2007 Campbell Colloquium Agenda

Plenary Keynote Speakers
Using Research Evidence to Improve Policing
Peter William Neyroud
Making High Quality Research Accessible To Policy Makers And Social Care Practitioners
Mark Petticrew
Policy Forum
What Do Policy Makers Want From Research?
Sue Hackman, Chief Adviser for School Standards at the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) in London; Elizabeth Kelly, Director of Pathfinder Development Division, Public Service Reform Group in Scotland; Julie Taylor, Director of Commissioning & Partnership for NOMS; and Nick Ross, President of HealthWatch and honorary fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminologists.
Session I Symposium A
Systematic Reviews of the Effects of Interventions on Health Inequalities
Mark Petticrew
Session I Workshop A
Using narrative synthesis guidance in systematic reviews
Jennie Popay
Session I Paper A
Involving Diverse Service Users in Knowledge Reviews
Karen Newbigging
Involving Community-Based Organizations as Stakeholders: Producing Community-Relevant Reviews
Michael G. Wilson
Toward Evidence-Based Practices in School: Challenges for Researchers
Christian Dagenais
Session I Symposium B
Rapid Evidence Assessments: Learning from Early Examples
Mark Newman
Rapid Evidence Assessments: Just a Question of Time?
Mark Newman
Learning from Early REA Experience: The Policy Perspective
Teresa Williams
Synthesis of Evidence from interventions to reduce gang-related crime: Comparison of Rapid Evidence Assessment and Systematic Review processes and outcomes
James Hodgkinson
Session I Workshop B
Outcome reporting bias in meta-analysis
Paula Williamson
Session I Paper B
Systematic Reviews of School-Effects on Drug Use: Evidence of Causation
Adam Fletcher
Bridging the Gap Between Pupil Level and District Level Interventions
Peter Tymms
Dissemination of Results: Interventions in Secondary Mathematics with At-Risk Students
James J. Dugan
Session I Symposium C
Methodological issues in meta-analysis of Single Subject Experimental Designs
Oliver Wendt
Session I Workshop C
UK Educational Evidence Portal
Andrew Morris
Session I Paper C
Social Care Research: A Suitable Case for Systematic Review
Elaine Sharland
Utilizing Best Available Evidence for Child Welfare Worker Retention
Joan Levy Zlotnik
Interventions to Promote Walking: Diverse Quality of Best Available Evidence*
David Ogilvie
Session I Workshop D
Knowledge Transfer: How to Develop Dissemination Strategies for Systematic Reviews
Paul Wilson
Session I Paper D
Assessing Methodological Quality of Treatment Research in Communication Disorders
Laura Justice
Enhancing Utility of Systematic Reviews from Methodological Quality of Primary Studies
Salvador Chacon-Moscoso
Drawing Conclusions About Causes from Systematic Reviews of Risk Factors
Joseph Murray
Session II Symposium D
Evidence-Based Policy in the UK
Sarah Frost, Mark E D Johnson, Gemma Harper
Session II Symposium E
Systematic Maps for Developing Evidence for Policy
Esther Coren
Introduction to Mapping at SCIE
Esther Coren
Session II Workshop E
Systematic Reviews and Information Retrieval: A Practical Workshop
Anne Wade and Alan Gomersall
Session II Paper E
The Quality of Qualitative Evidence: A Review of Assessment Tools
Angela Harden
Integrating Trials and Qualitative Research in Reviews: Tools and Methods
James Thomas
Ethical Issues in the Production of Systematic Reviews
Donal P O'Mathuna
Session II Symposium F
Advances in Meta-Analysis
Julio Sánchez Meca
Estimating Overall Effect Size: Does the Between-Studies Variance Estimator have an Effect?
Fulgencio Marín Martínez and Julio Sánchez Meca
Measuring Methodological Quality of Primary Studies for Meta-Analysis: Preliminary Results from a Proposed Scale
Salvador Chacón Moscoso, Susana Sanduvete Chaves, Milagrosa Sánchez Martín, and Julio Sánchez Meca
DR2 Effect Size Estimates for Single-n Meta-analysis
S. Natasha Beretvas and Hyewon Chung
Session II Workshop F
Credibility in Data Management and Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Research
Craig Lockwood
Session II Paper F
Systematic Review of Effective Interventions to reduce/prevent gang related crime
James Hodgkinson
The Quality of Reporting in RCTs in the Criminal Justice System
Amanda Perry
Reviewing the Evidence on Reducing Re-offending: Progress and Pitfalls
Dan Ramsey and Jonathan Allen
Session II Workshop G
Translating research into practice for drop-out prevention
Eric Eisensten (with Brian Cobb & Sandra Christenson)
Session II Paper G
Meta-Analytic Review of Stability in Early Anti-Social Behaviours
Xinsheng 'Cindy' Cai (with Mark Lipsey & Ann Kaiser)
Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Anti-Social Behaviour in Youth in Residential Treatment
Bengt-Ake Aremlius
Making Sense of Reviewing for Social Work in the Field of Child Abuse and Neglect
Kristof Desair
Session II Workshop H
Contextualization of Evidence in Systematic Reviews - a Critical Thinking Approach
Sten Anttila
Session II Paper H
Using a Research Team to Effectively Conduct a Meta-analysis
Brad W. Lundahl
Using Concept Mapping in Systematic Reviews
Beverley French
The ORBIT Study: Outcome Reporting in Trials
Jamie Kirkham
Session III Symposium G
The Argument Catalogue and Other Inclusive Review Methods
Phil Abrami
Developing an Argument Catalogue: What We've Learned So Far - Canadian Network for Knowledge Utilization
Phil Abrami, Robert Bernard, and Anne Wade
Diverse Voices in Systematic Reviews - SCIE's Approach
Amanda Edwards and Esther Coren
Session III Symposium H
Methodological Challenges in Evidence Synthesis
David Gough
Session III Symposium I
Theory Driven Evaluation and Intervention
Peter Schmidt
How to Develop a Theory Driven and Evidence Based Intervention?
