
Mathematics Fellowships for Middle Grade Teachers


Become "highly qualified" as a middle grades teacher of mathematics"


The “Math Fellows” program is a collaborative effort of the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) and is supported by the Milwaukee Partnership Academy and the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership. The goal of the Math Fellows program is to provide an opportunity for teachers to deepen their mathematics content knowledge leading to improved mathematics teaching and learning.

The program will support teachers in achieving any/all of the following outcomes:

Deepen your mathematics content knowledge.

Develop your Professional Develop Plan (PDP) and teaching portfolio.

Earn an “MPS Mathematics Fellow” certificate.

Add a mathematics endorsement to your DPI MCEA license (72/400)

Math Fellows will enroll in courses offered by the UWM Departments of Mathematical Sciences and Curriculum and Instruction, approximately one course per semester over three years. Designated sections of courses tailored specifically for teachers in this program will be co-taught by UWM faculty and classroom teachers. All courses will be held at MPS sites. (No need to worry about UWM parking!)
The courses include:

(1) Problem Solving(5) Mathematical Explorations I & II

(2) Geometry(6) Intermediate Algebra

(3) Probability and Statistics(7) Survey of Calculus

(4) Algebraic Structures(8) Teaching of Mathematics


The program will waive tuition (undergraduate, resident, off-campus) and provide books and materials for Math Fellow participants.


Upon successful completion of the program, Math Fellows will receive a MPS Mathematics Fellowship Certificate of Recognition and a UWM transcript notation indicating completion of the UWM mathematics minor for the Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence (MCEA) Education program.

Fellows who have a MCEA license (or equivalent), who take and pass the middle
school Praxis II exam (the testing fee will be paid for by the Fellows program), and
meet program requirements may also apply for a license endorsement as a
highly qualified middle grades teacher of mathematics.


This program is open to current teachers of mathematics with priority given to teachers of grades 5–8 in the Milwaukee Public Schools. Other individuals may apply and will be considered on a space available basis.

To be eligible, applicants must meet UWM admission requirements and meet course prerequisites. Admission to UWM requires that participants have a high school diploma or equivalent and be accepted as a University Special Student.


Funding for this project is provided by the Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality (WITQ) Higher Education Professional Development Programthrough an award to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. (


Complete an application form and prepare a written statement, and submit along with a college transcript showing verification of completed college level mathematics courses.

Send, email, or fax application materials to:

Dr. Kevin McLeodFax: 414-229-4855

Center for Mathematics and Science Education ResearchAttn: Pam

265 Enderis HallEmail:

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI53201-0413


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER)

414-229-6646 (ask for Pam) ~

Kevin McLeod, Department of Mathematical Sciences
414-229-5269 ~

DeAnn Huinker, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research

414-229-6646 ~

DEADLINE: Wednesday May 14, 2008

Application deadline is Wednesday, May 14, 2008. However, applications will be accepted after this date on a space available basis.

Mathematics Fellows Program

Application: Deadline Wednesday May 14, 2008*

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School PhoneFax

Home AddressCity/State/Zip

Home PhoneE-Mail

Academic and Professional Qualifications

Current teaching assignment (grades & subjects)

Anticipated teaching assignment in Fall 2008 (grades & subjects)

College-level math content courses completed

Wisconsin Teaching license(s) held (grades/specializations)


Submit university transcripts (student copies are fine) that showcompleted mathematics courses.

Written Statement (must be included for consideration of program application)

On a separate sheet of paper, describe why you feel you are a suitable candidate for the Math Fellows program. Your response should be limited to one page and should address:

  • Your knowledge of and commitment to the goals of the program.
  • The mathematical knowledge you hope to gain from the program.
  • The uses to which you plan to put that knowledge.

Statement of Individual Commitment and Principal Support

As principal of ______school, I acknowledge the commitment of ______to the Math Fellows program, and I agree to support this individual to the best of my ability.

Signature of PrincipalDate

Signature of ApplicantDate

*Applications will be accepted after the May 14th deadline on a space available basis.
