Full Certified LOA Coach-Trainer Program Outline

Module 1: Law of Attraction--A Foundation for Living
Instructor: Rebecca Hanson
Each class is 90 min. long.
[NOTE: All Modules must be taken in order as each one builds a foundation to the next.)

Class 1: The Basic Recipe & Two Missing Ingredients

Become familiar with the Basic Recipe for deliberately attracting what you want
An introduction to the two missing ingredients and how all the pieces work together
References from "Huna, The Ancient Religion of Positive Thinking," by William R. Glover

Class 2: The Secrets of LOA Throughout History

Rebecca Hanson is a Master Story Teller and her version of the history of the Law of Attraction is spell-binding. References include ancient Egyptian and Greek writings, Hebrew examples and New Testament verses- along with modern day writers.

Class 3: LOA is Applied Quantum Physics

Rebecca has a gift in condensing a huge subject down to its essence and this 90 min class in the science of Quantum Physics is a prime example. This lesson, though the subject is intangible, is invaluable. Easy to follow.

Class 4: The Three Most Important LOA Tools and How They Work

Keeping with the theme of simplifying this Universal Law, students are presented with three powerful tools to aide in applying the LOA in any situation. All tools are demonstrated in a "hands-on" approach.

Class 5: Self-Actualization The Law of Attraction Way

Students create their own T-ToolsTM on the five stages of Self-Actualization the Law of Attraction way.

Class 6: Deepening Our Experience of Self-Actualization the LOA Way

Module 2: Keys to Empowering Relationships
Instructors: Rebecca Hanson and Cheryl Vallejos
Each class is 90 min. long.

Class 1: Understanding Your Style of Communication
- Rebecca Hanson

Discover your own primary communication style and how it shows up and/or undermines you
Learn how to improve communication with anyone by speaking in their style
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your business team members by identifying their communication style

Class 2: The Art of Reframing, Installing & Future-Pacing - Rebecca Hanson

What is Reframing?When should it be used? When should it NOT be used?
What is Installing and when should we use it?
What is Future Pacing and what affect will it have on our future?

Class 3 - The Comprehensive Emotional Scale
- Rebecca Hanson

Experience the Comprehensive Emotional Scale for your self
Do your emotions matter?You bet they do!
Practical applications and uses for the Comprehensive Emotional Scale

Class 4: Managing Relationship Communications
- Cheryl Vallejos

8 Ways to become a better listener
Be the manager of relationships
Speaking your truth, in love
Operating in Your power

Class 5: Boost Relationship Connections Releasing Techniques - Cheryl Vallejos

Let go of the "stories" that do not serve you
Making powerful connections with people
Releasing techniques - get rid of the blocks and fears
Explore the question:"Can I use the Law of Attraction to Get a Specific Person Back Into My Life?"

Class 6 : Healing Relationships Powerfully - Rebecca Hanson with Cheryl Vallejos

Rebecca describes one of the most common yet destructive relationship patterns or habits that many of us have and how it affects our judgement and assessment of others.
The "fatal flaw" and how to recognize and avoid it.
Healing energy to help develop healthy, long-lasting relationships.

Module 3: LOA: The Law of Love & Releasing Obstacles
Instructors: Rebecca Hanson &Lynn Ahearn
Each class is 90 min. long.

Class 1:The Law of Attraction is the Law of Love
-Rebecca Hanson

Learn the difference between human love and divine love and how the Law of Attraction fits in.

Class 2: EFT - The Basic Recipe-Lynn Ahearn

The Background of EFT
What EFT is and How it Works
View "Tapping Points Sequence" Video in Class
The EFT "Basic Recipe" and Borrowed Benefits

Class 3: Doing EFT -The "Basic Recipe" Practice Session -Lynn Ahearn

Review of the EFT "Basic Recipe"
Break-out Practice Sessions for 30 minutes
Return to Class to Review Evaluation Forms and Discussion

Class 4: EFT in Depth - Healing the Past by Changing Beliefs and Releasing Blockages-Lynn Ahearn

EFT in Depth-Healing the Past in a One-on-One Session
After-Session Discussion

Class 5: "Divine Order" -Rebecca Hanson

Divine Order takes care of everything, we just have to trust the process and have faith in the Universe!

Class 6: Understanding Yourself Through Your Dreams--Rebecca Hanson

There are two ways to interpret every dream, in a positive, helpful light or in fear. Learn how to understand your s and receive their messages more clearly.

Module 4: Prosperity: It's an Inside Job
Instructor: Cheryl Vallejos
Each class is 90 min. long.

Class 1: The Truth of Prosperity

Watch the movie, Abundance is My Natural State
Discover the power of the brain
Truth or Deluded (Prosperity versus scarcity)
Steps to overcome the lies and live in the truth

Class 2: Letting Go of the Lies

Discussion on lies versus truth
Break out session
Reframe and release anxiety around prosperity
Group experience or the R.I.T. technique to release and forgive others and ourselves

Class 3: Aligning With Prosperity

Embracing Universal Principles
Identifying Your Core Values
My Top Ten Beliefs
From Drain to Gain

Class 4: Creating Prosperity

Toleration (Energy Drain) discoveries
Prosperity discussion - Four Quads to Prosperity

Class 5: Proactively Prosperous

Discussion on Inspired Action
How can you tell when an action is "inspired"?
Trusting your intuition / Confidence that you are on the right path
Combining desire with the truth exercise
Living in prosperity - Watch the movie: Abundance is My
meryr Natural State

Class 6: Launching Prosperity

Break out session
Share the message and intentions with others
Discuss results of desire, belief, and action

Module 5: The Miracle540 Experiment Way!
Instructor: Rebecca Hanson
Each class is 60-90 min. long.

