DeKalb Middle School Weekly Lesson Plan

Teacher: Jennifer West * Teaching Structures:

Week of: November 6, 2017 (O) one lead, one support (A) alternative teaching

Subject: History (S) station teaching (T) team teaching

Class Hour: 1,5,6 (P) parallel teaching

Target Students: Students with Special Needs:


Day/Date / Big Idea/
Goals / Lesson Activities /
Standard/Modified Essential Question
(State at beginning and exit ticket) / *Teaching Structure
Monday / TLW discover the early history of Japan along with how Prince Shotoku united Japan. / Students will participate in a group discussion about what japan was like in its early history. Students will also recognize the significance of prince Shotoku had on japan by creating a timeline with important events. / Participation in class discussion and completion of timeline. / What did Prince Shotoku do to unite Japan? / N/A
Tuesday / TLW outline the rise of the Samurai. / Groups will create a comic strip that will include how Samurais came to be. Class will conclude as students present their comic strips. pages 180-183 / Completion of comic strips / How did feudalism begin? / N/A
Wednesday / TLW act out the shifts in power that the Japanese government endured during its early history. / Groups will act out the shifts in power that the Japanese government endured during its early history. Pages 180-183 top of page. / Participation with planning and performances / How did the shifts of power affect Japanese government. / N/A
Thursday / TLW create a project from CYOA. / Students will create a project from chapters 4, 5, and 1 in history. / Participation in class / N/A
Friday / TLW breakdown the social ranking in Japan and how they defended foreign invaders. / Students will create a flipbook that shows the stages of the social ranking system of Japan. Students will then work with a partner and discuss how Japan defended the Mongol Empire. Page 183 / Completion of Flipbook. / How did the system of feudalism affect daily life in Japan/ / Learn 360-Samauri History Channel

DeKalb Middle School Lesson Plan – page 2

Teacher: Jennifer West

Week Of: Week 12

Subject: History

Class Hour: 1,5,6

Academic Adaptations
(as needed for gifted students and students with disabilities) / Key Vocabulary / Materials/
Support Needed / Performance Data and Notes
Monday / Clan, Kami, Regent / Textbook, Document Camera, Section 1 Handout
Tuesday / Figurehead, Shogun, feudalism, Daimyo, Samurai, Bushido / Textbook, camera, blank comic strips.
Wednesday / Figurehead, Shogun, feudalism, Daimyo, Samurai, Bushido / Textbook
Thursday / CYOA project sheets / Copy paper, colored pencils, textbook
Friday / Figurehead, Shogun, feudalism, Daimyo, samurai, Bushido / Copy paper, colored paper, textbook