Napoleon DBQ

You will write one paragraph answering the following prompt “was Napoleon a democratic reformer or an imperial tyrant? You should use the Napoleon DBQ packet and notes to guide you. Your evidence must include information from at least 3 different documents. You will write the paragraph at home. It is due on Tuesday October 18th. It must be typed and can be printed out or e-mailed. On this day you will turn in A. Document answers B. completed outline C. typed paragraph

Background Information — Begin with two to three sentences setting up the historical background of your argument, introducing the time and setting. Be sure to explain Napoleon’s impact upon French and European history. Your notes from the PowerPoint discussions will help. Thesis Statement—Answer the prompt directly. This is the main point you are trying to make in the essay. Briefly state the evidence that you will discuss in the body. Consider placing your evidence into subject headings or categories. Underline thesis statement. Three Subcategories/Evidence —Support your thesis with the three most convincing pieces of evidence. You must use evidence from at least 3 different documents. Make sure you explain/discuss how each piece of evidence supports your thesis. Please use parenthetical documentation (Doc. 1 for example) at the end of the sentence. Conclusion—summarizes your main argument. End the paragraph with a statement regarding the overall importance of Napoleon’s actions to European and/or World History.

Reminder: Avoid 1st-3rd person: I, me, my, our, we, etc. Keep tone formal and avoid slang or informal language please cite your sources. When paraphrasing, use the author or groups name and the document letter in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. Please use the bottom of this sheet to organize information for your writing. Make sure your final draft includes transitions!

A.  Background information (how did Napoleon come to power? explain the difference between a hero and a tyrant) ______


B.  Thesis statement (directly respond to prompt. State evidence, perhaps use categories)



C.  Body (use evidence from 3 different sources) Cite your evidence and explain how it proves/ backs up your thesis

#1 Evidence ______

Analysis ______

#2 Evidence ______

Analysis ______

#3 Evidence ______

Analysis ______

D.  Conclusion

Summary of Main points ______

Overall historical impact/ significance ______