There will be a pre-class introduction, as Rebecca introduces a group of LOAMastery students to Miracles.

Class 1: Demystifying Miracles ~An introduction to this program and calibrating the consciousness level with Cheryl Vallejos' aura machine.

Class 2: The Comprehensive Emotional Scale ~A map for manifesting powerful miracles.

Class 3: Releasing Resistance ~Financial and Business T-ToolsTM

Class 4: Expand your Expectations ~Relationships T-ToolsTM

Class 5: A Celebration of Miracles! Create your Miracle Experiment Snapshot

This module was first given as “The 30-Day Miracle Experiment”. It contains many tools, such as the “Miracle Journal” and “Miracle Snapshot”, the T-ToolTM and Comprehensive Emotional Scale. The original calls were calibrated with an aura machine and you will see the aura that was created during the first class and compare it to the aura revealed on the last class. This should encourage you that just listening to these classes will raise your vibration and ability to reach newer heights of consciousness.

Module 6: Coaching is Easy, the LOA Way!
Instructor: Rebecca Hanson and Cheryl Vallejos
Each class is 90 min. long.

Class 1: The LOApractitioner as Teacher-Coach
- Rebecca Hanson

Students create their own "contrast to clarity" about the character of a Law of Attraction Coach
An overview of the basic formula, two missing ingredients and the tools taught in lesson four.
Discussion about the expectation of clients who look for a LOA Coach and why it is necessary to teach LOA before you coach using LOA

Class 2: Getting Started With Clients -Cheryl Vallejos

Long-term vs. Short-term Coaching practice
How to tell your "ideal client" from less-than-ideal
Know how to say what you do so others 'get it
The Money Talk
Intake process and gathered information
Communicating with the client's dominant style

Class 3: Using the LOA Tools in the Coaching Session, Part 1 -Cheryl Vallejos

Starting & ending the coaching session, giving homework and bringing accountability

How to start a session
Focus on results
Field work
Follow along, as Coaching sessions are modeled

Class 4: More LOA Tools in the Coaching Session, Part 2 -Cheryl Vallejos

Follow along as Coaching sessions are demonstrated
Extreme self-care for the coach and the client

Class 5: Intro to Levels of Consciousness Attraction
- Rebecca Hanson

Students learn about and practice using kinesology as a tool for discerment.
Students will learn how to recognize the signs of "Lower Mind" consciousness and have compassion for others who are caught in this energy field.
They will increas their interest in their own level of conscious and see the value, to themselves and to society, of raising their level to that of "Love" or higher.

Module 6: Sharing LOA as a Public Speaker
Instructor: Michael Losier
Each class is 60 min long.

Michael Losier is an author and international speaker. In this Module, Michael Losier reveals ALL the secrets behind his successful career as a key-note speaker, trainer and workshop leader. During each TeleClass Michael demonstrates how to teach the Law of Attraction to audiences of any size. You will learn how to present this valuable message in five minutes all the way up to full-day seminars.

Class 1: Introduction to Accelerated Learning Techniques and the Law of Attraction

Class 2: Starting your Deliberate Attraction Process

Class 3: Allowing -Tools and a Deeper Understanding of LOA

Class 4: Relationships and the Law of Attraction

Class 5: Law of Attraction and Money

Class 6: How to Use This Specialty Niche and Make Money

Module 7: Building Your Law of Attraction Business With Power and Passion!
Instructors: Rebecca Hanson and Cheryl Vallejos

This Module provides everything you need to start your LOA practice or business or to add LOA to your existing business.

Class 1: Included in this class is Rebecca Hanson's book, Law of Attraction for Business: How to Create a Business or Attract a Job You LOVE! and the one-hour TeleClass audio of her Introduction to Law of Attraction for Business

Class 2: Setting Up Your LOA Business

Class 3: Power in Networking

Class 4: Power Words That Sell

Class 5: Creating Your Business Script

Class 6: Your Operating Power

Class 7: Manifest Your Destiny - Attract More Business

Class 8: The Balancing Act

Module 8: The Practicum This Module has five (5) major components:

1. Complete Module Evaluations: One for each of the Modules 1 through 7.

2. Coaching Reports: Ten (10) Coaching Reports are required. Your reports should be about coaching the Law of Attraction with someone or a group of others. The reports are critical to your certification, as they allow us to see how you are actively demonstrating your understanding and application of LOA principles in your own life as well as in the lives of others. A coaching session can be as simple as sharing the Law of Attraction over a cup of coffee with a neighbor or as formal as a professional coaching session.

3. Training Reports: Ten (10) Training Reports are required. Reports are occasions where you have taught or trained others about the Law of Attraction. It could be a group of people in a workshop or seminar, or on a TeleClass.

4. Mastery Reports: If you have not already submitted these in the Practitioner Program, five (5) Mastery Reports are required. You have the choice of listening to 10 pre-recorded Mastery calls or attending the live ones with Rebecca Hanson.

5. Your Completion Interview:
Once you have completed all the Evaluations and Reports, you will be asked to meet with Rebecca Hanson, our Founder, over the phone. This will be a time of reflection on your LOA journey, celebration of reaching this mile-stone and recommendations for your further growth. You have one year in which to complete the requirements.