Curriculum and Funding Proposal

SED 610

The purpose of this assignment is to have you write a proposal to a funding source for educational improvement. The goals of this project are to have you consider 1) what is important for technology education, and 2) what could be done to better educate our students. Your objective will be to write a convincing proposal for a project that will address an important problem and provide a potential solution to it.

  1. Grantor:

From whom are you asking for money? How much? (It should be over $100,000) Fill out the application on the following pages.

  1. Proposers: (1 page max)

Describe the people who are involved in the project. Establish who you and the others are professionally. Be sure you can answer the question, who are you, and what makes you think you can do what you say you can?

  1. Problem statement: (1 ½ pages max)

What is the problem you will be addressing? You should have a strong sense of the purpose of education, and that a hole exists or a piece is missing in the current way we teach. Your proposal should provide a means to fill this hole. Use citations from state and national policy statements that support your views.

  1. Activities: (4 pages)

These activities should span at least 2 years, and support at least a semester of student work. This is where you actually describe what you are going to accomplish. Be as specific as possible. There should be a very clear link between what you want to do and the problem statement. Be sure you state several MEASURABLE outcomes that will determine progress toward your goals (formative) and ultimate success (summative). You should support the value of these activities with writings and commentaries from educational pundits (citations required!).

  1. Distribution and continuation: (1 page max) How will you share your results, Conferences, web pages, listserv, Wiki, MySpace, brochures, etc.? And, how do you intend to sustain your project after the money is gone?
  2. Timeline: (1 page explanation)

When will the activities occur? When will the money be spent? What will the money be used for? Be sure to consider substitute teacher pay, summer salary, release time, materials, and planning time.

  1. Budget: No more than 10% of the budget should be for equipment (1 page budget sheet)
  2. Budget justification (1 page max). Explain who is getting the money, and how you will use the stuff. Also, mention here “inkind” contributions, materials and funding from other sources. This shows that others are willing to invest in your idea as well.
  3. Your resume: (no more than 2 pages)


Living By Chemistry is an inquiry based chemistry science outreach program for junior and senior high school students of Korea.

과학문화의 보급과 소외계층의 교육기회 확대를 위한 화학교육프로그램개발

the gap of knowledge among people, due to their income and culture level, can be narrowed.

In order to encourage more students, who are our future leaders, to find interest in science and technology, to foster their creative research skills, to discover students especially talented in science fields, and to create an environment that promotes science and technology among the people, the Korea Science Foundation hosted the first National Youth Science Competition in 1983. Since then, the competition has been growing each year in terms of the number and size of the categories.

We expect to encourage diverse age groups of people to have more interest in science through robot education,

This is a part of KSF's efforts to build a society where people from all walks of life can benefit from scientific knowledge through books.

As the interface between science technology and the general public, society, and culture continues to expand, the demand for human resources who can promote the understanding of science technology and carry out cooperative projects is on the rise.

But in reality, there is a serious shortage of qualified human resources with expertise in science. In response to this social necessity and demand, the Korea Science Foundation operates the Science Academy in joint partnership with Sogang University in order to produce qualified science communication experts. We offer a 10-week intensive course of science communication leadership, and a master's program in science communication.

The intensive course, which we started in October 2003, has now reached its 18th session as of the last quarter of 2007. The graduate course for a master's degree was first offered in the spring semester of 2004. Since the Science Academy course was first instituted, we have produced 6 master's degree holders, and 522 certificate holders in intensive courses as of September 2007.

Science Outreach program

Hands-on Experiments Classes is a project developed by the Korea Science Foundation to give students, parents, and local residents easy access to experience science in their everyday lives, and realize the significance and importance of science and technology in their lives. KSF expects to encourage more students to discover a passion for science through this project, so that more talented young brains will be encouraged to find their future in the science and technology fields.

After having spread science culture to our daily lives by adding fresh new touches to various programs and lectures, KSF began to reach out to local units. The Regional Science Fairs, which began in 1998 with 4,000 visitors participating, has now grown into one of the largest scientific events in 2006, with over 700,000 people participating in the fairs hosted in 12 cities including Busan, Daegu, Jeju, Ulsan, and Gwangju.

As of September 2006, the Hands-on Experiments Classes offered in 530 small and large towns, and by 2009, KSF expects to expand the program to 1,000 towns, so that more students and people can benefit from an informative science program within their community.

Beginning in late 2006, KSF started to train local human resources to become high-quality science and technology lecturers, and by 2007, started to hold after-school science classes at elementary schools nationwide, while building a pool of professional science and technology lecturers. In the future, KSF plans to expand and develop this regional Hands-on Experiments Classes to be linked to school infrastructures.

was jointly hosted with local government agencies under the sponsorship of the local community. Under the sponsorship of Jeollabuk-do government, Jeollabuk-do Department of Education, and Jeonbuk University, over 1,000 parents and teachers were taken on a tour to survey local industrial development and visit tourist destinations of the region, as well as having a taste of the local science culture.

program development and distribution, publishing of science books,

Wishing to become the Steppingstone Connecting Science and People, the Korea Science Foundation welcomes everyone who has an interest in science and our foundation and wants to be a part of it.

Science is like a forest, where our dreams for the future are growing. In this forest, the research efforts of scientists are nutrients, and your support and interest are the warm sunshine.

The Korea Science Foundation is committed to creating a culture where science - which has largely been confined to laboratories and industrial settings - can have more relevance to your daily lives. Through various festivals, events, workshops, lectures, portal websites, and science study books, the Korea Science Foundation wishes to cooperate with you in building a society where more people can discover and share the fun and knowledge to be gained from science.

Mission of The Korea Science Foundation has committed itself to national development by advancing public understanding and knowledge of science technology, and by promoting the culture so that it will be more widely available throughout society in all aspects of their daily lives.

2. Advance understanding of science and technology in youths and the general public.

3. Promote and support organizations and projects involved in activities spreading the

knowledge of science and technology.