Sebastian Bamburg and Peter Schmidt
Session III Workshop I
United Kingdom Databases for Systematic Reviews: Is There a Problem
Alan Gomersall
Session III Paper I
Using Historical Evidence in Qualitative Systematic Reviews
Sara Mallinson
A Pilot Study of the Quality and Rigor in Qualitative Research Form
Michael Saini
Credibility in Qualitative Systematic Reviews Within Health and Social Sciences
Craig Lockwood
Session III Workshop J
Out of the Hard Drive and Into the Real World
Michelle Morgan Herb
Session III Paper J
Battered Women and Efficiency of Interventions - a Systematic Review
Sten Antilla
A Systematic Review of Child Outcomes of Financial Benefits to Families
Patricia Lucas
Are Work Travel Plans Effective, and If So Why?
Sebastian Bamberg
Session III Workshop K
The Basics of Effect Size Extraction and Calculation
Robert M. Bernard
Session III Paper K
US School Social Workers' Use of Systematic Reviews: Survey Findings
Michael S Kelly
Stakeholder Views - Building the Evidence Using Methods from Systematic Reviews
Katherine Tyler
Knowledge Translation and Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Joann Starks
Session III Paper L
Informing Policy with Different Types of Evidence and Review Products
Josephine Kavanagh
Implementation Fidelity and Its Impact on Systematic Reviews
Christopher Carroll
Researching the History of the Cochrane Collaboration: Lessons for Campbell
Jo Garcia
Session IV Symposium J
Assessing Research Impact: Beyond Bibliometrics
David Phipps
Research Without Borders - Maximizing the Impact of University Research
David Phipps
Assessing the Impact of Social Science Research
Veronica Littlewood
Session IV Workshop L
Conducting a Handsearch for the Campbell Collaboration: A Training Workshop
Julia Lavenburg
Session IV Workshop M
Using the Media to Disseminate the Findings of Systematic Reviews
Paul Wilson
Session IV Paper M
Does Research Answer Practitioners' Questions: A Review
Madeline Stevens
New American Practitioners' Use of Systematic Reviews: A Content Analysis
Michael S. Kelly
Utilisation of Social Science Research in Professional jobs
Gudrun Hessler
Database Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents
Tom van Yperen
Session IV Workshop N
But is the Effect Size Worth It?
Kevin Marsh
Session IV Paper N
A Review of Meta-Analysis in Social Work 1990-2006
Joanne Yaffe
'Golden Retriever Needed': Case Study in Retrieving Social Welfare Research
Brian Taylor
Systematic Mapping for Setting Agendas: Health Inequalities Research
Sandy Oliver
Housing Investment and Health: A Review of the Best Available Evidence
Hilary Thomson
Session IV Paper O
Roles of Evidence-Based Journals as an Evidence-Based Information Service
Ralf W. Schlosser
Explicit Connections: Supplying the 'to' in Research-To-Practice
Stephen D. Luke
Organisation Transformation: An Inclusive Process. Implementing Multiple EBPs in a Multi-Site Organisation
Jacquie Brown and Carolyne Hooper
Session IV Paper P
Dealing with Study Quality in Meta-Analysis: The Advantages of Statistical Control
Philip C. Abrami
Challenges of Meta-Analysis from the Standpoint of Latent Variable Framework
Soyeon Ahn and Yeow Meng Thum
The Comparability of Effect Sizes Across Different Measurement Procedures: A Challenge to Meta-Analysis
William Nugent
Meta-analysis, Effect Sizes, Investment Decisions and Economical Implications
Werner W. Wittman
Session IV Paper Q
The Effect of Regression Towards to Mean in Assessing Crime Reduction Interventions Using Non-Randomised Trials
Paul Marchant
Determining Sample Size in Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM)
Michael Bosnjak
Using Multilevel Models for the Quantitative Integration of the Result of Single Studies
Wim van den Noortgate
Beyond Publication Bias: Precision Effect Testing with Meta-Regression Analysis
T.D. Stanley

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