Text Campaign:

PLEASE NOTE: Read through this and adjust per you, your agent information, your background, and personalize to each prospect to whom you are sending this!!! Most items that need to be adjusted are in red; however, there may be other items that must be adjusted.

Initial Text:

Happy New Year, NAME, Great Realtor Opportunity! Do you keep your options open to make Extra Income Part Time as a Real Estate Professional if it will NOT interfere with what you currently do? You Do Not Change Brokers! Would be glad to send you some FREE info to review. This is YOUR NAME with _____ & a Worth Independent Agent.

After Response from Recipient:

What is the best email to send the information?


Hello NAME,

Thank you for responding to my text.

I am a Real Estate Professional like you. I found this program in 2007 when I was a Realtor and a Loan Officer. It has made so much difference in my personal life, but most importantly in the lives of my clients, past and present, friends and family, I want to share with you a program that can help you make Extra Income, income between closings without altering your current schedule, while helping your clients.

It will make a huge difference in the quality of their lives, and they will always attribute those benefits to you

An Ernest & Young Award Winning Company is Expanding into the Dallas Area, and is looking for Real Estate and Mortgage Professionals.

All you do is to REFER your clients, Past and Present, friends and family to a program that helps them pay off their Mortgages and other debt in a fraction of the time it takes. This creates Serious part time income between closings!

Spend a little time to review both videos and let's chat after you have watched and I would be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Videos and presentation materials in Spanish are now available as well!

You are going to change the lives of many people.

1. The Program


2. The Opportunity


3. Income

End with Your Signature Line



Phone Number
