Animals (Annelida, Arthropoda Insecta, Chordata Amphibians, Chordata Mammalia)


  1. pg 674-675 All of the above types of animals have 1-way digestion; what does this mean? How is this a better adaptation than 2-way digestion or digestion at the cellular level that other animal groups exhibit?
  1. pg. 918 Trace the pathway of food through the chordate digestive system.
  1. pg 987 What are wastes that the body must get rid of?
  1. pg 731 and 985 What is the difference in excretion at the cellular level, excretion through nephridia, and excretion through kidneys? Label which one the above groups have.


  1. pg. 744, 794, 971What is the difference in gills and lungs?
  1. 155 What is respiration at the cellular level?
  1. 729-730, 744, 794, 792 Describe how each of the animal groups performs respiration.
  1. 896, 818, 829, 742 Describe the types of body coverings that each has. How would they help maintain homeostasis?
  1. 943 What is the purpose of the nervous system?
  1. 943 Draw and label a neuron.
  1. 946 Draw and label a synapse.
  1. 729, 744-745, 943, 946 Describe the type of nervous system in each of the animal groups.
  1. 929 What are hormones and how are they sent through the body?

Support & Movement:

  1. Why is it easier to move in the water than on land? What major factor must be dealt with when moving on the earth?
  1. 684 How are skeletons involved with movement?
  1. 684 Describe the 2 different types of skeletons and how they help with movement?
  1. 906 How do muscles work?

Internal Transportation:

  1. 724 What is an open circulatory system? Which type of animals have it?
  1. 724 What is a closed circulatory system? Which type of animals have it?
  1. 794, 807, 818, 982 How does the number of chambers in a vertebrate’s heart affect the circulation of blood?

21.982 Label the parts of the mammalian heart below.

  1. 979 What is the difference between arteries, veins, and capillaries?


  1. 266, 505 What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
  1. 730 How do the phyla annelida reproduce? What is a hermaphrodite?
  1. 746. 751 How do the class insecta reproduce?
  1. 751, 753, 786 What is the development of most insects?
  1. 803, 805 How do the class amphibian reproduce?
  1. 842 How is mammalian reproduction different?
  1. 676 What is fertilization and how is it different in the water and on land?
  1. Answer the questions below about the human female menstrual cycle.

  1. What are the stages of the menstrual cycle?
  1. What hormone increases rapidly on the day of ovulation?
  1. How does the pituitary affect the menstrual cycle?
  1. When do estrogen and progesterone reach their highest levels?
  1. When is the uterine lining the thickest?