you mastered when you graduated?
  2. How was the university’s contribution towards your mastery of competency when you graduated?

*1: The lowest 5: The highest

58. Competency* / Category / 59. University’s Support*
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Knowledge in your field of study
Knowledge outside your field of study
General knowledge
English proficiency
Internet skill
Computer skill
Critical thinking
Research skill
Study skill
Communication skill
Working under pressure
Time management
Working independently
Working in team/Working with other people
Problem solving skill
Analytical skill
Working with people from different cultures and backgrounds
Presenting idea/product/report skill
Writing report, memo and document skill
Ability to continue long-life learning
  1. Suggestion for department


Attachment 1

Job Category(Indonesia Standard Classification of Business Fields, TheMinistry ofManpower and Transmigration (MOMT), 2009)

1)Category A: Agricultures, forestryand fisheries

a)Agricultural crops, livestock, hunting and activities associated with it



2)Category B: Professionals

a)Coal and lignite mining industries

b)Petroleum, natural gas and geothermal mining industries

c)Metal ore mining industries

d)Other mining and drilling industries

e)Mining services

3)Category C: Processing industries

a)Food industries

b)Beverage industries

c)Tobacco processing industries

d)Textile industries

e)Apparel industries

f)Leather,leather goods and footwear industries

g)Woods, wood products and corks (not included furniture), wickerwork and bamboo industries, rattan industries and its kinds

h)Paper and paper product industries

i)Publishing industries and media recording reproductions

j)Coal, coal productsand petroleum refining industries

k)Chemical material and goods and chemical material industries

l)Pharmaceutical industries, chemical and traditional medicine productions

m)Rubber, rubber goods and plastic industries

4)Category D: Electricity, gas,steam/hot waterand cold air supplies

a)Electricity, gas, steam/hot waterand cold air supplies

5)Category E: Water supplies, waste managementsand recycles, disposals

a)Water supplies

b)Waste treatments

c)Waste managements and recycles

d)Cleaning services and other waste managements

6)Category F: Constructions

a)Building constructions

b)Civil building constructions

c)Special constructions

7)Category G: Wholesale and retail trades; car and motorcycle reparations and maintenances

a)Car and motorcycle trades, reparations and maintenances

b)Wholesale trades, neither car nor motorcycle

c)Retail trades, neither car nor motorcycle

8)Category H: Transportationsand warehousing

a)Land transportations and transportations via pipelines

b)Water transportations

c)Air transportations

d)Warehousing and transportation supporting services

e)Postsand couriers

9)Category I: Accommodationsand food and beverageproviders

a)Accommodation providers

b)Food and beverage providers

10)CategoryJ: Informationand communications


b)Motion pictures, videosand television program productions, voice recordings and music productions

c)Broadcastings and programming


e)Programming activities, computer consultations and activities associated with it

f)Information service activities

11)Category K: Financial services and insurances

a)Financial services, neither insurances or pension fund

b)Insurances, reinsurances and pension fund, non-compulsory social securities

c)Financial service supports, insurances and pension fund

12)Category L: Real estates

a)Real estates

13)CategoryM: Professional, scientificand technical services

a)Law and accounting services

b)Headquarter activities andmanagement consultants

c)Architecture and civil engineering services; analysis and technical test

d)Researches and developments of science

e)Advertisingsand market researches

f)Other professional, scientific and technical services

g)Animal health services

14)Category N: Rental and operating lease services, employments, travel agents and other business support services

a)Rental and operating lease services

b)Employment services

c)Travel agency services, tour organizers and other reservation services

d)Security and investigation services

e)Building and landscaping services

f)Office administration services, office support servicesand business support services

15)Category O: Government administrations, defenses and compulsory social securities

a)Government administrations, defenses and compulsory social securities

16)Category P: Education services

a)Education services

17)Category Q: Health services and social activities

a)Human health services

b)Social activity services within institution

c)Social activity services outside institution

18)Category R: Arts, entertainments and recreations

a)Entertainment, art and creative activities

b)Library, archive, museum and other cultural activities

c)Gambling and betting activities

d)Sports and recreation activities

19)Category S: Other services

a)Organization membership activities

b)Computer repair services and goods for personal use and household equipment

c)Other personal services

20)Category T: Personal and household services

a)Personal and household services

b)Activities of goods productions and services that are used for personal needs by households

21)Category U: International agency and extra international agency activities

a)International agency activities and other extra international agency activities